My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2932: Moral loss, human distortion

Duan Chengyi groaned: "I heard my brothers say that Zao Wou-ki once went out to perform a very difficult task. It was obvious that the task was successfully completed, but he suddenly disappeared, and he never appeared again. According to the speculation in the college, In all likelihood, he died. "

"What's the inside story?" Chen Yang asked.

Duan Chengyi's eyes narrowed, and he lowered his voice involuntarily, saying: "It is said that a colleague who was on the mission with him at the time exposed his whereabouts to Heihuoism, which led him to besiege by Heihuoism. where."

Chen Yang raised an eyebrow: "Who is the same doormate with him, and what is his surname?"

Duan Chengyi said: "How do you know that it is He Weiyun, the elder of the cave in the college, right? He Guancang is his offspring."

Chen Yang wondered: "Since He Weiyun exposed his whereabouts, why did the college not hold He Weiyun accountable?"

Duan Chengyi said: "These are all speculations, there is no conclusive evidence, and He Weiyun's contribution to the college is great, and the college will naturally not deal with him. However, I think that in the death of Zao Wou-ki, it is likely that He Weiyun was killed.

Where is it? It is 100%.

阳 From the words of Meng Xiude and Yang Ziming, Chen Yang can hear them. They seem to know some inside information of that year, but they have no hard evidence to prove He Weiyun.

And He Weiyun has already advanced into the hole, and his status and strength are extraordinary. Even if some inside information is really revealed, he may not be able to bring him down, but will anger her and provoke revenge.

Therefore, although Meng Xiude was indignant at He Weiyun, he could only bear the burden of humiliation and lived in a place in Longtan.

"He Guancang is really poisonous!"

Chen Chen muttered in his heart, said goodbye to Duan Chengyi, and returned to his residence.

Although he could not kill He Weiyun, and there was no safe way to bring this person down, but he disgusted the other side and asked He Weiyun to return the reward he won.

On the same day, Chen Yang spent more than five thousand spirit stones, all of which were carved into spirit tablets.

One night passed, and the next day, these lingers were scattered around Long Qianfeng.

The matter of Qianlong Qianfeng basically came to an end. Chen Yang thought about it. It was also time for him to go to Situ Hang who studied the blood of the stars.

I greeted Duan Chengyi and asked Long Qianfeng not to take a course at the college. Chen Yang set out to find Situ Hang.

If it was before, Chen Yang would ask for leave, which is quite troublesome.

But now he is the first person of Long Qianfeng. In many aspects, the college naturally opened one eye and closed one eye.

"Hey, He Weiyun, I see how you can handle this."

Before Chen Yang left the college, he glanced back, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then left.

Out of college, he did not take it lightly.

There are too many people who want to kill him secretly. One person may lose his life by accident.

He changed the appearance of himself by using "Creation of God" first, then he continued to move forward, and at the same time sensed if anyone was following him secretly.

He determined that no one was following him. He took out the Somersault Cloud and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

At the same time, Long Qianfeng.

咦 "Oh, there are spirit stones here!"

"No, there are some spirit stones thrown here, there are several."

Some people found that there were a few stones lying on the side of the road, and the location was very conspicuous. It seemed like someone had thrown it on purpose.

They picked up the spirit stone, wondering why a spirit stone was thrown here, but found that some information was engraved in the spirit stone, and it was made into a spirit stone.

"Chen Yang broke the primary abyss clearance record with a time of 523 gravels and received ten bipolar dans; He Guancang created a primary abyss clearance record with 3,126 gravels and received a reward It's a tattoo. "

"It is also a record-breaking. Chen Yang's record is six times higher than He Guancang. Why is the reward so much worse than He Guancang?"

"Why the one who gave two people different rewards?"

"Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Is it an outbreak of wildness or a helpless thirst? Please pay attention to the annual drama" Different Treatment "and take you into the world of perverts.

The contents of Wu Lingli were read out, and Chen Yang's record-breaking events did not spread. At this moment, everyone was surprised.

"If this record is true, it would be terrible, it has shortened the time by six times!"

"With Brother Chen's talent, this may not be possible."

"If the record is true or false, go to Longtan and ask Deacon Meng, you won't know."

有人 Immediately someone went to Longtan and confirmed that Chen Yang's record-breaking was true. The content of Ling Ling was quickly spread on Long Qianfeng, and almost every disciple and deacon knew it.

Then, the voice of discussion spread to Longxingfeng.

In response to this, the disciples talked fiercely.

"Brother Chen broke the record, why did he only get ten bipolars, which is too unfair!"

"It's not just unfair, it's just bullying."

"Who the **** is the symbol‘ * ’in Ling Ling?”

"The ghost knows who it is, but it must be a senior member of the college. We can't provoke it. We can't help Brother Chen to get justice."

"This matter, is it so?"

Uh ...

The fierce discussion of Qianlong Qianfeng quickly passed to Quan Rui's ears.

"It's ridiculous, Chen Yang broke the record, and the results are so amazing, he actually gave him ten bipolars, which is too much."

Ji Quanrui looked at Ling Ling in his hand and immediately left for Shu Yaoju, where he met Song Shu Yao.

Song Shuyao frowned slightly after watching Quan Ling's presentation, and asked, "The content in Ling Ling ~ ~ Can you confirm it?"

"I have confirmed it, it is true." Quan Rui nodded.

Song Shuyao perfused Zhenyuan in the spirits, and said, "The person who sculpts the spirits is the state of induction. It seems that it should be a reward such as Chen Yang's dissatisfaction. , Wanting Longwu College to handle the matter, forcing Weiyun Yun to give him an account. "

Wu Quanrui has also been judged to be a sorrow of Chen Yang's engraving. He said, "This boy is really brave. He is undoubtedly tearing his face with Elder Ho. Isn't he afraid that Elder He will deal with him?"

In the Longwu Academy, although no one said plainly that He Weiyun wasn't, everyone was hesitant to stay away from He Weiyun to avoid being pitted by him.

Song Shuyao's eyes flashed cold, Shen said: "He Weiyun's approach this time is indeed too much. If Chen Yang is not given a fair treatment, how can the college disciples be convinced orally. In the future, I am afraid that no one will Willing to contribute to the college, and no one will challenge the more difficult intermediate and advanced Longtan abyss. "

"What are you going to do, Master Feng?" Quan Rui asked. ) Download Free Reader !!