My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3289: Dare to accept

"I want to challenge Zuo Siyu!"

As soon as Chen Yang made this remark, the audience stunned and then boiled.

"What, he wants to challenge Zuo Siyu?"

"Is he crazy, even to challenge Zuo Siyu, is he so strong?"

"The martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly. Zuo Siyi's speed has reached a very horrible level. Even if Chen Yang's combat strength is even stronger, he can't beat the other side."

"Don't talk about speed, Chen Yang's realm is only condensed in the mid-term, which is inferior to Zuo Siyu in all aspects."

"But for Yin Yurui, he dare to stand up and challenge Zuo Siyu, which is very rare."

"If there is a man willing to do this for me, I will definitely marry him."


There was a heated discussion in the audience, but no one was optimistic that Chen Yang could defeat Zuo Sizhen.

Yin Yuxin carrying Yin Yurui was supposed to return to his residence.

At this moment, she stopped.

She glanced back at Chen Yang, a complex look flashed deep in her eyes, and secretly said, "Is Chen Yang challenging Zuo Siyu for her sister?"

After being silent, she determined her speculation, glanced at Yin Yurui's head that protruded from her shoulder, and secretly said: "Chen Yang is indeed a trustworthy person. If my sister likes him, being able to match them together is also a thing. Good thing. "

Looking back, Yin Yuxin looked at Zuo Siyun, his face became very dignified, and he said, "But Chen Yang has offended the royal family, and now he is going to provoke Zuo Siyang again. He may not survive in the future."

Thinking of this, Yin Yuxin couldn't help sighing secretly, worried about the safety of Chen Yang.

At this time, as the protagonist being challenged, Zuo Si smiled, a kind of sneer, disdainful smile.

In his eyes, Chen Yang did have some skills.

To defeat him is impossible.

Now, Chen Yang dared to challenge her, which was an extremely stupid decision.

It's not just him. On the players' table, Dongfang Hongfei, Guo Wenji, Yang Ruofan, Wang Zhilong and others all thought that Chen Yang was looking for death.

"Hum, I'm still worried that Chen Yang can't meet me or Zuo Siyu. Now he actually challenges Zuo Siyu. As soon as the grandfather Zuo Yuxun agreed, he would be dead."

Dongfang Hongfei stared at Chen Yang, with excitement on his face.

He couldn't wait to see Chen Yang killed by Zuo Siyi.

Le Xiaoqiao, who was not far away, was worried, so he stood up and shouted to Chen Yang, "Brother Chen, don't be impulsive."

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang glanced and found that Le Xiaoqiao was talking, he couldn't help but be surprised.

In his opinion, Le Xiaoqiao and China Eastern Hongfei are a group.

But now, Le Xiaoqiao is worried about his safety!

"It seems that although Le Xiaoqiao likes Dongfang Hongfei, her personality is not the same as Dongfang Hongfei."

Chen Yang said secretly in his heart, and then nodded compliment to Le Xiaoqiao, and said, "Sister Yueshi rest assured that I will be fine."


Le Xiao Qiao still wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a cold chill machine locked her, she stopped and looked around, and found that the lock was actually issued by Dongfang Hongfei.

This Qi machine is very cold, even with a touch of murderous intention.

She never imagined that it would be issued by Dongfang Hongfei.

"Brother Dongfang ..."

Le Xiaoqiao muttered, her face was sad, her brows frowned tightly, her eyes were empty, as if at this moment, she had lost hope of life.

Dongfang Hongfei looked cold, gritted his teeth and said, "This **** also said that he liked me, but now he cares so much about Chen Yang, he just didn't pay attention to me."

Hearing that, Guo Wenji frowned, and said, "Hong Fei, in fact her sister ..."

"Wenyu, are you going to betray me?"

Dongfang Hongfei interrupted Guo Wenyu's words, and his eyes were full of alert.

At this moment, Guo Wenji suddenly felt chilling.

He sighed secretly and immediately said, "Hong Fei, no matter what happens, I Guo Wenji, I will always support you."


"Chen Yang, you are too arrogant! You immediately roll me back to the player seat. If you come to disrupt the order of the Qianlong Conference, don't blame me for being polite to you."

A loud drinking rang, and Liu Yeqi was angry.

Chen Yang made troubles one after another, and Liu Yeqi was really angry, and felt that Chen Yang was a little ignorant of the big picture.

However, he drunk so much to protect Chen Yang.

Otherwise, if the sentence of left imprisonment disturbs the conference, it will be troublesome to start with Chen Yang.

Even if Zuo Yuxun did not take action, if he agreed to the challenges of Chen Yang and Zuo Siyi, Liu Yeqi also believed that Chen Yang would not only fail but also be defeated fiercely.

Chen Yang naturally knew Liu Yeqi's kindness, respectful tone, and whispered: "Dean Liu, I am not arrogant, nor do I intend to humiliate the college. Please rest assured that I have absolute confidence to defeat Zuo Siyu. He I deliberately wounded Sister Yu Rui seriously, and I must discuss it with the college. "

Liu Yuqi was also very dissatisfied with Yin Yurui's injury.

However, this is the battle ~ ~ No one can predict the consequences. Since it happened, he has nothing to say.

If you lose, you will be stabbed, but will be looked down upon.

At this moment, when he heard that Chen Yang was going to get back the argument for the college, he felt agitated in his heart, wondering if he was a bit timid.

Just now, if he scolded Zuo Sifu for taking too hard a shot, will there still be Chen Yang's challenge?

"Can he really defeat Zuo Siyu?"

Liu Yeqi looked at Chen Yang with firm eyes, and his heart was shaken.

Just as he shook, Zuo Yuxing's eyes flashed coldly, and he laughed loudly: "Chen Yang, is indeed a great man in my Heavenly Empire. Facing the strong, dare to take the initiative to challenge, this is the real fighter. "

Hearing this, Liu Yeqi, Yin Yuxin, Le Xiaoqiao, and others were all secretive.

Obviously, Zuo Yuxing agreed to this challenge.

Zuo Yuxian smiled, and the words turned, and said, "However, the rules of Qianlong Conference cannot be undermined. It must be decided randomly. If you want to challenge Zuo Siyu, we agree that it is useless. You can ask Zuo Siyu As long as he agrees, then this platform will be lent to the two of you to play one extra game, and it will not count as the main game of Qianlong Conference. "

"So good."

Chen Yang nodded, looking at Zuo Siyun, Shen said: "Zuo Sizhen, how dare you accept this battle?"

"Hahaha ..."

Zuo Sizhen laughed loudly, his tone full of disdain for Chen Yang, saying: "Chen Yang, do you really think you understand the dual mood, is the world invincible? Hum, actually want to challenge me, to be honest, In your role, you do n’t even match me with shoes. ”

Having said that, Zuo Sizhen put away a smile and said sternly, "But if you want to die, I will fulfill you. Since this battle is a playoff, a battle of life and death, how dare you accept it?"