My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2765: Who wants to kill Chen Danshi?

"What, he hit me, and didn't take him off to confess, but let him let me go !?"

Xi Qiao Liangxue exclaimed when he heard Duan Yi's words.

Gu Jifeiyan and others saw that this man, Duan Yi, was highly respected by Qiao Liangxue and others, but he was afraid that his status was not simple.

He was in front of Chen Yang, but he was very humble. Why?

Qiao Liangxue didn't let Duan Yi continue to talk, he said angrily: "Duan Yi, what are you doing, I was beaten, even let him let me go? I Qiao Liangxue put the words here, I don't kill him today, I promise Be human! "

Luan Duan also looked coldly, glanced at Qiao Liangxue and his companions, and hummed coldly: "Huh, then you try it out, depending on you, can you beat Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang can kill Zhuang Shixian, Duan is also very confident in his strength. As long as he can't get out of his mind, few people are Chen Yang's opponents during the induction period.

"Even if I can't fight, I will let others kill him!"

Qiao Liang Xue growled, and even Duan Yi's face was not given.

"Who wants to kill Chen Danshi?"

Suddenly, a bland voice sounded at the door.

After everyone turned around, Duan Yi's eyes brightened and he said, "Father!"

Qiao Liang learned, and at the first sight was Duan Chunyang, he did not dare to neglect, and quickly saluted: "Master, Lord!"

When I heard this claim, Ji Feiyan and others all changed their looks. I did not expect that this newly emerged person was the master of Yingjing City.

And his title to Chen Yang is actually Chen Danshi?

I can make the owner of the city so called, so Chen Yang's accomplishment is definitely not simple.

Ji Jifei and others looked at Chen Yang's eyes, full of suspicion, and felt that they could not see through Chen Yang.

When Duan Chunyang saw Qiao Liangxue covered with blood, he also asked Duan: "What's going on?"

Duan also told the cause and effect of the incident. After listening to Duan Chunyang, he looked cold and said to Qiao Liang: "Master Chen Dan is my noble guest. You not only insult his companions, but you also want to kill him. This is not treating me. Duan Chunyang puts it in his eyes. "

When I heard this, Qiao Liangxue shuddered in his heart, and he was busy, "Master, Lord, I ..."

"I don't want to hear any excuses!"

Yun Duan Chunyang interrupted Qiao Liangxue's words and said, "You immediately apologize to Chen Danshi and his friends, otherwise, I will certainly not spare you. Even if your father comes forward, I will still blame you!"

Rune Guild is a very large organization spreading across the entire Chongwuxing. It can be compared with the four major colleges and the Heihuo religion.

But in fact, the Rune Guild is an official organization, affiliated with the Daxia dynasty. After being elected by the president of the general assembly, it must be appointed by the royal family before it can officially take office.

In other continents, the status of the Rune Guild is still a little bit aloof, but in the central continent, the Rune Guild is often constrained by the cities and towns, and even in some cities, the Rune Guilds must obey the orders of the citys.

Yingjing City is no exception. Although Qiao Yan, president of the Rune Guild, is a metaphysical alchemist, he is in the early stage of condensed spirit, and his strength is much worse than Duan Chunyang. Although the two are polite to each other, in fact Qiao Yan is Not afraid to offend Duan Chunyang.

So Qiao Liangxue dared to argue with Duan Yi, but facing Duan Chunyang in the late stage of condensing, he did not have the slightest confidence.

I was really anxious, as Duan Chunyang said, even if his father is here, it's not easy.

He just made Qiao Liangxue not understand why, when Duan Chunyang came forward, he maintained Chen Yang so firmly. What was the relationship between the two?

"Qiao Liangxue, didn't you hear me?"

Seeing that Qiao Liangxue was there, Duan Chunyang said in a deep voice.

Qiao Liang learned to return to the gods, and did not dare to offend Duan Chunyang. He bit his teeth and turned his hands to Chen Yang.

表现 His performance, at first glance, is right and wrong, but it can be considered advocacy.

Duan Chunyang turned to Chen Yang and said, "Chen Dan, his apology, are you still satisfied?"


Speaking of this, if Chen Yang also said that he was not satisfied, would he not give Duan Chunyang a face.

"Let's go, Master Chen Dan, I'll show you the Danshang Conference."

Duan Chunyang made a gesture to invite Chen Yang to leave the room.

Chen Yang refused: "Citylord, I will not bother you, just a few friends and I just wander around."

"I'll leave now."

Duan Chunyang didn't persuade him, turned around and left, and ordered Duan to accompany Chen Yang.

I waited for Duan Chunyang to go far. Without his town, the atmosphere in the room seemed strange.

Qiao Liangxue glared at Chen Yang;

Ji Jifei and others stared at Chen Yang with suspicion;

Tong Ji Junyi and Wang Yilei face each other, their eyes are very complicated.

The only two people who are calm are Chen Yang and Duan Ye.

"Let's go."

Chen Yang turned around and greeted Ji Feiyan and others, then went out with Duan Yi and returned to the main hall.

Qiu Renzhi wanted to keep up, Ji Feiyan turned his head and stared sternly, and said coldly: "Sorry, Brother Qiu, we don't want to go with you, and please ask Qiao Liang to learn how to treacherous."

Qiu Renzhi frowned, and quickly explained: "Non-smoke, all this is a misunderstanding. I thought Qiao Liangxue just wanted to know you, but he didn't expect this."


Ji Jifei snorted coldly and stopped talking, leaving Qiu Renzhi there.

Bian Ji Junyi glanced at Wang Yilei and dropped a sentence, "Good for himself." His eyes became indifferent and he left the room with Chen Yang.

In the last room, only Qiu Renzhi, Wang Yilei and Qiao Liangxue were left.

Qiu Renzhi invited Ji Feiyan to visit the Dan Conference today. The original intention was to approach Ji Feiyan and communicate his feelings. However, he did not expect that this would happen. He was angry and anxious.

Wang Yilei was shocked by Chen Yang's strength and connections, especially Duan Chunyang's support just now, which made her realize how wrong it was to help Han Lin frame Chen Yang.

If you did n’t have that one, you would n’t have done it now.

As for Qiao Liangxue, he thought he was going to pick one out today. Who knew that Cheng Cheng would kill him halfway through the road ~ ~ Stop him for a while. He was pressured by Duan Chunyang to do nothing.

He quickly cleaned up the blood on his body, changed his clothes, went out, gritted his teeth and said, "Dare you hurt me, even if the Lord of the City supports you, I will never let it go so easily."

Uh ...

I returned to the hall, Ji Feiyan, Yang Qingqing and others were all curious about Chen Yang.

I was curious about his strength and his relationship with the city's main government.

However, because Duan was also present, they were not convenient to ask and had to wait to speak again.

Chen Yang has seen the elixir in the hall, and he has no interest. He said to Duan Yidao: "There is no other project in the rewarding Dan conference, so I will leave first."

"Chen Yang, don't worry."

Luan Duan also smiled, with a mysterious look, and then said: "The highlight of tonight is not these ready-made elixir, but another Qidan, which will be appreciated soon."