My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2444: illegitimate child

"Chen Yang killed Lan Zhengyang and Fan Xinran ?!"

Qi Deyang was taken aback, his eyes flashed, and he was there.

Counting the six people who died or teleported before, as well as Lan Zhengyang, Fan Xinran, and Kai, then the nine people sent by Wandao League to Yujiang Water City have been wiped out.

This is a huge blow for Deyang.

He made adequate preparations for the Lingzhou Conference.

The people of the Wandao League lived in the sea for many years. In his early years, Qi Deyang developed a secret method that can be connected underwater and within five miles.

Before participating in the Lingzhou Conference, he passed this secret method to Lan Zhengyang and others.

Therefore, Lan Zhengyang, Fan Xinran, Kai, as well as the previous Yu Fan and Wang Zhang, can meet in Yujiang Water City.

Before Yu Fan and Wang Zhang came out, Qi Deyang learned that Chen Yang had driven him out, and he thought about it. When the second round, he let Lan Zhengyang clean up Chen Yang and let out a bad gas.

But I did not expect that at this moment Kai brought back the news that Chen Yang had actually killed Lan Zhengyang?

The news shocked him.

Not to mention why Chen Yang was able to beat Lan Zhengyang. The death of Lan Zhengyang alone caused Qi Deyang's heart to sink, and he was so distraught.

Among them, there is a secret.

No one else knows that Lan Zhengyang was an illegitimate child born to Qi Deyang and his young woman.

But later, after Qi Deyang grew up, in order to get the promotion of his current father-in-law, that is, the former leader of the Wandao Alliance, he did not recognize Lan Zhengyang, but took the daughter of the former leader. And status.

But in his heart, he always remembered that his illegitimate son was better than the three sons he had later born.

Moreover, he intends to train Lan Zhengyang, wanting him to be the next leader of the Wandao Alliance.

Lan Zhengyang's talent and strength are indeed competent, and others can't say any gossip.

However, he did not expect that Lan Zhengyang was actually killed by Chen Yang now.

The Wandao League army was annihilated, and his favorite son was killed.

For Deyang, his hopes are now shattered.

"Chen Yang, Chen Yang again!"

Qi Deyang gritted his teeth and showed extremely fierce color in his eyes, his fists clenched.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that Qi Deyang hated Chen Yang.

Yu Qingfeng frowned, and Chen Yang provoked the Wan Dao League, which is by no means a good thing. This force can be said to be the leader in the waters around the western continent.

If Qi Deyang remembers it, and since then, the surrounding waters have blocked Chen Yang, then Chen Yang is afraid that he will not even be able to go out of the western continent.

Yu Qingfeng sighed and did not talk.

He knew that it was useless to talk about Deyang at this moment.

Qi Deyang tried his best to keep his tone calm, Shen asked, "Kay, you said that Chen Yang killed Fan Xinran and Lan Zhengyang. Is he a dozen or three?"

Kai thought of Chen Yang's powerful combat power, and his eyes looked scared, and he nodded, "That's true."

As soon as this word was spoken, everyone looked surprised.

The audience in the stands burst into the fiercest talk so far.

"Lan Zhengyang is the pinnacle of Zhenfu. Although not as top as Lu Dengfeng and Lei Bailian, but the strength is also extraordinary. In addition to Kai and Fan Xinran in the later period of Zhenfu, even Chen Yang cannot beat ?

"In the middle of Chen Zhencai's mansion, he actually defeated the other three to join forces. Is this true or false?"

"I think Kay shouldn't lie."

"Well, it's incredible, Chen Yang is a peerless genius, and his combat power is too terrible."

"He reached the extreme state of the stars, and realized the dual mood, mastered the attack of the consciousness. If he continues to grow, he will soon reach the top of the western continent."

This last sentence did not come from anywhere, but it caused all the big men on the podium to fall into silence.

At present, Chen Yang's potential is indeed huge.

If he really is on the top of the western continent, is there any other power thing?

In the empire area, the royal family of the Heavenly Empire supports them. Naturally, they are not afraid of anyone.

But other colleges, chambers of commerce, guilds, martial arts, and other forces, at that time, I'm afraid they will be crushed by Longji College.

No one wants to see this situation.

At this time, many influential people hope in their hearts that Chen Yang had better die in Yujiang Water City, and never come out again.

Qi Deyang secretly analyzed it, but was skeptical of Kai's words, and asked Kai: "Lan Zhengyang's strength is not weak, how can you not beat Chen Yang when the three of you join forces?"

"At the time, the three of us had just finished fighting the monsters, and all of them suffered minor injuries, and our combat strength recovered only less than 70%. Otherwise, we may not be defeated."

In Kai's view, even if the three of them are prosperous, they may not be Chen Yang's opponents.

But in front of so many people, they still have to save some face for Wandao League.

Otherwise, Qi Deyang would be too shameful.

Others did not know the truth, and they believed Kay's words, thinking that Chen Yang was caught off guard by the three of them.

Qi Deyang looked cold and Shen said: "So, Chen Yang is in danger, and it is shameful of such a small person to act. I don't know who taught him."

This sentence not only scolded Chen Yang, but also scolded Longji College.

Yu Qingfeng, who had not been silent, did not say anything at this moment, but he couldn't.

He sat on the chair and said without hesitation, "Qi Mengzhu, what do you mean by this, can't it be impossible when others are injured?"

Qi Deyang whispered coldly: "The Lingzhou Conference is a grand event for our western continent. In the Yujiang Water City, everyone should compete fairly in order to show their skills. Naturally, when people are in danger, they are not truly capable."

"So say ~ ~ Lan Zhengyang, Kai and Fan Xinran joined forces to deal with Chen Yang alone, is it a skill? They are higher than Chen Yang in all three realms, but they are still defeated. This is the skill ? "

Yu Qingfeng smiled and shook his head and said, "Master of Qi Alliance, as you said, if you want to be fair, then the three people of Lan Zhengyang should depress the realm, then fight one-on-one with Chen Yang."

This time, however, made Qi Deyang dumb and unable to argue.

His face flushed with anger, and he said coldly, "Yu Qingfeng, this is a strong argument. Chen Yang is taking advantage of others, he is a villain."

"How is it? You naturally understand that I don't want to argue more."

Yu Qingfeng smiled and kept silent.

At this time, it was Yu Qingfeng, who had the absolute advantage.

At this moment, Qi Deyang's resentment towards Longji College and Chen Yang deepened.

He turned his gaze and glanced at Cui Haosheng next to him, and there was a sinister look in his eyes, a wicked scheme coming to his mind.