My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3038: move

As soon as Yue Xuelang's voice fell, other demons lowered their heads, and their eyes were full of gratitude to Chen Yang. They said in unison: "If En Gong is sent in the future, we will never die!"

The sounds of the stun monsters spread from the lungs, and they were quite spectacular.

阳 Chen Yang looked at the tens of thousands of Ningmujing demons who bowed their heads in front of them, both shocked and surprised.

He can feel the sincerity of these demons. Although they hate human beings, they show gratitude to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang knows that if they are really allowed to go to the fire for themselves, they will never hesitate.

"Hahaha ..."

Chen Yang laughed suddenly and found how stupid he was before.

Don't care about his demons, are they all the same?

What's more, this group of demons has a simpler mind than humans.

剑 This trip to the sword grave, perhaps the biggest gain is to let this group of demons owe their kindness, and may be really helpful in the future.

In addition, the incident spread to other demons' territories. Those demons knew Chen Yang's name and met each other in the future.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'm welcome. If there is a place where you can help in the future, I will come to you."

"All by grace!"

All the demons are in unison.

Chen Yang arched his hands, turned and left the sword grave with the Black Emperor, leaving Shou Yong alone.

When the sword grave came out, the black emperor stopped and took out the array under the blood sea cliff from the ring, and said, "I don't know how to arrange arrays, and I will give you this array."

Chen Yang was surprised: "This is the top-level Xuanzhen Qiankun Thunder Dou Zhen, which can be arranged hundreds of miles, even if it is used to protect the core area of ​​Bihutan, you really want to give me?"

The dark emperor said: "This is your thanks for helping the demons."

"I'm welcome."

Chen Yang put away the whole set of arrays, played the extremely cherished Sipinling Stone Array flag, and thanked the black emperor seriously.

The Black Emperor asked: "By the way, respect for the real teacher, where is he now?"

Chen Yang said: "The teacher was injured and has left Tianwu Starfield."

"I still want to meet him and thank him for teaching me!"

The black emperor's face was sincere, like a grateful apprentice, and there was no arrogance of the demon king in his expression.

He turned his words sharply and said to Chen Yang: "My approach to the Holy Emperor of the Heavenly Holy Empire is quite similar to that of the Master. He should be a disciple of the Master. In this case, the Holy Emperor is your brother, why are you so honorable? Identity, but ca n’t stop the empire from using the sword grave? ”

Chen Yang's thoughts turned around, but the matter could not be passed on, otherwise the Holy Emperor's attention would attract him, and he would be dead.

He told the black emperor: "Nine-fingered seniors, they are not concealed. Zuo Yinhan has betrayed the teacher. If you let him know my identity, he will definitely kill me. So please seniors of nine-fingers, please help me keep secrets, Don't let the third person know that I am a real apprentice to Hao Lan. "

Hearing the words, the black emperor was shocked: "What, the emperor actually betrayed the door of the division ?! But Hao Lan's real strength is so powerful. Even if the emperor is a three-phase realm, it is still ten thousand miles away. Teacher, why did n’t Haolan live clean up the portal? ”

Chen Yang explained: "The teacher was injured because he trusted Zuo Yinhan. When he was concentrating in practice, he had no time to look after him and was injured by Zuo Yinhan's sneak attack."

"Zuo Yinhan is really despicable and poisonous!" The black emperor was furious and said to Chen Yang: "Are you going to avenge your respect in the future?"

精 Chen Yang's eyes flashed brilliantly, solemnly: "This is of course."

The Black Emperor sneered, and said, "Although I am not Zuo Yinhan's opponent, I need help then. You can still do it if I go to kill some imperial imperial imperial imperial family. Not to mention, behind me, there is Hundreds of demons can contribute. "

Chen Yang said: "This matter has to be done slowly. After all, the strength of the Heavenly Empire is too strong. If I want to go to war with it, I need to accumulate more powerful forces."

"This is so true!"

The Black Emperor nodded in agreement. Although he was already the top power of Chongwu Xing, but he was against the entire Heavenly Empire, and he still knew himself.

The main reason is that the emperor is like a mountain standing in front of him, and it is difficult to cross.

The two talked for a long time. In the end, the black emperor returned to Bihutan, while Chen Yang took the somersault cloud and rushed back to the western mainland.

The Koudoudouyun is extremely fast, much faster than taking an empty boat or flying.

Within half a month, Chen Yang arrived from Genggu, a golden country in the western mainland, from Bangfeng County in the southeast of the central mainland.

Qilu House is in the city of Gegu.

He closed the Somersault Cloud, and Chen Yang walked into Gegu City and went straight to Lufu.

The Lulu House's door was closed tightly, and he knocked on the door, and a small cricket came out. When he saw Chen Yangqi Yuxuan Ang, he respectfully asked, "Who is your son looking for?"

Chen Yang said: "Please also inform me, Chen Yang begging to see senior Lu Fei."

"Master Lu ?!"

Xiao Xiaoxi answered, "Sorry, Lord Lu's family has moved away and does not live in this house."

"Move away?"

Chen Yang was taken aback. He stepped back a few steps, pointed to the plaque above, and said, "Isn't Lufu still written on it?"

Xiao Xiaozhang laughed: "The new master who is also a surname is Lu. The plaque is newly changed. Although the words are the same, the handwriting is different."

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that it was really so.

He frowned, feeling strange in his heart, somehow, why would Lufu move?

He asked Xiao :: “Brother knows, why did Lufu move away? Where did they move?”

Xiao Xiaoyan shook his head and said, "I don't know about it."

"Thank you."

Chen Yang thanked him and left.

When Xiaoyan closed the door, he walked under the wall behind Lufu and jumped into Lufu. After exploring it in the circle, he found that all living faces were full of faces. He then determined that the Lu family was real Moved away.

奇怪 "Strange, where did they go?"

阳 Chen Yang couldn't help worrying about it ~ ~ After leaving Lufu, he was in the Gugu city and inquired about Lufu everywhere.

But no matter who I ask, I get nothing.

As if Lufu disappeared from Gegu City overnight, no information was left.

Just when he was disappointed, a little girl arrived in front of him, chewing sweets in his mouth, and asked, "Excuse me, are you Chen Yang's brother?"

Chen Yang's eyes brightened, and he nodded, "Yes, I am."

The little girl smiled, took out a letter from her pocket, and handed it to Chen Yang, saying: "I see that you look exactly like the portrait, and sure enough you did not admit it. This letter was left by Sister Lu Jianping and let me give you of."

"Thanks a lot."

阳 Chen Yang thanked him, took some jewelry from the ring and gave it to the little girl, and the girl ran away with joy and joy.

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