My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2805: Formation

"Hu Ji, you betray the religion, I will kill you first."

Tao Chen was so aggressive that he waved with two swords and attacked Hu Ji first.

Hu Ji is just Tao Chen, who is at the top of her transcendent realm, strength and induction.

At this moment Tao Chen attacked, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Chen Yang and said, "My son save me!"

Seeing Hu Ji dodging, Tao Chen turned around with both swords, covering both Chen Yang and Hu Ji.

"Snake Panhu breaks the magic wheel."

Tao Chen's double knives were cut from the sides behind him and then closed in front of him.

The left sword condenses the sword, but it turns into a long snake, showing a venomous atmosphere.

There is a howling sound from the right knife, and the sword is like a tiger, roaring with the sound of the knife howling, like a tiger coming down the mountain.

One snake and one tiger, one left and one right.

The two daggers were extremely fierce, and the pressure formed caused the entire cave to tremble.

"falling stars!"

Chen Yang wields a sword with a star qi and strikes forward.

Fortunately, the height of the cave is high enough, otherwise, it would be necessary to break through the cave alone.


Xingchen Jianqi and Snake Tiger Sword hit each other, and they were annihilated.

Tao Chen's eyes flashed unexpectedly. After believing Hu Ji's words for another three points, she couldn't help worrying. If Chen Yang could really kill Gu Zhengxin, then how could he be Chen Yang's opponent.

However, he did not give in. He stepped back a few steps, chopped forward with his long knife in his right hand, slender and condensed, and struck Chen Yang directly.

The sword was too sharp, and a long crack appeared on the ground wherever he passed.

Suddenly, a tiger-shaped ghost image emerged above the black knife air, which was the fifth tiger mood.

Chen Yang didn't plan to fight, while Zi Bai's sword stabbed, the roar of the fire dragon sounded, and he directly released the seventh heavy fire mood.

The star sword gas swept through the horrible fire, reflecting the entire burrow into a purple-red, and the hot temperature seemed to evaporate all the water in the burrow instantly, which was extremely hot and unbearable.

The attack power of Xingchen Jianqi was obviously better, crushing Tao Chen's sword and continuing to sweep away to Tao Chen.

"So strong!"

Tao Chen jumped in his heart, and he moved back two steps, revealing the dignity, turned his hand to take out something, and pressed it down to the ground.

When I saw Xingchen Jianqi reaching one meter in front of him, a rumbling sound came from the ground, and a thick and hard earth wall suddenly rose. It was more than two meters thick, more than ten meters wide, with a thick earthy atmosphere.

The sword gas bombarded the earth wall with a loud noise, and then broke apart.

The earth wall blocked all the energy, and the air waves and energy could only impact away from the left and right sides of Tao Chen.


Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and looked into Tao Chen's hand, and saw that it was a banner made of the second-grade spirit stone.

"Hu Ji, you betrayed the holy religion, be a concubine!"

Tao Chen yelled, holding the banner in his hand, and headed towards the ground.

The land beneath Hu Ji's feet suddenly condensed into a hard, sharp pillar, and suddenly fell on Hu Ji's body.

All this happened too quickly, and Hu Ji even had no time to react, and was pierced by the stone pillar.

A pillar with a diameter of thirty centimeters was pierced through her lower body, and her chest was exposed. Blood stained the whole pillar in red, and she was hung up and suspended at a height of three meters.


There was blood pouring out of Hu Ji's mouth, and his face was full of panic, and he panicked and said to Chen Yang, "My son saves me."

As soon as the words fell, the hole pierced the pillars of her body, bursting out tiny spikes, piercing her, leaving hundreds of holes in her.

With such a serious injury, where could she survive, but struggling twice, her body hung softly on the stone pillar.

"Hum, bitch!"

Tao Chen glanced at Hu Ji's body, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said to Chen Yang: "Fortunately, there is a formation here, otherwise, I might not be your opponent."

Chen Yang looked around and Shen said; "Do you think you can deal with me if you have a formation?"

Tao Chen said: "You can defeat He Kui, which means that the Hell Umbrella Array is not useful to you. However, the formation here is not a heaven-level formation, but a meta-level formation. , You have to peel off the skin, let alone you. "

Chen Yang laughed: "Xuan Xia matrix is ​​really powerful, but it depends on who is in your hands. You sense the state of the pinnacle, it is quite reluctant to fully control Xuan Xia matrix. And it is up to you The formation of this method is not enough to exert one-tenth of its power. You want to use this method to deal with me, I am afraid to be disappointed. "

"I'm not a mages, but I'm good enough for you."

Tao Chen gave a cold drink and held the banner in his hand to the ground.

The sound of the rumbling sounded, and the ground suddenly raised a stone pillar at Chen Yang's feet. The attack power and intensity were extraordinary. It seemed to be to penetrate Chen Yang's hole.

However, Chen Yang didn't panic at all ~ ~ Used the tempest mood, and ducked away sideways.

The stone pillar was raised more than three meters, and a tiny spike burst through it, and the whole looked like a giant fairy ball.

"Blast mood ?!"

The unexpectedness appeared in Tao Chen's eyes, thinking of the fire dragon mood just now, he was surprised: "You have realized the double mood!"

Chen Yang laughed: "Are you surprised?"

Tao Chen frowned, and secretly said, "Unbelievable, this guy should have realized the double mood. If this is passed on, it must be a shock to the whole Chong Wuxing. After all, the only people who understand the double mood at present are the only people Only one emperor. "

Thinking of Chen Yang actually being on par with the Holy Emperor, Tao Chen could not help fighting.

He looked at Chen Yang, his intention to kill was stronger.

Chen Yang has such a terrible talent. If he doesn't kill now, he will have endless troubles.

"See how many times you can hide!"

Tao Chen shouted and continued to control the matrix attack.

Bang, where Chen Yang was, there was a raised stone pillar, but he still hid.

Immediately after, a stone pillar protruded from the ground one after another, and Chen Yang exerted his speed to the extreme, constantly dodging, and at the same time, he flew towards Tao Chen.

Behind him, it was already full of the prickly stone pillars, densely packed, and looked very scary.

"Five Stars!"

After Chen Yang dodged a stone pillar again, Zi Baijian shot out instantly.

Five-star Lianzhu went straight ahead, carrying the power of the fire dragon and the wind.

That horrible attack force made Tao Chen tremble and secretly startled: "The power of this attack is comparable to that of the early fixer of Ningmu."

But then, Tao Chen discovered that the target of the five-star Renju attack was not him, but another direction.

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