My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2319: Hit

The crowd gave way, and two practitioners during the leave period, one left and one right, holding a young man, came out from behind the crowd.

That young man is Lin Jun.

He was taken to the Chamber of Deputies without knowing what happened.

When he arrived in the courtyard at this moment, when he looked at Chen Yang and Gu Man who were standing opposite him, his eyes brightened, but he did not expect that Chen Yang came.

"Star Lord."

Lin Jun cried in surprise. He was in a hurry and ran towards Chen Yang, but was held by two Lujiazhuang people to hold his arms and couldn't move.


Chen Yang ignored everyone in Lujiazhuang, and waved and smiled at Lin Jun.

"Now you can let my son go."

Lu Shang stared at Chen Yang, gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

Chen Yang pointed to Lin Jun: "You let him go first."


Lu Shang vetoed it decisively, but he did not dare to take the risk of his son's life. If Lin Jun was released by himself, Chen Yang killed Lu Yuanwei?

At that time, even if he killed Chen Yang himself, it would be useless.

Chen Yang said: "OK, we exchange at the same time."

Lu Shang did not expect that Chen Yang would take the initiative to propose such a condition when he was in a disadvantaged situation.

He wondered if there was a conspiracy.

His face was fierce, and he warned: "Don't play with Yin, so many of us, if you dare to play with Yin, I will kill you."

"It's as if I let your son go and you'll let me go."

Chen Yang poked his lips and immediately solved Lu Yuanwei's vein-blocking technique. When he stood up, he said, "Go."

Lu Yuanwei was able to escape, dragging his severely injured body, spreading his feet, ran to his father's side, and shouted, "Kill him, kill him ..."

At the same time, Lin Jun was released on the opposite side.

However, at this moment, everyone in the courtyard of the Lu family released the magical power and attacked Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang dared to break into Lujiazhuang, he simply ignored Lujiazhuang. They naturally did not let Chen Yang leave alive.

But at the moment they started, Chen Yang reached out and touched Gu Man. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Gu Man disappeared suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the wind blew through the yard, and Chen Yang's figure disappeared from the place.

The crowd was shocked, Lu Shang shouted, "Kill Lin Jun."

Immediately, there were people who were closer to Lin Jun, and they all shot and attacked Lin Jun.

These people are in the realm of the fake government period, where Lin Jun's extraordinary fourfold cultivation is unstoppable.

Seeing Lin Jun was about to be killed, suddenly, Lin Jun disappeared.

Next to Lin Jun, Chen Yang appeared here.


Several of the fake house repairers who attacked Lin Jun exclaimed, immediately changed their offensive and attacked Chen Yang.

Zhenyuan penetrated Chen Yang's body, but no blood sputtered.

The shadow flickered, and Chen Yang disappeared.

Everyone realized that this was just an afterimage of him, not his real body.

"Fast speed, be careful he runs away!"

Lu Shang shouted his throat quickly. The people in the entire courtyard suddenly vacated, trying to cover the courtyard, completely surrounding this area in case Chen Yang escaped.

But at this moment, the sound of a blade penetrating the body sounded.

The crowd looked at it, and saw that Chen Yang was holding a flaming five-stripe celestial sword in his hand, which was covered with a thin layer of true energy, and the blade passed through Lu Yuanwei's heart.

Before everyone waited, Chen Yang closed his sword. At the same time, he shook his sword.


The sword blade smashed Lu Yuanwei's chest. Lu Yuanwei retained his last sense of consciousness, looked down at the hole in his chest, and leaned toward the ground.


Lu Shang's eyes widened and he rushed forward to hold Lu Yuanwei.

He looked at his son in his arms, his eyes flushed, and his heart angered.

In the early days of a real mansion, he had just broken into his own house and killed his son. This is by no means forgivable.

He looked up and looked forward, thinking that Chen Yang would run away, but found that Chen Yang was standing in the yard and did not mean to escape.

This kid is not ordinary mad.

Lu Shang put Lu Yuanwei's body next to him, holding a five-stranded heavenly sword, killing frenziedly, and pointing his sword at Chen Yang: "Boy, you are dead."

"No, you are dead."

Chen Yang looked calmly, glanced away from Lu Shang, and looked towards the sky.

I saw the sky above the courtyard, closed by the people of the Lu family tightly, holding arms one by one, glaring at Chen Yang.

"His five-patterned sky weapon, I want it."

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man from the early stage of Zhenfu emerged out of the crowd, holding a four-patterned heavenly sword in his hand and attacked Chen Yang.

This man is Lu Shang's brother, named Lu Yixia.

Immediately afterwards, another person flew out. It was Lu Ling who scolded Chen Yang just now.

He wielded a four-stripe heavenly sword in his hand and shouted, "His appetite for living things is mine."

Two Zhenfu shot early and besieged Chen Yang.

In the eyes of everyone in the Lu family, even if Chen Yang is no matter how big he is, he will not be an opponent in the face of siege by two fellow practitioners.

Both Lu Yixia and Lu Ling did not take it lightly, left and right, released the artistic conception and supernatural power, and attacked Chen Yang ~ ~.

After all, just now, Chen Yang showed extraordinary speed.

If you let him slip away, it won't be good.

However, seeing the supernatural powers of the two, they will hit Chen Yang.

Suddenly, a gale passed by.

In full view, Chen Yang disappeared.

Two powerful supernatural powers penetrated a ray of afterimage left by Chen Yang and bombarded the ground.

A loud bang made the hall and the courtyard all flattened. A giant pit of 100 meters appeared on the ground, as if a piece of hillside was missing.

"He realizes the wind mood, blessing speed, you be careful!"

Lu Shang reminded that Zhenyuan condensed in his eyes, looking for Chen Yang's figure.

Although he was a little higher than Chen Yang, Chen Yang was so fast that even he couldn't easily capture Chen Yang's whereabouts.

However, after Zhen Yuan gathered his eyes, he finally found out where Chen Yang was.

I saw Chen Yang flew behind Lu Ling.

"Uncle Si, be careful behind!"

Lu Shang promptly reminded.

Lu's face was dignified, and he suddenly waved his big knife back, but he cut it empty.

His attack speed was not as fast as Chen Yang's moving speed, and he was easily dodged away from the attack.

"falling stars!"

Chen Yang moved to Lu Ling's left side, the fire lotus sword pierced, Zhenyuan condensed the sword tip, and formed the star sword spirit.

The real yuan fluctuated from Lu Ling's left.

His face changed drastically, knowing that Chen Yang had moved here and released his magical powers.

In a hurry, he waved his sword quickly, trying to resist.

However, he was too slow. As soon as he raised his hand, he was drowned in the expanding star sword qi.

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