My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3155: Majestic

Chen Yang and Yang Xuewei flew down to the beach, dragging the rushed man to the coast.

This is a young man who seems to have been soaking in the water for a long time. The whole person is a bit swollen and has suffered internal injuries. Obviously after being injured, he came here with the waves.

Fortunately, the man is still alive.

Chen Yang immediately took the elixir to the young man, Yun Gong helped heal the injury, and the man soon recovered.

"Ahem ..."

The man coughed a few times, and the blood and water mixed up and spit it out. He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of surprise, apparently he couldn't believe that he was still alive.

When he saw Chen Yang and Yang Xuewei, he understood what happened and thanked him, "Did you save me? Thank you."

"You're welcome. Take a break first. I have some medicine for swelling. If you rub it on your body, your body will quickly swelling."

Chen Yang handed the man a bottle of ointment. After the man took it, he thanked him, then got up and walked to the bushes to apply the ointment.

After a while, the man returned, and the edema on his face and body had disappeared, revealing his original appearance.

He was quite handsome, that is, rags, poor in spirit, and a little embarrassed.

"Thank you for your help!"

The man came to the two of Chen Yang and actually kneeled down to them.

Chen Yang quickly lifted him up and said, "You're welcome. You were washed ashore. How can we see death?"

"Without two people, I'm dead."

The man smiled bitterly, and shouted.

After the names were exchanged between the two parties, Chen Yang learned that the man's name was Yi Mingzhi, because he was conspired and seriously injured when he boarded the boat.

In order to escape hunting, he dived into the sea. Unexpectedly, he was seriously injured, passed out in a coma, and finally floated to the island.

As for why he was being calculated, Yi Mingzhi didn't seem to want to mention more about the inside story, and Chen Yang didn't ask.

After telling his own situation, Yi Mingzhi looked around and asked Chen Yang: "Two elders, which island is this?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "This is an isolated island. As for where, we don't know."

This answer made Yi Mingzhi confused.

Chen Yang asked directly: "Brother Yi, do you know, where is the nearest city from here?"

Yi Mingzhi thought for a while and said, "The closest one is Yunfan Island, and I live there."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Since this is the case, let's take Brother Yi back."

"Engong, how sorry this is, you saved me, how can I let you send me."

Yi Mingzhi quickly waved and refused.

Chen Yang patted Yi Mingzhi's shoulder and laughed, "You don't have to be polite, we also plan to visit Yunfan Island."


Yi Ming knew hesitated, and then nodded in agreement.

Chen Yang took out the Somersault Cloud, and after the three boarded, Yi Mingzhi pointed out the direction, and Somersault Cloud flew out.

Such a fast aircraft surprised Yi Mingzhi.

However, he didn't ask much, just felt that the two people next to him must be superior.

Yi Mingzhi said that Yunfan Island was recently, but it still took a long time to arrive before arriving.

From a distance, Yunfan Island is much larger than the previous isolated island, which is a hundred miles wide.

On this island, a city was built, occupying almost half of the island.

The rest of the region, apart from the port, is tropical rainforest.

Viewed from a height, the city, like Chong Wuxing's urban structure, is full of people coming and going.

There are tens of thousands of small and large ships docked at the coastline ports.

Most of these vessels are fishing boats, but not all are fishing. Some are catching sea monsters. At the moment they are unloading and can see various types of sea monsters.

However, these sea monsters are all in a low state, at best, they are in the state of Dan.

Seeing approaching Yunfan Island, Yi Mingzhi was busy and said, "Brother Chen, stop fast. Flight on the island is prohibited. If you are caught, you will be sentenced."


After entering the countryside, as usual, Chen Yang responded, landed the Doudou Yun, sailed on the sea, and slowly sailed towards Yunfan Island.

Someone Yun is very small, very inconspicuous at sea, and did not attract anyone's attention.

"Woo, wow ..."

Suddenly, the horn sounded.

I saw a huge ship, one hundred meters high, breaking the waves from the sea, setting off huge waves, very powerful.

On the bow of the ship, a conspicuous flag was hung with the word "Yan" embroidered on it.

The side of the hull was painted in white paint with the words "Mighty Wind".

This ship came menacingly, did not care about other ships in the past, and did not care that the huge waves set up would overturn the boat.

"Hiding away, it is the majesty of the Yan family!"

"Be careful not to be hit, otherwise there is no place to complain, everyone will run away!"

"Hurry, run!"

In the offshore area, the sounds kept coming and going. All the passing ships were fleeing in a hurry, for fear of blocking the route of the huge ship.

"Ha ha ha, look at these idiots ~ ~ what a scary look."

"You run away, or you'll be overthrown."

"Hide away. When the unloading takes place, the sea monsters of the real government period, if you accidentally hurt you, we will not be responsible."

On the side of the Majesty's ship, it was another scene.

Some bare-handed sailors revealed their bronzed skin, pointing at the fleeing ship below, laughing a little for fun.

"Well, that ship is so stable!"

Suddenly, the sailors on the Majestic Vessel found that in front of the giant ship, there was a strangely shaped boat, which was sailing very steadily, not in a hurry or slow, but it was not affected by the giant waves.

"This is not a boat. How does it look like a car?"

"It's not like it's a car at all."

"You drove the car to the sea, this brain is sick."

Sailors on the deck were talking.

Seeing that the cart was moving too slowly, a water finger pointed down and shouted, "Don't be in a hurry, get away quickly, or it will smash you."

Somersault Cloud.

Chen Yang smiled and knew Yi Ming: "This Yan family is so arrogant!"

"The Yan family is one of the three major families of Yunfan Island. It has a huge influence and many strong members in the family. Most people dare not provoke them."

Yi Ming looked at the Prestige, hesitated, and Shen said, "Forget it, Brother Chen, it's better to have one more thing than one less. We still avoid it and save trouble."


Chen Yang nodded, controlled the Somersault Cloud, and quickly moved to the side, completely avoiding Weifeng's route.

Just now Yi Mingzhi hesitated a little and was very calm. This allowed Chen Yang to judge that Yi Mingzhi was not afraid of Yan's family, and his background was definitely not simple. ) Download Free Reader !!