My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3347: 3 people

Seeing that Chen Yang was just holding the wind, he was able to take off a few of them. Those guards were all in awe of fear, and they shouted inwardly, "What are you doing, our landlord is a hole-in-the-wall repairer, if you dare Break through Zenzhuang, you will be dead. "

Chen Yang frowned, looking at Yin Yuxin, and said, "Will you kill them?"

Upon hearing this, the guards dared to say more, and immediately fled into fright. They ran towards the manor and shouted, "Some people came in, some people came in ..."

"Just a few small characters, just ignore them."

Yin Yuxin showed contempt, and looked up at the plaque on the gate of the manor, where it was written two large words "Zhanzhuang".

She raised her hand with a real bang, banged, and her plaque was torn apart.

She took out a new plaque from the admittance ring and hung it on the gate. The plaque reads "Yinjiazhuang", which she had already prepared.

"Come on, Brother Chen, welcome to my house."

Yin Yuxin made a pleased gesture to Chen Yang, right.

"Then I will bother you. If you will damage your home, don't hold me accountable."

Chen Yang smiled, and the three of them walked into Yinjiazhuang.

Strangely, just a few guards rushed in to report, but no one came out, and the whole manor was still calm.

Yin Yuxin said: "It looks like they don't take us seriously."

Chen Yang said: "After all, Xu Zen is a hole in the realm of the hole. He still has this confidence."

The whole Yinjiazhuang was very large. The three Chen Yang walked in. After a while, the sisters Yin Yuxin met many acquaintances.

At that time, the people of the Yin family were almost killed, but the descendants of the Yin family were not killed or injured. Most of them survived. Now they continue to work here.

Although they did not work well, they had no choice.

"It's Miss, Miss II!"

"Ah, it's them, they're back!"

"But what did they come back to, Xu Chan would kill them."

Seeing Sister Yin Yuxin, those subordinates were happy and worried.

Yin Yuxin and Yin Yurui saw the familiar faces and felt them. They couldn't help but almost burst into tears.

Chen Yang joked: "We are here to get revenge. Before the enemy is killed, you cry first. This is not to make the enemy look at the joke."

After hearing this, Sister Yin Yuxin cleared her mood and kept herself calm.

"Everyone rest assured that I am returning today to take back our Yin family's house and property."

Yin Yuxin shouted to a group of subordinates, his confident attitude infected everyone, making those subordinates excited and full of expectations.

The three Chen Yang went on, and after a while, they reached the hall.

The door of the temple was wide open, and I saw an old man with a bald head sitting on it, which was Xu Chan.

On the left and right sides, there are two youths.

One of them, in the realm of induction period, looked cunning and sneered there.

The other person, the state of condensing the pinnacles, was very handsome and magnificent. At this moment, his eyes were closed, and his posture was not related to himself.

Seeing this battle, Yin Yuxin whispered to Chen Yang and said, "The bald head is Xu Zen, and the induction period is Yin Feng. The person on the right has not seen it, and I don't know who it is."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "You come forward and negotiate with them. I'm only responsible for killing people."


Yin Yuxin responded, his face was cold, and he moved forward hurriedly, while Chen Yang looked like a subordinate, following Yin Yuxin.

"Yin Yuxin and Yin Yurui, you have finally arrived, but we have waited more than half of the morning."

As soon as the three Chen Yang walked to the front steps, Xu Feng sneered in the hall, and his tone was full of ridicule and disdain.

From what he heard, it seems that they already knew that today Sister Yin Yuxin would come to the door.

Yin Yuxin stopped at the door and said Shen: "You know, we will come today?"

The female voice rang, and the handsome young man sitting on the right side turned his head and glanced lightly. Finally, the indifferent eyes finally fluctuated. Looking at the two beautiful women, a flash of faintness flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth could not help evoke a smile.

Xu Feng laughed at Yin Yuxin: "Oh, if we didn't know you were back, why would we be 'waiting' here. Are you curious, why do we know?"


Indeed, Yin Yuxin is curious.

Xu Feng grabbed a black cloth bag beside him, waved it, threw it out, and landed on the ground.

The cloth bag rolled a few times, unfolded, and rolled a human head out of it.

This head is not someone else. It is Zhang Bo, the shopkeeper of the auspicious cloth that Yin Yuxin has seen yesterday.

"Bo Zhang!"

Yin Yuxin and Yin Yurui were frightened when they saw the human head, their faces turned red, and they rebuked themselves and angered Xu Chan and Xu Feng.

She gritted her teeth, and glared at Xu Feng, she cried, "Xu Feng, you are too cruel."

"Is it ruthless?" Xu Feng smiled and said, "He is the descendant of our Zenzhuang. He should be thinking of Zenzhuang, but he turned his elbow outward and executed him. Isn't it right?"

Yin Yuxin yelled, "You coward ~ ~ Zhangkou closed mouth Chanzhuang, have you forgotten that this is Yinjiazhuang, you are named Yin, and your father is also Yin. But now, you actually recognize the thief as your father It ’s me. ”

Xu Fengli yelled arrogantly: "Don't talk nonsense, my father is only Xu Chan, and I should be filial to him."

Hearing this, Xu Chan smiled lightly and didn't say much. The onlooker stood up and left the matter to Xu Feng for processing.

Xu Feng continued: "Yin Yuxin, Yin Yurui, if you two are here today, shouldn't you be revenge?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Yin Yuxin said coldly.

"Hahahaha ..."

Xu Feng laughed and pointed at the three of Yin Yuxin and said, "It's up to you? You don't even have a hole in the virtual world, and you want to get revenge? Do you think that you can beat my father with this strength?"

"Whether you can overcome it is not up to you."

Yin Yuxin stared contemptuously at Xu Feng, his eyes flashed with a sense of killing, and he took out the sword, a stance to start a war.

Xu Feng was not in the induction period, but was oppressed by Yin Yuxin ’s courageous pinnacle. He could not help taking a few steps back, but his expression on his face was still arrogant, and said, "Huh, it's stupid, and I really want revenge. To be honest, you two Run away, I have been looking for you for many years. Now, you come to your own door, just as you can, you will be wiped out. "

Just then, Xu Chan said, "Xu Feng, don't scare the little girl."

"Yes, father."

Xu Feng responded and immediately dropped his eyebrows to the side.

Xu Chan looked at the two sisters of the Yin family and smiled. "The core and core of the speech, in fact, I am very kind. If you two would like to be my daughter, today, I will spare You are killed. "

(End of this chapter)