My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2307: Decree 3

Chen Yang and Yu Chengfeng arrived in the sea where Yu Chengfeng and Yin Neng had fought.

After more than half a month, the sea has returned to calm.

However, in this area of ​​the sea, I do not know when the ship was gathered.

A huge iron ship dropped its anchor and stopped in the middle of the ocean. The ship was full of repairers, staring at the ocean, as if searching for something in this area.

Above the sea, there are a large number of monks floating.

And from time to time, a repairman rises into the air, flew down on a ship, and communicated with people on board.

Chen Yang looked at it, but was a bit surprised.

A total of thirteen ships in the ocean are 100-meter ships. Basically, there are repairers in the induction period, and hundreds of repairers in the real government period.

Needless to say, the holiday period, just pick one out and reach this state.

Although the 13 ships did not carry flags, Chen Yang was able to judge that it was from three different forces through the style of giant ships.

This sea area is closer to the northern continent. Chen Yang speculated that three of the three different forces came from the northern continent.

He was thinking, Yucheng Fengdao beside: "These people are Wuliangjiao, Ziyun Island, and Jinghua Palace."

Dominate the three martial arts of the northern continent!

Chen Yang raised an eyebrow, but was afraid to belittle the person on the boat.

It was just a search, and it was able to send induction repairers, and more than one.

Chen Yang concluded that the top masters of the three martial arts must have reached the spirit state.

It is indeed the existence of even the North Fire Sect, the Four Colleges, the Rune Guild, and the Ten Colleges. The strength of the three martial arts is indeed not simple.

If you offend the three martial arts, even if you are near Yu Chengfeng, I'm afraid you can't afford it.

Chen Yang was trying to ask Yu Chengfeng if he wanted to go down to look for Qixing Fuchen, Yu Chengfeng was already in shape and suddenly swooped down.

There were too many people flying in the sky, and no one noticed the emergence of Yu Chengfeng.

His body floated on one of the giant ships, his movements were elegant and elegant.

Seeing this, Chen Yang hesitated, followed, and landed next to Yu Chengfeng.

They suddenly appeared, and everyone on the boat was startled, all looking at them.

One of the induction repairers was originally vigilant, but after seeing Yu Chengfeng, his face was reverent, and he went forward and said, "御 ……"

Yu Chengfeng raised his hand, stopped the voice of everyone present, and said to the practitioners in the induction period, "What are you doing?"

The other side said, "We got this news. There was a battle between the spirit repairer and the monster, and we came to check the situation."

Yu Chengfeng glanced at all the ships present, and then said, "Let everyone, including the other two factions, leave, and my things are here, and I will find them myself."


The induction repairer revered respectfully, did not dare to make mistakes, left the air, and quickly went to other ships.

He stopped on each ship, talked to the leader on the ship, and then proceeded to the next ship.

When all the ships had gone, he returned and bowed to Yu Chengfeng: "It's done."

"Leave a boat and take someone away."

Yu Chengfeng said calmly.


The induction repairer nodded, and immediately let a boat down into the sea.


Yu Chengfeng greeted Chen Yang and landed on the boat.

Chen Yang glanced at the boat, a little at a loss, but followed it.

Immediately afterwards, all the practitioners in the sky and under the sea flew back to their boats.

The thirteen giant ships were decelerating very quickly and headed towards the northeast, and soon disappeared at the end of the sea-sky connection.

This sea area is calm, only a flat boat floating by Chen Yang and Yu Chengfeng is floating, shaking slightly with the waves, as if no one else has come.

Chen Yang stood on the flat boat, looking at Yu Chengfeng's back, his eyes widened, but was shocked by the situation just now.

What kind of identity is Yu Chengfeng? Just a word, actually let all the three majors retreat, it is too domineering.

Chen Yang couldn't help curiosity. He took a step forward and asked, "Predecessor Yu, who are you, and why are the three martial artists obedient to your orders?"

"Is my identity important?"

Yu Chengfeng looked back at Chen Yang and smiled indifferently, and said, "You and I intersect, you only need to know my name, what other information means?"

Chen Yangxuan smiled, and suddenly found that Yu Chengfeng was really a bit of a demeanor.

Whether it is behavior, speech, or philosophy, it is not ordinary.

In particular, his move to Yin Neng to leave the whole body made Chen Yang feel incredible.

"Ha ha."

Since Yu Chengfeng was unwilling to say it, Chen Yang could only laugh.

"Wait a minute, I'll get Qixing Fuchen first."

Yu Chengfeng turned around and stood on the side of the ship.

However, he seemed to have no weight, and the ship's side did not tilt at all.

He Zhenyuan condensed his eyes, and in his eyes, a purple light burst out, penetrated the sea, and shone toward the bottom of the sea.

After half a minute, he stretched out his palm forward, and saw a wave of water coming from below the sea surface ~ ~ The front of the water wave was blooming with silver brilliance, which was his seven-star dust.

The duster jumped out of the water and fell into his hands.

As soon as his wrists were flipped, Dust was taken into him.

"Fortunately, I did not lose it."

Yu Chengfeng smiled. The twelve-patterned heavenly weapon was an invaluable treasure. If he lost it, even him, he would feel heart-broken.

As for the mystery, it is too rare, and the general spirit state is not expected to be obtained.

After taking back Qixing Fuchen, Yucheng Fengdao said, "Chen Yang, what are your plans?"

Chen Yang said: "Senior, I originally returned to the western continent by boat. Unexpectedly, silver was able to mix it. Now that the boat is gone, I intend to continue to fly back."

"That being the case, let's say goodbye."

Yu Chengfeng took out a token from Najie and handed it to Chen Yang, saying: "If you go to the northern continent and you are in trouble, showing this token may help you."

"Thank you Senior Yu."

Chen Yang thanked him, took the token, and saw that it was a round gray metal token. There was nothing else except the "Yu" in the center.

"I'm leaving."

Yu Chengfeng rose into the air, and before Chen Yang bid farewell to him, he turned into a purple awn, flew away and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Holding the token in his hand, Chen Yang looked in the direction that Yu Chengfeng was leaving and murmured, "Who is he?"

Shaking his head, Chen Yang, clueless, put away the token and flew southwest.

Flying back to the western continent, the journey is quite long.

However, there are islands along the way to rest, and it will not be exhausted.

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