My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 302: Mysterious old man

Neither Chen Yang nor Ye Zi expected that an old man would suddenly appear at this time.

老 The old man was dressed up as a farmer, with dark skin and a lean body, just like malnutrition, but his eyes were very kind, giving a sense of tranquility.

Sakurai Ayoko saw the old man approaching her, and her eyes flashed, and she rushed up, her dagger pressed against the old man's throat, and said coldly, "Dead old man, stay still."

The elder man apparently did not expect that Ayouko would abduct him suddenly, and his face was horrified. He said, "Oh, what are you doing, I just want to drool, how can you move the knife?"

"Less nonsense, shut up." Yayouzi yelled.

As soon as the old man appeared, he was next to Ayouko, and then went straight towards Ayouko. Ayouko stepped forward and held the old man. Chen Yang was far away from Ye Zi, and it was too late to rescue him.

"Chen Yang, don't come here, or I'll kill this old man."

Tan Yayouzi threatened, but she was not at the bottom of her heart. In case Chen Yang was the same as Zhu Jiashuang, he didn't care about the old man's life and death, it was useless to hold the old man.

However, Chen Yang and this innocent old man have no resentment, and this old man is kind and good-looking.

Chen Yang frowned, and said to Ayoko, "You let him go, I let you go."


When He heard this, Ayouzi couldn't believe it, and looked at Chen Yang with suspicion.

Chen Yang glanced at the old man and said, "He is just an innocent person. If you let him go now, I will let you go."

对 "Yes, I'm just a passer, why are you catching me?"

The old man was crying and trembling. <>

"To shut up."

Yuya yelled coldly and scared the old man to take a nap and mumbled, "Girl, you look so beautiful, why are you so fierce?"

"If you stop talking nonsense, I will kill you."

Yuya angered.

The old man frowned, and quickly closed his mouth, aggrieved.

Ayouzi snorted and said to Chen Yang: "Do you think I will believe what you say? As long as I let this old man go, you and Jianlin will immediately kill me. Chen Yang, you are famous for not telling the enemy the credit . "

"What do you want?" Chen Yang frowned.

Yaya Yuko said: "You and Jianlin are standing still. I will take the old man away. When I feel safe, I will release the old man."

"No, what if you killed him?"

既然 "Since you don't believe it, I'll kill him now!"

Xia Yayouzi's face was exposed with a violent color, and the dagger was pressed on the old man's neck, leaving a bloodstain.

This lunatic!

Chen Yang cursed and stopped, "Stop, I let you go."

"Hum, I didn't expect that the God who kills without blinking will care about the life of a strange old man."

Ayouzi snorted coldly, his eyes were full of teasing, and he walked back towards the dense forest, and said coldly: "Chen Yang, I warn you, don't keep up, otherwise you can only see the old man's body. "

"I also warn you not to kill innocent people, he is just an ordinary mountain people, there is no need to die for our battle."

Chen Yang looked at the back of Ayouzi and the old man, and a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

虽然 Although he is fierce, it is to the wicked.

If you let him ignore the life and death of the old man, he can't do it.

Chen Yang and Jianlin stood in place, and could only watch Ayouzi disappear in the dense forest until he disappeared.

"It's unlucky, she's caught up, and she's caught the hostage again."

Chen Yang mumbled, chasing forward, and said to Ye Zi: "Go, catch up now, I guess the old man is more fierce."

Yi Ye followed, and said, "Brother Yang, you are too kind. If Brother William, he would certainly not care about the old man's life."

"No way, who makes me a good player, don't you compare me with a guy who didn't graduate from elementary school."

Chen Yang smiled. At this time, he also joked with Ye Zi.

Ayako Sakurai took a person with her, her speed was not fast, and very obvious marks were left along the way. Chen Yang and the two were easy to follow.

In order to avoid being discovered by Ayoko, the two did not dare to make much noise, but just followed from a distance.

With the deepening, the woods became more and more dense, and even the wolverines in the mountains and forests could be faintly heard, and the number seemed to be quite large.

奇怪 "Strange, here is under the cliff, there is no food planted, there are wild beasts here, why did the old man appear here? And, how did he come down?"

Chen Yang stopped suddenly, his face revealing thought. <>

Ye Zi said: "Perhaps he is collecting medicine or catching snakes."

"No, although he is dressed as a Shannon, he doesn't have anything on his body, but seems to be passing by from here."

Chen Yang shook his head, and increasingly felt the identity of the old man was suspicious.

He recalled the moment when the old man was held by Ayouko. Although the old man was full of horror, he was still talking to Ayouko, and even almost angered Ayouko.

If it is an ordinary mountain farmer who encounters this kind of thing, the feet will be frightened in the first place.

I thought about it this way, and Chen Yang realized that he was concerned about the safety of the old man, but ignored these details.

叶子 "Leaf, it seems that the identity of the old man is not simple."

Chen Yang's eyes fixed, his steps accelerated, and he chased forward, making the bushes rattle, and a group of **** stunned in the woods, making a gurgling sound.

Ye Ziye still hasn't figured it out, and said, "Yang brother ~ ~ We made such a big movement. If you find out, you may kill the old man."

"Maybe they kill whoever."

阳 Chen Yang's mouth evoked a playful smile, full of interest in the identity of the elderly.

Xu chased a way, Chen Yang found the figure of Ai Zi, the woman was running forward frantically, and seemed panicked.

奇怪 "Strange, what about that old man?"

Chen Yang was puzzled, and rushed up to stop Ayouko's way. He looked intently, and saw that Ayouko's eyes were frightened, and his face was full of fear.

"Ayoko, what about that old man?"

Chen Yang asked.

Ayako Sakurai's eyes flickered, her eyes shone with a strong shock and fear, and then she showed a crazy look on her face, panicking, "Chen Yang, the old man is a fairy, he flew away."

flew away? !!

阳 Chen Yang frowned, but he didn't believe that Ayouko said.

很多 He knows many masters, the most powerful of them is also very easy, you can fly the eaves and walk the wall, but you have never heard of anyone who can fly.

And if the old man is really an expert, why not kill Ayouko directly?

说 "Say, what's going on?"

Yiye caught up, pointed his sword at Ayoko, and he was suspicious of the disappearance of the old man.

Uh ...