My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3011: Blue blood queen

After Xu and Zuo Zi painted separately, Chen Yang did not rush back to the inn.

Now that he just saved Xuan Yudi, he is not afraid of revenge from Fengling College, otherwise, Fengling College would declare war on Guoshifu.

So he didn't worry about his safety at all, and went straight to Wangyue Tower.

He didn't come to inquire, but to help the blue blood ant to find his mother, the blue blood queen.

Xie Yexi's three cave virtual reality monsters did not show up today, and Chen Yang did not know where he went.

He couldn't control the other two, but the blue blood queen still had to find it.

The blue blood ants crawled out of Chen Yang's collar and looked at Wangyue Tower. The message of God's consciousness was: "I'll go and check."

"do not go."

阳 Chen Yang immediately shook his head. Now Lu Changfeng is still in the Moon Tower. If the blue-blooded ants go in, they will be found immediately, so don't want to live out.

He said to the blue blood ant: "Ye Xi is dead, and the queen demon taming contract of the blue blood queen should also be cancelled. The wisdom of the other two caved beasts is sealed, and after the contract is cancelled, they will fall into a violent state, and soon they will Conquered by other people at Fengling College. But after the blue blood ants, she can get rid of the **** and leave Wangyue Tower. I think she should be safe now. "

As soon as his voice fell, the blue blood ant said, "She's here."

Chen Yang looked intently, and saw a small black spot in front of him. He was bigger than the blue blood ant and looked exactly the same, not exactly the blue blood queen.

The blue blood queen glanced at Chen Yang and released a strong demon qi. The blue blood surged in the body, and it actually attacked Chen Yang.

She misunderstood Chen Yang and thought that the blue blood ants were tamed by Chen Yang, so she wanted to kill Chen Yang and rescue her son.


The blue blood ant shouted quickly, the blue blood queen stopped the offensive, and returned to her, with guilt on her face, and said to Chen Yang in demon language: "Sorry, I forgot, you should be Chen Yang, right?"

"Yes, senior queen." Chen Yang nodded.

This senior queen made the blue blood queen queen heard differently, and said, "My name is Lan Ling, don't call me a queen."

He said, Lan Ling fell on Chen Yang's shoulder and said, "Thank you for saving my son, and for saving me indirectly."

"You're welcome, you helped me too." Chen Yang smiled, and then said, "Senior Lan Ling, are you planning to take the blue blood ants with you and return to your hometown?"

Wu Lanling shook her head and said, "We can't go home, we don't know where to go now."

Chen Yang said with a happy heart, "Since so, then follow me."

Lan Ling said: "The demon and the human race are natural enemies and cannot coexist. Although you saved us, I would never want to stay and help you."


Chen Yang made a mistake and didn't force it. He asked, "Where is the senior Lan Ling going?"

Wu Lanling asked, "Where is the nearest settlement of the demon tribe?"

"Going south is the sword grave, there are many monsters."

Chen Yang explained the situation of the sword tomb to Lan Ling.

Lan Ling said: "That being the case, then I will settle in the sword grave."

It is very likely that the battle of the tomb of the sword is going on. Now that the blue blood queen and the blue blood ant have gone, it is undoubtedly in danger.

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "I'm going to go to the sword grave in a few days, it's better to go with us. Moreover, the rune of Fengzhi Tamer on the blue blood ant, I have not helped him get rid of it, just these few days also This is done. "

"Okay, let's wait a few days and act together." Lan Ling nodded, and asked Chen Yang: "What are you going to the sword grave to kill the monster?"

Chen Yang said: "Go and find a friend."

"Do you still have friends with demon clan?"

Wu Lanling felt weird. In her opinion, in this world, it is impossible for humans and demons to become friends, they can only conquer each other or become slaves.

The blue blood ant said: "Mother, Chen Yang does have friends. He is very friendly to the demon."


Wu Lanling nodded indifferently, then drilled into Chen Yang's clothes pocket, and said, "I'll borrow your place to live in these days."

哂 Chen Yang 哂 laughed, thinking that these days have passed, and then think of a way to drag the blue blood queen mother and child, in short, we can not let them go to the sword grave.

Uh ...

In the next few days, apart from helping the blue-blooded ants to remove the rune of Fengzhi Tamer, Chen Yang was practicing the rest of the time.

On this day, he suddenly received an invitation letter from Xuan Ang, asking him to gather in the Wind Watching Hall of Ganlu Garden, the main capital of the city.

In addition to the invitation letter, there is a fire-drawn carriage parked outside.

Moreover, the person who came to send the invitation letter was a conscientious practitioner from Xuan family.

He was so courteous, obviously Xuan Ang paid great attention to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't get too big, he boarded the carriage, this time he entered the city's main house with a fair and honest appearance, so there is no need to disguise himself.

坐在 He was sitting on a fire-drawn carriage and looked out through the window. It was found that among the guards at the gate, everyone was familiar, but Wu Mao was gone.

Chen Yang looked at the man sitting opposite him and asked, "Brother Xuan Yue, has there been any change in the guards of the city's main government?"

Yu Xuanyue was in his thirties and reached the realm of the late stage of condensing at a young age. He had a high status in the Xuan family and was highly valued and cultivated.

He has another identity, that is, Xuan Yudi's cousin.

Hearing Chen Yang's question, Xuan Yue said: "Just two days ago, it was said that He Jin, the captain of the Guard Guard, went off duty, as if he had gone to Ganluyuan to find my great-grandfather, but he disappeared. It's weird. I don't know what happened next. All the people involved must have been punished. "

Xuan Yue naturally does not care about these small characters of the Yamen Guard.

He can know this because he has a little relationship with Xuan Ang.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "It's not a secret. In fact, this matter has something to do with me."

Then, Chen Yang talked to Xuan Yue about lurking into the city's main mansion.

After listening, Xuan laughed a lot: "Haha ~ ~ I didn't expect it to happen because of you. I'm afraid the guys in the main city government haven't figured out what happened."

Chen Yang said: "Brother Xuan Yue, He Jin and Wu Mao, anyway, it helped me, but it also saved Yu Di indirectly. I'm bothered you to say something to the director of the city's governor's office, and let them return to work."

The two are not bad people, and Chen Yang doesn't want to harm others.

Yun Xuan laughed and said, "So small, rest assured."

The two talked along the way. Although Xuan Yue was much higher than Chen Yang, he was very easy-going and had no clue.

I waited until the Temple of Guanfeng, and they were already very familiar.

He sent Chen Yang into the Temple of Views. Xuan Yue remembered what Chen Yang had told him. Anyway, there was nothing about him, so he left and went directly to Zhao Ba, the guard of the city's main government.

Chen Yang entered the Temple of Watching Winds, Xuan Yudi and Xuan Ang were already waiting. When they saw him in, both of them showed joy and greeted him.

Chen Yang asked with concern: "Yu Di, how about the injury?"

Before Xuan Yudi was in front of Chen Yang, she was still very free and easy, but when she saw it today, she always felt a kind of indescribable feeling, a little awkward.

I'm shy?

She stunned her before answering: "The injury has not fully recovered, but it is much better."

"Have a good rest, don't fight with people during this time." Chen Yang laughed.

He was just a very ordinary sentence, but at Xuan Yudi's heart, he felt warm and nodded.

Wu Xuanang said: "Chen Yang, thanks to you this time, you can rescue Yu Di. What conditions do you have, despite mentioning me, I will help you.") !!