My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3084: Monster attack

Wu Gang advised Xiang Xiang: "Brother, Chen Yang rescued us several times, and we are as gracious to us as we are. How can we forget our injustice and trap him and injustice!"

Wu Yong also frowned: "Chen Yang has repeatedly assisted, we can't repay the virtue!"

After hearing the persuasion of the two younger brothers, Xun Xiang was tangled and fell into silence.

After a while, he sighed, "Forget it, ask Chen Yang to come over and decide what to do."

After speaking, he returned to the main hall with both Tong Gang and Tong Yong.

At this point, Chen Yang and Zhang Ye's team have returned to the hall.

When Chen Xiang came out, Chen Yang stepped forward: "Senior, we have nothing in the other two rooms. Did you find anything in your room?"

Soaring straight, "I found a treasure chest. The contents seemed to be very good, but there were strange things guarding us. We dare not touch the treasure chest."

"Strange thing? Monster?"

Chen Yang frowned. Although the monster he encountered in the sacrifice hall did not see clearly and did not sense the realm, he was sure that the monster was definitely not so easy to deal with.

Presumably the monsters in other rooms will not be low in combat power.

If you want a treasure chest, there must be danger.

But when you arrive at Ye You Palace, you are destined to take risks, otherwise, you won't get any treasures.

"Let's go and see first."

Chen Yang stepped towards the door. The others followed him without hesitation, and now they all take him as the backbone.

After entering the room, Chen Yang released the fire dragon mood, illuminated the surrounding kilometers, and then walked forward to the left under the guidance of Soaring.

After a while, Chen Yang saw the treasure chest.

Throughout the Ye Family Palace, all the objects are magnified, but the treasure box on the ground is not enlarged. It is only two meters long and wide, and even a long sword cannot be placed. The box opened slightly. Lit out of the gap in the cover.

"Five-striped mystery!"

When Chen Yang saw the sword in the treasure chest, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he thought that the other things in the treasure chest would definitely not be lower in value than the five-grained mystery.

But why isn't this treasure chest enlarged?

Chen Yang immediately asked this question to Lao Li in the knowledge of the sea.

From the perspective of Chen Yang, Lao Li observed the lower treasure box and explained: "The body of the demons is the same as human beings, and the treasures such as elixir and weapons are naturally the same size. As for the night palace, it was built like this Large, more symbolic. When I was in the Tianma Starfield, among the demons, the Ye Family also liked to build large houses. "

"This night's house is really panic."

Chen Yang muttered, and then said, "Lao Li, if I had taken the treasure chest in the past, would the monster in this room attack me?"

Lao Li said: "The room was a sacrifice hall just now. I haven't seen anything in this room except this treasure chest. I don't know what it is for. However, since there are monsters here, it must be guarding something. Treasure chest, you're not sure. "

"Try it first."

Chen Yang thought about it, made a decision, walked towards the treasure chest, and said to the others: "Don't bother you, let me test it first to see if that monster will attack me."

The crowd nodded. Although they didn't move, they all increased their vigilance and watched for changes around them.

The strength of Chen Yang ’s spirit was exerted to the extreme. The consciousness shrouded the square for thousands of kilometers, and any wind and grass could not escape.

His Zhen Yuan and Xing Neng are also surging in his body, ready to go to war at any time.

He gradually approached the treasure chest, fifty meters, forty meters, thirty meters ...

Ten meters, five meters, four meters ...

There was a silence all around, as if flying above the previously mentioned monster, which did not exist at all.

Seeing this, Hou Xiang and others all breathed a sigh of relief. It would be a good thing if they could take the treasure box safely.


But at this moment, a sudden wind came from the darkness.

The crowd had not yet reacted, and a group of dark shadows rushed out of the dark area of ​​the room and went straight to Chen Yang.

The speed of that shadow is too fast. It is shrouded in magic and can't see what form it is. It can only sense its horrible power. It is definitely stronger than the peak of Ningmu, at least in the early stage of the cave.

"not good!"

Chen Yang's complexion changed suddenly, and the monsters came fiercely. He immediately operated the Eight Desolate Body, and Zhenyuan and Astral Energy were also raised to the extreme, covering the body surface.

As for resisting, it is too late at this moment.


The black shadow hit Chen Yang severely.

For a moment, he was like an arrow off the string, blasting away towards the distance, the fire dragon mood disappeared, and he disappeared into the darkness.

At the moment when the light of the fire dragon was lost, everyone saw where Chen Yang stood, leaving a mass of blood.

"Oops, Brother Chen was injured. The monster he said seemed very strong!"

Zhang Jilin's face changed suddenly, and he chased in the direction of Chen Yangfei ~ ~ just as he set off, a yellow shadow passed quickly beside him, it was a cannon.

Just now the cannon was still sleeping and snoring, and it was a surprise to everyone to act so quickly.

The cannon and Zhang Jilin soon disappeared into the darkness. Strangely, there was no sound at all, as if Chen Yang, Zhang Jilin and the cannon had been killed by monsters.

However, the movement of the monster did not come out. What is going on?

Zhang Huan frowned, anxiously: "Grandpa, hurry up, let's help."

Xun Feixu even stepped forward to follow him, but was soared by Hang Xiang's arms, and she said in a deep voice; "Don't go."

Wu Feixu and Zhang Huan: "Why?"

The three people next to Yong, Tong Gang and Yun Peng flashed surprise in their eyes. They already understood the meaning of flying.

Xiang Xiang didn't explain. He rushed over and didn't even see what was inside the treasure chest. The whole treasure chest was collected into the ring directly, turned around and hurried away towards the door of the room, and said, "Follow!"

Wu Yong's three elders hesitated. Although they were a little entangled, they quickly settled down and followed up with Xiang.

However, Wu Feixu and Zhang Jian are already uncles.

The two quickly chased after him and asked, "Grandpa, what do you mean?"

Hang Xiang's eyes flickered, and his face was cold and decisive, and said, "We stay here, it will only hinder our hands and help, so we will quit first, which is more beneficial to Chen Yang."

Wu Feixu froze, his face suddenly changed, his voice trembling, "Grandpa, did you deliberately ask Chen Yang to come in and let him take away the monster?"

This sentence really made Wu Feixu right.

Although Xiang Xiang said before that he dispelled his thoughts, in fact, he did not.

He still brought in Chen Yang and used Chen Yang.