My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2874: To the Imperial City

Nie Yan has seen Chen Yang use the sky to follow the arrow. Since that is the case, it is impossible for Chen Yang to keep him alive.

The secret treasures of the stars are arguably more important than any other secret.

This treasure is wanted by all the people in Xinghai. Only the top powerhouse in Xinghai has it.

If the news is leaked out, it is not only those who attack the martial arts will kill Chen Yang, but they will attract the strong in Xinghai.

However, since Nie Yun was going to tell a secret, Chen Yang also put off a bit.

He took out the wrath of the sky and aimed at Nie Yun, and then asked, "What secret?"

Nie Yan looked at the arrows condensed on the wrath of the sky, and he was hesitant, and said, "We teach in the black fire, there is someone who supports it from behind. That person is not a person from Diwuxing, but a person from other stars. Man is not a human, but a demon. His name ... "

Chen Yang took the conversation: "His name, Suo Wenyan, is a strong man in a three-phase state."

"You ... how do you know?"

There was an incredible expression on Nie's face. He heard the news from the deputy pope, and the deputy pope heard the conversation between the current and the former pope.

It can be said that this news is rarely known even within the Black Fire Church.

It is strange why Chen Yang knew.

"It's not a secret, so you can only die."

Chen Yang shook his head, sentenced Nie Yun to death, loosened the bowstring in his hand, and the sky shot out with an arrow.

"Do not……"

Nie Yan was already injured and could not escape the arrows at all, and was hit again.

He was wounded and wounded, lying on the ground, covered with blood and dying.

He squinted his eyes at Chen Yang, gritted his teeth and said, "You killed me, we will never let you go, the Black Pope, the Vice Pope, the Holy Torch, the Patriarch, the elders, and they will avenge me. And You are by no means their opponent. "

"A lot of shit."

Chen Yang wields a five-star renju, releases it, crosses a wall of light, and bombards Nie Yan who cannot move.

Nie Yan, who had only one last breath, was completely killed.

He was lying on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness. From beginning to end, he never expected that he would die in the hands of a sensory repairman.

When Chen Yang moved the flag in his hand, the entire upside down mixed sky array was retracted, the light wall disappeared, and the beam of light fell to the ground. In this valley, peace was restored.

He processed Nie Yun's body, took Nie Yun and Lu Yan's appetite, and immediately returned to Longwu College.

It's late at night, and tomorrow is the day of the end of the year.

Originally, according to Chen Yang's plan, before the end of the year, he could give himself a day to practice the second form of the "Starfall Sword Technique": Nine-Star Lianzhu, and strive to upgrade the current five-star to six .

However, it took him more than a day to resolve the matter because of the interruption of Nie Yun, Han Feiguan, and Lu Yan.

Tomorrow will be assessed, but he has no time to practice swordsmanship.

What's more depressing is that Han Feiguan ran away.

I don't know if that guy will think that he is a wanted criminal. If he is found out, Han Feiguan is very likely to notify the royal family.

"Now my means are still not arrogant enough, otherwise, how can we let Han Feiguan go."

Chen Yang entered Yingjing City, shook it, and was still dissatisfied with his strength.

If you let other fellow practitioners know, you will die.

After all, Chen Yang has been able to fight with the early and mid-term practitioners of Ningmu, and he is completely against the sky, and he is still dissatisfied with himself. Then, can someone else find a piece of tofu and hit him?

Chen Yang went directly to the city's main mansion, and after finding Duan Chunyang, he sneaked up on Han Feiguan and ran away.

Knowing this, Duan Chunyang was shocked: "Can you run Han Feiguan away?"

Chen Yang calmly said: "I use the formation method."

"So it is."

Duan Chunyang breathed a sigh of relief. Since there is a formation, it is understandable, otherwise Chen Yang can run away from Han Feiguan, which is too scary.

He thought about it and said to Chen Yang: "At this time, I will pay attention to the movement of the Duwei Mansion. If Han Feiguan does not return, then I will prepare to end the Duwei Mansion. The Duwei Mansion has been breaking the idea, this time the loss After Han Feiguan, I took the opportunity to completely remove it. "

Chen Yang wondered: "You are the city owner, and your realm is even higher than Han Feiguan. You have to deal with him, why are you so afraid?"

Duan Chunyang laughed: "We are all officials of the Celestial Empire. They belong to the royal family. Naturally, we cannot fight without cause. Otherwise, officials at all levels will fight hard. Then the entire Celestial Empire will be in chaos. Colleges, disciples, deacons, elders, and elders cannot be killed for no reason. "

"indeed so."

Chen Yang nodded in agreement, talked a few more words, and then left and returned to Longwu College.


This night passed ~ ~ The day after dawn, Han Feiguan who rolled out of the rhinoceros monster was far away from Longwu College three thousand miles at a very fast speed. Wash your body and change clothes.

He didn't rush, and found a shade to sit down, thinking about what to do next.

"Chen Yang's strength is far beyond expectations. If I return to Yingjing City, he hates it and may kill me secretly. He can kill Lu Ye, naturally he can also kill me. I will not be safe when I go back. So, Now I definitely can't, return to Yingjing City. "

"However, I must report this grudge."

"Hum, refining, double mood, and the modified flying car. Now, I already know who you are. Your boy, you are so brave, wanted by the Heavenly Empire throughout Chongwuxing. Dare to use your real name. "

Thinking of this, Han Feiguan took out a wanted order from the appellation.

This wanted order is the wanted order to arrest Chen Yang, but there are several portraits and names on it.

Han Feiguan's eyes looked at the first portrait. He didn't notice it before. At this moment, if you look closely, the faces in the painting really look similar to Chen Yang.

"I don't know if it is the error of the person who described the appearance or the idiot of the artist. If this portrait can be more realistic, I would have known it was Chen Yang."

Han Feiguan secretly complained that the wanted order was included in the ring, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and secretly said: "Chen Yang snatched the flying car representing the glory of the royal family and killed several officials. This is a contempt for Tianwei. This time came to me It is not an opportunity to say, as long as I report the news to the royal family, I will definitely get a huge gift. "

Han Feiguan cleared his mood, immediately set off, headed to the nearest flight point, took an empty boat, and went to the capital of the Heavenly Empire.

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