My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3353: Battle hole middle


"Ling Xie!"

Ling Fuhua shouted and flew down beside Ling Xie. After looking at his son's injuries, his complexion changed.

He found that Ling Xie had destroyed his internal organs and his bones were broken. The reason why he could still speak at this moment was completely supported by his medicine.

In other words, Ling Xie's situation at this time is called back to light.

"No, Ling Xie, you can't die ..."

Ling Fuhua hugged Ling Xie, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

His son, who has just won the third place in the Young Phoenix Conference, is now about to die. This seems to be a flame of hope that has just ignited and is instantly destroyed.

Originally, Ling Xie grew up, Ling Fuhua and his Ling Yun faction could benefit a lot.

But if Ling Xie dies, nothing will happen.

Hearing Ling Fuhua's words, Ling Xie stunned, turned back, grabbing Ling Fuhua's arm, and said, "Father, what are you talking about, will I die?"

Although Ling Xie knew his injuries were severe, he never thought about death.

He felt that as long as he healed, he would be fine.

But at the moment he realized that the facts did not seem to be as good as he imagined.

Ling Fuhua's eyes flickered, and she tried to keep her tone calm, saying, "Baby, you won't die. You can rest assured that you will be cured by your father."

Upon hearing this, Ling Xie knew he was soothing himself.

His head buzzed, thinking that the whole person had softened and murmured: "No ... how can I die? I am the third place at the Young Phoenix Conference and the top powerhouse for Chong Wuxing, how can I Die? And, how could I, die in the hands of an unknown man? "

Talking, Ling Xie's complexion became more and more complex, his expression distorted, looking like a devil.

Suddenly, he looked up and looked at Chen Yang, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill him, father, kill him, I want him to die!"

"Rest assured, I will kill him."

Ling Fuhua nodded, even if Ling Xie didn't say it, he would do the same.

Chen Yang not only killed his son, but also killed his future hopes.

After putting down Ling Xie, Ling Fuhua looked at Chen Yang, looked at it, and secretly said, "In the late period of this talent's instinct, Xu Zen was still strong. It seems that his star skills must be very brilliant. Now Ling Xie will die , I have this person's star tactics in hand, it can be regarded as some compensation for myself. "

Thinking about it this way, Ling Fuhua rose into the air, staring at Chen Yang coldly, saying, "Boy, now I give you a chance to hand over your cultivated star formula, I can make you die a little easier. Otherwise, I Will make you a thousand swords, let you feel the taste of life is better than death.

Chen Yang glanced at Ling Fuhua, and then looked at the others in Lingyun.

Except for the lingering period of Ling Fuhua, the others have three condensed states, and the rest are induction periods.

Such strength is already very strong for general forces.

However, it is not enough to deal with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang does not intend to let Ling Fuhua go, any potential danger must be strangled to prevent retaliation from the other party in the future.

"Be prepared for the people of Lingyun faction to run away, I will kill this Ling Fuhua. In addition, I will let the little black cat follow you to protect your safety at any time."

Chen Yang preached to the two sisters, Yin Yuxin, and then released the little black cat of the space bracelet and gave it to Yin Yuxin.

Seeing this, Ling Fuhua, Xu Chan and others on the opposite side are all incomprehensible.

They don't know what it means that Chen Yang took out a little black cat.

Chen Yang ignored Ling Fuhua, but made Ling Fuhua very angry and said coldly, "Boy, I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

Before Chen Yang spoke, Ling Xie shouted again, "Father, kill him, don't talk nonsense with him !!"

Ling Fuhua glanced at Ling Xie. Although he wanted to kill Chen Yang, now Ling Xie will die. He must take advantage of it. Otherwise, everything will be empty.

Therefore, at least until you get Xing Jue, you cannot kill Chen Yang.

"Since you don't speak, I will take you down and slowly ask Xing Jue."

Ling Fuhua gave a cold drink and took out the weapon. It was also a machete. Ling Ling was high in grade, and it was a Wuwenxuan.

He waved his machete and attacked toward Chen Yang. The real yuan in the cave was very volatile and covered, but he had not touched Chen Yang yet. The terrible air pressure slammed the entire Yinjiazhuang. Some intact buildings suddenly collapsed.


"Run away!"

The people in Yinjiazhuang rushed to the vast place and looked at the empty Ling Fuhua, all shaking with fear.

They just saw the war just now, and they all watched it secretly.

Seeing that Chen Yang defeated Ling Xie and fleeed Xu Chan and fled, the few people in Yinjiazhuang and the long-pressed descendants were secretly happy, thinking that Yinjiazhuang was finally going to be rescued.

But who knows, Xu Zen returned and brought back a group of people.

Moreover, this person named Ling Fuhua has the strength of Xu Chan who is still strong. The terrible fluctuations of the real yuan, although everyone can not sense the level of the realm ~ ~, but against the previous battle, obviously Chen Yang is stronger .

For a moment, everyone couldn't help getting nervous and worried.

Yin Yuxin also frowned, and busyly said, "Brother Chen, this person is a hole in the hole. Would you like to let the little black cat shoot?"

"The little black cat is reserved to protect you. I was trying to test my strength and see if I could defeat the practitioners in the hole. The Ling Fuhua, let me try the knife."

There was a smile on the corner of Chen Yang's mouth, and the whole man showed a strong war.

After hearing what he said, Yin Yuxin and Sister Yin Yurui both had eyes flashing with surprise, all contemplating, did Brother Chen just use the Nine Heavy Fire Dragon mood to reach the limit? Can his strength be improved?

When they were secretly scared, Ling Fuhua brushed a sword and slashed towards Chen Yang.

Because of Xu Chan's lesson learned, Ling Fuhua didn't have the slightest contempt for Chen Yang's realm. Although she did not have the artistic conception and magical power, the sword pattern was activated, and the real element played. To the extreme.

Daoman was unfolded, two hundred meters long and more than ten meters wide, like a section of the Great Wall, striking towards Chen Yang.

Although the blade is large and gives a heavy feeling, it does not affect its sharpness.

Moreover, Ling Fuhua apparently has been immersed in the knife way for a long time. Although this knife makes use of it, although there is no blessing of the sword, the domineering, indomitable and fearlessness contained in the knife is reflected in the sword.


The loud noise came out, but the pressure of Daomang was too great, which depressed the foundation of Yinjiazhuang. Below the place where Daomang passed, it was obvious that the other areas of Yinjiazhuang's ground were a few meters shorter.

"It is worthy of a hole in the hole. Just the real yuan, my three-turn star can be brilliant."

Chen Yang murmured, daring to carelessly, waving his sword.

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