My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3083: Sacrificial hall


Three doors, several hundred meters high, were opened at the same time, as if they were rusting, making a loud noise, echoing throughout the hall.

The moment the door opened, I saw a light on the ground pattern of the hall, and then returned to peace. The power of the formation method lingering in the hall just disappeared, apparently the formation method was closed.

Everyone was happy to see that Chen Yang's plan was really successful.

Then everyone looked at the door in front of them.

Although the door was opened, the inside was so dark that even if Zhenyuan condensed his eyes, he couldn't penetrate the darkness and couldn't see what was inside.

However, the magical faintness coming out from the door was shuddering, and it seemed that there was something powerful in it.

"Mr. Chen, what do you do now?"

Soaring to the right of the palace, he asked loudly towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang did not dare to take a risk, and immediately asked Lao Li, "What should I do, go directly into the door?"

Lao Li said: "Since the door is open and the formation is lifted, there is no danger in the door. Of course, you should be careful."

"You said you didn't say."

Chen Yang mumbled and thought for a moment, and said to Xiang Xiang: "Enter each door first, look at the situation inside, and then exit."

Now that you have arrived in the vast hall, everyone is ready for adventure, and naturally will not flinch.

Immediately the three teams acted and entered the door in front of each.

Chen Yang stepped into the darkness and found the cannon still lying on the ground. He grabbed the cannon's tail and dragged the cannon into the door.

When he stepped into the door, Chen Yang suddenly felt shrouded in a cold atmosphere, and that atmosphere had a very primitive sense of fierceness, like the purest magic.

He immediately released the fire dragon artistic conception. Although the artistic conception was a ghost image, the dazzling fire light illuminated the space here.

Within a kilometer, Chen Yang can see clearly.

Looking away, there is nothing special in the field of vision, no treasures, no furniture, empty.

"Go on inside."

Chen Yang made a decision, dragging a cannon and walking towards it.

Zhang Jilin followed, only feeling chills on his back, and he did not dare to speak loudly, and whispered, "Brother Chen, this place is a bit weird."

Chen Yang said: "Of course weird, otherwise there would be no 70% mortality rate."

Zhang Jilin frowned, raising her alertness even more.

Suddenly, a dark shadow passed by. Although fleeting, the moment the shadow enveloped the shadow of the fire dragon, was discovered by Chen Yang.

He stopped, looked up, and took out the two-edged mysterious Xuan magnetic sword, Shen said, "Brother Zhang, be careful, there is something here."

Zhang Jilin nodded, immediately took out the huge axe, ready to face the battle.

But I stopped and waited for a while, there was a silence around, and the dark shadow that flashed just now did not appear again.

"Go in or back out?"

Chen Yang showed his thoughts, hesitated, and walked forward, saying to Zhang Jilin, "Brother Zhang, keep up."

The two advanced for a few kilometers, and they were vigilant around them, but nothing happened.

The shadows in front of him were so influential that something finally appeared in this room.

Chen Yang drove the fire dragon to the mood, and under the light, he could see the tall black shadow, a stone statue several kilometers high.

The stone statue stood on the ground, clenched a spear in his hand, and pierced forward, in a fighting posture.

His face was sloppy and ugly, and the left and right sides of his forehead were raised like two small horns, proving his identity as a demon.

His eyes were very fierce.

When Chen Yang looked over, he only felt that those eyes were staring at himself, a shady breath that ran from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, making him shudder.

He immediately retracted his gaze and stopped looking at the stone statue's eyes before he recovered.

"There is text!"

Chen Yang found that the warframe on the stone statue of the Demon had carved characters.

Zhang Jilin next said: "This stone statue is not a human, like a demons. Is this place a palace of demons?"

"It is indeed a demon palace."

Chen Yang answered the sentence, and then asked the old Li in the sea of ​​knowledge: "What is the word on the stone armor?"

Lao Li said: "That's not a text, it's the symbol of the Tianmo Star Clan Demon Night House. This place really is the Night House."

Chen Yang continued: "What does this stone statue mean?"

Lao Li said: "The night family has the habit of sacrificing, and it will build huge stone statues to pray for ancestors. This room should be a sacrificial hall without treasures. In addition, you must not touch the stone statues, otherwise you will guard the monsters in the sacrificial hall. Will do it for you. "


Chen Yang thought of the shadow that had just flashed, and asked, "What is a monster?"

Lao Li said: "An animal that is contaminated with magical energy, after being demonized, completely obeys the orders of the demons, and is called a monster or a slave."

Chen Yang said: "Isn't it somewhat similar to the demon tribe."

Lao Li said: "The demon race is a race, with its own culture, thinking, connotation, heritage, etc. ~ ~ can also be transformed into a person. The monsters are just beast slaves mutated by the demons."

Chen Yang ignored the question of the monster and said, "All in all, there is nothing good about this room I entered."

"That's true." Lao Li laughed, quite gloating.

Chen Yang was not tangled. Here he was enchanted. Since he had no treasures, he didn't want to stay too much. He said to Zhang Jilin, "Let's go, this is the sacrificial hall of the demons.

Zhang Jilin trusted Chen Yang unconditionally, without questioning, and went out with Chen Yang.

at the same time.

Entering the other door of Soho, Soong, and Sogang, Sogang released his flame mood to illuminate the space. The three stared at the treasure 100 meters away in front of them, their eyes burning.

Those treasures were placed in boxes, and the swords probing out of the boxes were impressively five-stained mysteries, and other invisible things inside were bound to be of great value.

However, just now a dark shadow was passing over the treasure, and the power emitted was very powerful. They were afraid of the dark shadow and did not dare to act lightly.

Qi Yong looked dignified and said to Xiang Xiang: "Brother, what should we do?"

Wu Xiang Shen said: "That dark shadow is very dangerous. Let's inform Chen Yang and let Chen Yang and his monsters deal with it."

I just frowned, and said, "The shadow is so strong, I'm afraid ... Chen Yang can't handle it."

Soaring into silence, after a while, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes were determined, saying, "The harvest of this trip determines the fate of our uncle's family. This box of treasures alone makes us worth it. At that time, as long as Chen Yang pulls the shadow away, we immediately take away the treasure, go out the door, and close the door. ") Download a free reader !!