My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3352: Waiting for 1 net to finish

"Why did you stop?"

When Xu Chan stopped, Chen Yang's face was in doubt, and he looked away, only to see clearly. I saw a dozen figures in the distance, rushing towards this side.

All of them were wearing uniform black robes, with white clouds printed on the robes. They should be the same force.

Looking from a distance, Chen Yang found that the leading man was the realm of the middle of the hole.

Moreover, this person's face is actually somewhat similar to Ling Xie.

Of the remaining dozen people, there are three condensed states, and the rest are induction periods.

"Is that the practitioner in the middle of the virtual hole is the father of Ling Xie?"

Chen Yang was guessing in his heart, but he was very excited to see Xu Chan greet the group of people.

Those who came over met Xu Chan.

Seeing this, Chen Yang's eyes turned and secretly said: "It seems that Xu Zen should come here to take revenge. If I chase it now, some of them may escape. Instead, I will wait here and I will not let go One, we must kill them all. We cannot give them a chance to escape. "

Thinking about this, Chen Yangfei returned to the hall of Yinjiazhuang, which had been razed to the ground.

In the distance, Xu Zen originally wanted to escape, but unexpectedly, the Lingyun faction, headed by Lingfu, actually flew over.

Ling Fuhua was in the middle of the hole, and his strength was much stronger than Xu Chan. Xu Chan saw hope at once.

He didn't care, why Ling Fuhua would appear today instead of the day after tomorrow. He immediately flew up and called: "Brother Ling, bad, something happened."

Ling Fuhua was attracting him because his son won the third place in the Young Phoenix Conference. Many people were optimistic about Ling Xie's future.

In recent days, he has been visiting everywhere.

The momentum of the whole person is also more sufficient than before. When everything is all right, I like to make a calm look, as if nothing can alarm him.

However, at the moment when Xu Zen was covered with blood, he frowned, and asked, "Brother Xu, what happened, did you make it like this?"

Xu Chan was busy: "Someone hit my Zenzhuang. I can't, but I'm going to rescue the soldiers."

When hearing about Chanzhuang's accident, Ling Fuhua didn't care, and asked, "Oh, who is so bold, dare to be your Zenzhuang?"

Xu Chan said: "It's a few guys who don't open their eyes. One of them also shot and severely wounded Ling Xiezi. I don't know now ..."

"What, my son Ling Xie was badly wounded?"

Hearing here, Ling Fuhua couldn't calm down.

Chanzhuang has nothing to do with him, but his son Ling Xie is his future, and if the future of the Lingyun faction is killed, it will pay off.

"Yes, Ling Lang's injury was very serious."

Xu Chan nodded, and said secretly, "You old guy, now your son is seriously injured. See if you can't do anything."

Immediately, Ling Fuhua flew in the direction of Yinjiazhuang, angrily: "No matter who it is, dare to hurt my son, I must kill him."

Suddenly, Ling Fuhua thought of a problem, and even Xu Chan escaped. How strong is the other party?

He asked, "Xu Chan, what is the other party's realm?"

Xu Chan replied: "Two of the peaks of Ningmu were not shot, and the other one was in the late stage of Ningmu. The one who injured Linglang was the latter stage of Ningmu."

"What, the late stage?"

With an expression of disbelief, Ling Fuhua said: "Aren't you kidding me? Ling Xie won the third place at the Young Phoenix Conference, even if it's the peak practitioner of the peak of Dongjiu County, few are His opponent, who can defeat him in the later period of Ningmu? "

Xu Chan said: "I also think it's incredible, but it's true."

Ling Fuhua frowned, and Shen Sheng asked, "Why are you fleeing the desert, and the other side has a hole virtual reality repairer?"

"There is no hole in the realm." Xu Chan shook his head, his face solemnly said, "I was also injured by the late condensed practitioner."

"In the late stage of condensing, you escaped in the early stage? Are you sure you are not dreaming?"

Ling Fuhua was a little angry. He felt Xu Chan was lying to himself.

Xu Zen was uneasy, but explained: "Brother Ling, I didn't lie. That man has cultivated Xingjue and realized the ninefold artistic conception. The magical powers used are also very mysterious, and all aspects add up, so the strength is a little extraordinary . "

"Xing Jue, Jiuzhong Artistic Conception!"

Ling Fuhua was shocked and groaned, "He is really in the late stage of condensate. Are you sure that the realm is not hidden in the virtual world?"

"OK." Xu Chan nodded.

Ling Fuhua's eyes flickered, her face was ruthless, and Shen said, "No matter how strong he is, he hurt my son, and I must kill him."


"Brother Chen, why don't you chase it?"

Seeing Chen Yang fly over, Yin Yuxin's face was incomprehensible.

Because she was blocked by the mountain peak, she didn't see it. Someone connected with Xu Chan.

Chen Yang said: "The practitioners with a hole in the middle came over and met Xu Chan. They should come to get revenge, and I will wipe them out in a while."

Yin Yuxin was shocked and groaned. "So, Xu Zen still has a helper? He should be a meditation practitioner. Where can he help him in the middle of the hole?"

Chen Yang glanced at Ling Xie, and said, "That hole middle-term practitioner, looks a bit like this guy ~ ~ If I guess correctly, it should be his father."

Chen Yang did not hide this sentence.

Ling Xie, who was frightened and frightened, heard her words, her eyes lighted up immediately, her fists clenched, her heart secretly said, "Dare you beat me like this, my dad is here now, and you three, don't even want to leave. I must make you pay a heavy price! "

Ling Xie was fierce in her heart, but Xu Feng was frightened and frightened.

Although he has reached the induction period now, in his bones, he is a greedy person who is afraid of death. Otherwise, he would not worship Xu Zen as his godfather after Xu Zen occupied Yin Jiazhuang.

He looked at Ling Xie next to him and trembled, "Brother Ling Xie, now ... now ... what to do?"

Ling Xie lowered her voice, her voice filled with resentment, and said, "If you think of a way, delay time, my father will come over and they will be dead."

"it is good……"

Xu Feng shuddered and looked at the three of Chen Yang, just colliding with their eyes.

His knees were soft, and Tongtong knelt down on the ground, crying, "I'm wrong, speech core, speech core, I'm really wrong, please forgive me. In fact, all of this, I am the old man Xu Xu The king **** forced me, and my heart was toward the Yin family. It was only because of my low strength that I had to serve Xu Lao's old bastard. "

Yin Yuxin and Yin Yurui are so disdainful to Xu Feng, how can they listen to his begging words?

However, without waiting for them to speak, a cold drink rang: "Xu Feng, you white-eyed wolf, who do you say is the old man bastard."

The crowd looked at the sound and saw Xu Chan rushing over.

Next to him was Ling Fuhua and his party.


When she saw Ling Fuhua, Ling Xie shouted with surprise.

PS: Yogurt, please count the votes.

(End of this chapter)