My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 264: Indifferent

Seeing that the Ferrari driver had hit the old man, he even poked his head out and scolded him, and Chen Yang frowned.

The old man was not injured. If it is handled properly, this is actually not a problem.

But the driver's attitude made Chen Yang very upset.

"This bastard, even the wicked will sue!"

Liu Yan muttered angrily, speeding his pace and heading directly for Ferrari.

Chen Yang followed. A small traffic accident had caused traffic congestion. The Ferrari driver scolded, and the car behind him kept honking.

"Women Nima, dead old man, don't get up quickly and want to blackmail Laozi, do you dream?"

When the Ferrari driver saw the old man lying on the ground, he got out of the car, closed the door with a slam, and walked towards the old man aggressively.

This man is quite handsome, wearing a pair of sunglasses, like a male model.

But this character makes people dare not compliment.

The man took off the sunglasses and stared down at the old man. Yin and Yang said strangely, "You old guy, you think I would sympathize with you by sticking a cane? Hurry up, there is a driving recorder in Laozi's car. Do n’t want to touch the porcelain."

"Oh, young man, I did not get hit by you, but I was shocked and flashed my waist. I really couldn't stand up."

The old man said with a sad face.

The man frowned, but wasn't able to say: "Is my waist flashing? Is it because you have a waist flashing, I can't do it, hurry up, don't try to hit me."

"I'm not touching porcelain, please help me to the side, don't block the road, you see the cars behind are blocked."

The old man said, reaching out to the man, hoping that he could pull him.

However, the man could not avoid it. He took a step back and pointed at the old man: "Old man, do you think I don't know your ghost tricks, as long as I am touched by you, you must not follow me deadly, and you must blackmail me. A lot of money. Damn, the old guy is really shameless. "

"Young man, I really don't touch porcelain."

The old man withdrew his hand, his expression full of helplessness, shook his head, feeling very helpless.

The driver behind Ferrari was also a little impatient and came out one after another, talking eloquently.

"Old man, you don't want to slap people, hurry up and walk away, we are still in a hurry, don't delay our time."

"Old man, you don't look at what other people drive, Ferrari. You provoke this man, do you think he will let you go?"

"Hurry up, don't block the road, everyone is in a hurry."

"I said handsome guy, you just give this old guy two or three hundred yuan to end the matter, don't keep the road blocked."

Hearing this, the man driving Ferrari frowned.

Although he didn't lack those two or three hundred yuan, he was a little unwilling to let him give the money to the old man like that.

He glanced at his watch, it was not too late, and he had important appointments that he couldn't afford to delay.

"It's so unlucky, why did you encounter such a thing today."

The man cursed, took out three hundred yuan from the wallet, threw it severely on the old man, and scolded: "Dead old man, the money is for you, don't hurry away. For the old one, for two or three hundred yuan , Lying on the street, so cheap. "

Three hundred-dollar bills were scattered on the old man, which made him feel extremely humiliated, his face pale, and his body trembling: "Young man, I really don't do it for money. Which one of you can do well, just hold me aside."

"Well, I think you think you have less money?"

The man glared at the old man, snorted coldly, scolded him in the mouth, took out another two hundred yuan, and threw it at the old man.

"Dead old man, a total of five hundred yuan, enough for you to stand up, don't play tricks on me, or I'll annoy Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu can beat you."

Under this humiliation, the old man felt aggrieved, but did not know how to refute.

He could only shake his head and said, "No, I'm not touching porcelain."

The man didn't have the slightest sympathy, and yelled coldly: "Little **** nonsense, you think that a few drops of urine will come out of your eyes, and I will sympathize with you? Hurry up and don't delay Lao Tzu's time."

"Young man, I ..."

Tears flowed from the eyes of the old man, and he wanted to explain, but suddenly he couldn't speak, gasping heavily, his chest violently trembling, and the whole man was shaking violently.

"Hmm ... Hmm ... hurry, medicine, I have a heart attack in my pocket ..."

The old man said intermittently, the whole face was white, and it scared the people around him.

But no one helped. Instead, everyone took a step back, for fear that the old man would contaminate himself.

"Well, now the Porcelain staff are so good at acting, even playing heart disease?"

The man sneered and looked at the trembling old man jokingly, and said, "Act, you continue to act, don't pretend that I don't know your ghost tricks. As long as I help you get medicine, you must grab my hand and say I overthrow you . Sorry, Master Ben is not fooled. "

The old man's murky eyes looked around, but he found a coldness, his breathing was getting more and more intense ~ ~ Then he calmed down slowly and his eyes were completely lost.

"The acting is so good, the Oscars will give it to you."

The man leaned next to the Ferrari door and sneered, "I'm going to see how long you can play."

The old man's breathing was already very difficult. He lay on the ground, looked at the nearest Ferrari man for help, and reached out to the man with his final strength.

"Everyone says that there are organizations in all industries. I think it is also the gangs who are involved in the crime. The old man's acting skills are obviously learned."

The man still ridiculed, lit a cigarette, and watched the show side by side.

But suddenly, the old man's right hand fell to the ground without energy, and his breathing became extremely slow, his eyes just opened slightly, as if in a dying state.

At this time, everyone realized that the situation was a little bad.

Someone in the crowd said, "This old man, it seems that he really has a heart attack, and the acting will not turn his face into blue. No, hurry up and call an ambulance."

Hearing this, the Ferrari man froze, looked at the old man, and frowned, "This old guy, won't he really die?"

Although the old man's breathing was getting weaker and weaker, the man did not go up to help, but patted his chest, and smiled, "Fortunately, I am clever. I didn't meet him just now. Otherwise, this old guy is dead. It must be something that depends On my body."

At this moment, the man remained indifferent and horrifyingly indifferent.

Seeing that the old man was about to stop, a figure rushed into the crowd, lifted the old man, took the medicine for heart disease out of his pocket, fed it, and then massaged the old man's heart.

The Ferrari man raised his eyebrows and said unexpectedly: "Sure, there are really good people. You are so brave, so you are not afraid that this old guy will die. Is it on you?"