My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3169: invite

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Yuan Kewen looked around but couldn't find Yan Kang's figure and asked, "Don't you say Yan Kang? People?"

Yuan Xiaodie pointed to a ruined house: "It was blown away, over there."

As soon as Yuan Kewen sensed, his face sank: "Dead, even dead."

He glanced at Chen Yang, looked carefully, and determined that he had never seen this young man.

What's more, if there are practitioners who can cross two small realms on Yunfan Island, it should have become famous, so he judged that this young man should be an outsider.

"Did you kill Yan Kang?"

Although Yuan Xiaodie had already given the answer, Yuan Kewen asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded. "Yes."

Yuan Kewen Shen said: "Do you know that it is illegal to fight on Yunfan Island?"

Before waiting for Chen Yang to answer, Yuan Xiaodie yelled: "He is also compelled. If it wasn't for Yan Kang's shot, he wouldn't fight back, wouldn't he let others defend him properly?"

Seeing his granddaughter shouting, Yuan Kewen's face was slightly ugly, and Shen said, "Little butterfly, don't worry about you, shut up!"


Yuan Xiaodie snorted heavily, but she did not give Yuan Kewen any respect.

Apparently, the girl was in Yuan's house, and she was afraid of being spoiled. Even the grandfather Yuan Kewen also spoiled her.

Yuan Kewen looked at Chen Yang: "You come to answer my question."

Chen Yang laughed: "As Xiaodie said, I am a legitimate defender. Is n’t a legitimate defender allowed on Yunfan Island?"

Yuan Kewen said: "Proper defense is fine, but if you kill Yan Kang, you are not afraid. The Yan family will trouble you?"

Yuan Xiaodie cried, "The reason why Yan Kang intercepted him was because he killed Yan Ding. The Yan family will not let him go. He killed one more Yan Kang, and it was no different."

"What, kill Yan Ding!"

Yuan Kewen's face was unexpected, and Chen Yang said that he was too brave, and made it clear that he had trouble with the Yan family.

However, he was a little puzzled why Yan Qingyan hadn't shown up to now.

As far as he knows, Yan Ding was very much loved by Yan Qingying. Whether it was for the Yan family's face or revenge, he should have appeared.

"Just now, that young man named Chen Yang seems to have used two concepts of gale and fire dragon!"

"It doesn't seem, it's positive."

"No, he realized two moods!"

Just as Yuan Kewen was thinking, there was a burst of argument in the crowd.

He was startled, and whispered to Yuan Xiaodie, "Little Butterfly, those people are telling the truth, Chen Yang realized two moods?"

Yuan Xiaodie remembered it and exclaimed: "Yes, you suddenly appeared, so that I almost forgot. He just used the two concepts of fire dragon and gale just now, it was incredible."

It was confirmed that Yuan Kewen was a little breathless.

As far as he knows, except for the Thousands of Seas, thousands of years ago, there was a practitioner of dual mood, and there were no other practitioners who realized dual mood.

Chen Yang realizes the double mood, what does this mean?

It shows that his talent and understanding are absolutely the best among the thousands of stars.

"Genius, the real genius, although he is not enough to compete with the hole virtual reality practitioners now, but if he can be allowed to join our Yuan family and grow up in the future, he must be a top powerhouse. By then, our Yuan family With him, he can definitely fly Huang Tengda. "

Yuan Kewen's mind turned, and Chen Yang's idea was raised.

"Senior, if it's okay, then I'll leave."

Seeing Yuan Kewen's silence, Chen Yang arched his hand, winked Yang Xuewei behind him, and then planned to leave.

Yi Ming knew that he had just returned to God. Thinking back to the scene where Chen Yang defeated Yan Kang just now, it was incredible.

However, it was wise to be careful not to see the hole in Yan Qing's hole.

"Brother Chen, hurry up."

Yi Mingzhi ran up and said eagerly.

Seeing that Chen Yang was leaving, Yuan Kewen thought he was revenge for fear of the Yan family. He felt that the time was very mature and said, "Chen Yang, I solemnly invite you to join our Yuan family and become a guest of the Yuan family!"

As soon as this remark was made, the audience was uproar.

The Hakka Qing of the Yuan family, in fact, is not too high.

After all, this world speaks by strength.

However, when Chen Yang had just killed Yan Ding and Yan Kang, and the Yan family wanted revenge, Yuan Kewen, the head of the Yuan family, spoke in person, inviting Chen Yang to become a guest secretary of the Yuan family. This was a completely different concept.

This means that Yuan Kewen is going to help Chen Yang in his early days.

As long as Chen Yang promises to become a guest secretary of the Yuan family, even if Yan family comes, Yan Kewen can help him stand up.

Yuan Xiaodie's face was ecstatic, and she clapped her hands and shouted, "Grandpa, your decision is so wise."

Yi Mingzhi also stopped, a heart of joy, and secretly said: "If the Yuan family's presence, there may be no small storm, but at least Chen Yang is safe."

Thinking about this, Yi Mingzhi whispered to Chen Yang: "Brother Chen, there is so much noise here, Yan Qingmao must be here immediately. If he comes, we don't want to leave. Now the owner of Yuan Yuan intentionally wants to help you In your early days, you promised him quickly to resist Yan Qingying. "

At the moment, everyone who was watching also hoped that Chen Yang could agree with Yuan Kewen.

In their opinion, if Yan Qingxun shot, Chen Yang would die.

Only Yuan Kewen can save his life.

Chen Yang did not expect that such a twist would occur.

However, the guest of the Yuan family, he was not interested and had no time to be a prince.

But just when he was about to refuse, I saw several figures in the sky, coming quickly, and falling on the roof not far away.

The house was crumbling, and suddenly someone landed on it. The house shook and seemed to collapse immediately.

However, the people on the roof stabilized the house as soon as Zhen Yuan moved.

I saw that the person standing on the roof was the Yan family's owner, Yan Qingxuan, and the Yan family's top fixers ~ ~, the Yan family's owner! "

Everyone was heart-beating. Everyone was worried that Yan Qingyi would take a shot at Chen Yang, but he just arrived.

Fortunately, however, Yuan Kewen has invited Chen Yang to be the guest secretary of the Yuan family. Chen Yang also has a backing, which is enough to confront Yan Qingying.

Immediately afterwards, a few figures of Aya and Aya landed on another roof.

This group of people is Yi Jingyi, the owner of the Yi family, and several core members of the Yi family.

Suddenly, the owners of the three big families of Yunfan Island appeared at the same time.

This scene is very rare for the ordinary people of Yunfan Island, which makes the crowd boil.

Yan Qingyi stood still, glanced through the crowd, and found no trace of Yan Kang. He looked incomprehensible, and asked the people who were with Yan Kang just now, "Yan Wei, Yan Kang?"

Yan Wei stood up and frowned, "Kang ... is dead."