My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2764: Let him go

Chen Yang looked down in the hall and found that there was no interesting elixir, so he sat down and looked at the corridor where Ji Feiyan and others just entered and waited for them to come out.

He just saw Duan Chengyi, Bao Kuizhi, etc. being carried out and thrown into the next room.

He noticed something was wrong, rushed over immediately, and kicked the door open.

Gu Jifei, Yang Qingqing and others panicked, making him realize that the man standing in front of him must be trying to make a mistake.

"Go away!"

Qiao Liangxue looked at Chen Yang, angrily.

Chen Yang ignored Qiao Xueliang, stepped into the room, frowned, and said, "There are seven tricks that are really scattered. No wonder they are the sisters and they cannot deal with you."

When he heard this, Qiao Liangxue was surprised and said, "The seven tricks are really scattered, colorless, odorless and tasteless. How did you find out?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Chen Yang poked his lips and said to Ji Fei, "How is it, sister Ji, are you all right?"

"It's all right."

Ji Jifeiyan pushed Wang Yilei, who was pressing on himself, and answered Chen Yang.

Qiao Liang learned that Chen Yang ignored him, and yelled, "Boy, don't get in the way, get out of here immediately, or I will kill you!"

"Only you?"

Chen Yang glanced at Qiao Liangxue, showing disdain.

"Look for death!"

Qiao Liangxue turned his hand to take out a ten-patterned heavenly sword from the ring, and raised his sword and attacked Chen Yang.

丹 At this moment, the Dan Reward Conference is being held, and the city's main director Duan Chunyang and Rune Guild President Qiao Yansheng are both here.

Therefore, his purpose was to kill Chen Yang with a sword, and then leave the place with the four women of Ji Fei Yan.

四 The quadruple sword he realized was released, and the thick sword awn stretched out, turning constantly, as if just drilling, attacking Chen Yang.

The attack power of this blow was extremely strong, and Ji Feiyan, Yang Qingqing and others suddenly changed their faces and quickly said, "Brother Chen, be careful!"

Wang Yilei has the appearance of embarrassment. She feels that she has become like this, all thanks to Chen Yang.

The most she wanted to see was Chen Yang's killing.

Last time she went to Du Wei's Mansion to find Han Lin, but she didn't meet anyone. Otherwise, she knew that Chen Yang killed Zhuang Shixian, and she wouldn't think Qiao Liangxue could kill Chen Yang.

"Look for death!"

Squinting to see the sword slamming, Chen Yang showed a cold face, took out the white sword, the eleven lines were activated, and one sword stabbed towards Qiao Liangxue.

When he stabbed the sword, he released the sixth heavy fire dragon mood, and the fire dragon flew out of him, making a low roar, and the huge body seemed to break the whole room.

Xun Zhenyuan moved, and the star qi was condensed instantly, because the distance was too close. When the qi formed, he directly wrapped Qiao Liangxue's sword awn.

With a loud bang, the Jian Mang was crushed and broken into nothingness.

"Ah! How is that possible !?"

Xie Qiaoliangxue was so frightened that he did not expect a mid-term practitioner to break his magical power easily.

He quickly wanted to dodge, but was enveloped by the expanding star sword, too late to escape.

Blood splattered, Qiao Liangxue flew backwards, the star sword qi did not burst, and continued to expand.

Suddenly, when Chen Yang's sword was closed, the star sword energy dissipated under his control and was not completely released.

At this moment, the next room is Duan Chengyi and others. If Xingchen Jianqi is released, then I don't know how many people will be injured, so Chen Yang will receive the sword.

Qi Jianqi has wounded Qiao Liangxue, which is enough.

I banged.

Qiao Liangxue flew out, broke the wall, and landed in another room.

In that room, his companion, and Qiu Renzhi and others looked at Qiao Liangxue with blood on his face in surprise, wondering what happened.

"How dare you hurt me!"

Qi Xingchen's sword energy was not completely released. Qiao Liangxue seemed to be dripping with blood, but the injury was not serious. He immediately stood up and yelled at Chen Yang.

阳 Chen Yang was unmoved. The damage just caused was not great, but the movement was very big.

He believes that someone will come soon.

At that time, Qiao Liangxue would never dare to act arrogantly.

没 He ignored Qiao Liangxue and went to the next room to wake up Duan Chengyi, Bao Kuizhi and Ji Junyi.

"Sister Ji, Qingqing are they all right?"

When the three of them woke up, they asked eagerly.

I didn't wait for Chen Yang to answer, they saw the three non-trivial Ji Feiyan on the other side of the broken wall, they were relieved, and ran to ask about the situation.

I learned that Wang Yilei even helped Qiao Liang to learn Ji Feiyan, and the three were furious.

Especially Ji Junyi, slap in front of Wang Yilei, and said angrily, "You are too much."

Wang Yilei stepped back and easily avoided Ji Junyi's slap.

During the heyday of Ji Jijunyi, he was not Wang Yilei's opponent. He couldn't run the real yuan now, and it was even more impossible to beat Wang Yilei.

He escaped Ji Junyi's attack, and Wang Yilei was shocked by Chen Yang's strength. She didn't dare to say a word, and quickly retreated to the wall.

"kill him!"

Qiao Liangxue was furious and pointed at Chen Yang, shouting to several companions.

Several of his companions are inductive practitioners in the early and middle stages. They are already forty or fifty years old, but they have beauty skills, so they seem to be more than thirty.

However, although they are older, Qiao Liang learns from others.

I heard the order at this moment, swarmed up and attacked Chen Yang.

"Stop it for me!"

At this moment, a cold drink sounded at the door.

Everyone turned around and looked at the menacing guys, shrinking their heads, seeming to be in awe of the comer ~ ~ stopped the offensive on Chen Yang.

A few people on Ji Feiyan's side didn't know the person who had just appeared.

But Qiao Liangxue was cheeky, pointing at Chen Yang and shouting, "Brother Duan, this guy dared to attack me and disrupt the rewarding ceremony. You should get out and take him down."

The person who appeared at this time was Duan Yi.

Hearing Qiao Liangxue's words, he frowned, walked to Chen Yang, and said in a deep voice: "I just heard Fu Bo say you came to the Danxun Conference, but I didn't want to show it, so I didn't come to you. I didn't expect I heard Fighting movement, come and see, it is you who are here. "

Seeing this, everyone was a bit surprised, but Duan also knew Chen Chen.

Chen Yang laughed: "Duan Yi, wouldn't you blame me for doing this?"

Yi Duan also said: "First, what's going on?"

"This guy wanted to bully my fellow sisters and sisters. When I found out, he wanted to kill me, but not my opponent. I was beaten."

Chen Yang briefly said a few words, Duan also looked at the situation in the room, and immediately made a judgment.

He and Qiao Liangxue have not had a deep relationship, but he also knows Qiao Liangxue's lust, so Chen Yang's words are probably true.

He looked ugly and arched at Chen Yang, saying, "Chen Yang, can you look at my face and let Qiao Liang learn a horse?"

"What, he hit me, didn't take him down and asked him to plead guilty, but also asked him to let me go !?") !!