My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3080: hide

Seeing that Gu Tong, Xu Yan and their companions were all killed, the people in the family were relieved.

However, despite the final victory, the situation of everyone is not good.

Except that Chen Yang and the artillery were not injured, the injuries of others were mild or severe, and even the fierce family's fierceness died in the fighting just now.

"Thank you, Chen, thanks to you this time, otherwise we would have died here."

Xun Xiang flew to Chen Yang's side, and made a mockery of Chen Yang, grateful.

The others in the family also expressed their gratitude.

From the moment Chen Yang was met, Chen Yang not only saved them twice, but also took them into the vast hall.

It can be said that Chen Yang is their great benefactor.

Moreover, the performances of Chen Yang and the artillery were too shocking, and their combat power was too strong, and now no one dares to despise them.

Even if it was the highest level of soaring, there was no absolute certainty to be able to defeat Chen Yang, after all, the same as the peak of the courage, after being played by Chen Yang, he was killed.

Now, the people of the Qiang family are both grateful and awed by Chen Yang.

"Since everyone is a companion, it is right to help each other, so don't be polite."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "Take your things away and hurriedly leave here. There was too much movement in the fight just now, and I don't know what will cause it."

The crowd quickly collected the loot, or they flew towards the upward passage in accordance with the previous decision.

After flying for dozens of meters, Chen Yang suddenly discovered that the artillery had not kept up.

He looked back, and saw the cannon lying on the ground, sleeping loudly, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, everyone else was speechless.

At this moment, the cannon has returned to its obesity, just like a ball, extremely lazy, and the fierceness of the fighting just now is completely judged as two dogs.

Everyone really didn't understand. This dog is just such a seducer. Why was it so fierce just now?

Chen Yangqi didn't hit one spot, he rushed up and kicked him, kicked the cannon and rolled it over ten meters on the spot, and then stopped.

The cannon opened his eyes slightly, glanced at Chen Yang, and closed his eyes again, purring and purring, continuing to sound.

"Fat dog, go, you're waiting to die here!"

With a look of helplessness, Chen Yang walked up, carrying the cannon's tail, and flew towards the upper passage in a trance.

The cannon fluttered in his hands, the snoring kept on, and he was still asleep.

Everyone laughed and kept up with Chen Yang.

Zhang Jilin glanced at the cannon being carried by Chen Yang, and could not help but ask, "Brother Chen, what kind of demon clan is this dog? It's a little ... unique."

Chen Yang glanced at the cannon and said, "The Huaxia pastoral dog, a silly dog ​​from Huaxia, is sleepy and delicious. If nothing can be done, it is a fool."


Zhang Jilin made a mistake and didn't know how to answer, so he stopped talking.

The cannon seemed to hear Chen Yang's voice, opened his eyes, rolled his eyes, and in his stuttered language, said: "Promise Wang ... Wangwang Dan, you ... don't ... Wangwangwang. "

"Wang your sister, get up and walk by yourself, don't let me carry you, or give you a fart."

Chen Yang threw the cannon upwards, and the cannon flew dozens of meters before falling down.

This time, Chen Yang ignored him and let him fall.

The cannon had no choice but to fly on its own, and got close to Chen Yang, with a grumble expression on his face: "You ... Wangwangwang ... meritor?"

Chen Yang glared at the cannon: "Can you learn it before you say it, otherwise don't want to eat Yaodan."

"Brother, you are my brother. Give me the monster Dan!"

The cannon suddenly changed his face, with a look of imploring, a little grievance in his eyes, and a pair of forelegs made Chen Yang frightened, and his speech became smooth.

"Nima, apart from eating and sleeping, can you tell me clearly?"

Chen Yang was unhappy, and immediately took out Yaodan and threw it into a cannon.

There was a smile on the cannon's face, his eyes quilted into a line, swallowed Yao Dan, and patted his belly contentedly, shaking his head and swinging his tail, not excited.

Everyone else looked at Chen Yang and the cannon, and they all knew what to say, they could only say that this dog was really amazing.

Seeing that Chen Yang sent a cannon, Wu Xiang asked: "Gong Chen, what method did you use just now, why can't Gu Tong kill you?"

"It's just an illusion, not a clever way."

Chen Yang perfunctoryly said that he did not want to reveal that he had realized the mirror imagery mood. After all, the words of the three mood styles are really shocking.

At that time, there will be more people who want to kill him.

Especially the royal family will never allow such a genius to exist.

However, Chen Yang knew that everyone thought that the Holy Emperor understood two kinds of artistic conceptions, but at the time of the relics in the West Sea, Lu Tianhe said that the Holy Emperor realized three types of artistic conceptions.

However, this should be confidential, and only the strongest at the top of Chongwuxing knows.

Now Chen Yang realizes two kinds of artistic conceptions. Although they are amazing enough ~ ~, they are not enough to cause the top powers to fear, even the emperor hasn't looked at him.

But if the news of the three moods broke out, the situation would be completely different.

Chen Yang's words apparently did not believe it. He wondered: "Why is it a phantom, but there is a corpse and blood can burst out?"

Chen Yang said: "This is a relatively high-end illusion. Are those blood imitated illusions?"

Soaring in thought, Gao Xiang groaned: "Then why did your attack appear two at the same time, one of which is false and the other is really incomprehensible."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Senior, don't guess. Everything is an illusion. It is a secret technique that I accidentally get."

Seeing him say that, Xiang Xiang was embarrassed to ask more, but the doubts in his heart could not be eliminated.

The crowd continued to move forward, Zhang Jilin stared at Chen Yang's back, and fell into thought. He secretly said: "Entity, energy, can be copied, and nothing is true. What means is this, it seems to be familiar!"

After a while, Zhang Jilin suddenly changed his face, his face was full of surprise, his eyes widened, and he secretly said, "Yes, this is the mirror image of Dean Lu."

His body trembled, he felt a little numbness in his spine, and quickly hidden his surprised expression, but his heart fluttered, and he couldn't help but be surprised and excited.

"Mirror imagery is definitely a mirror imagery. Brother Chen realized the mirror imagery!"

"It's terrible. He not only has the artistic conception of fire dragon and wind, but also realizes the mirror imagery conception."

"Three moods, this is incredible. This is the genius and the evil!"

"If this news goes out, the entire Chongwu Star will be sensationally. Brother Chen's talent is the existence of anti-sky.") !!