My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 358: Koga Liu's 0 Gold

"Your identity, we have already investigated very clearly. Although you do n’t know where you learned your kung fu, you are just an ordinary college student. We need to get rid of you in Jiaheli. Hum, it's easy."

Xu Liang's face was proud and looked at Chen Yang with disdain.

Chen Yang shook his head: "It's pitiful. Your intelligence network is so weak that the entire genre can survive to this day, and luck is great."

In fact, as a ninjutsu genre that has been in Japan for a long time, although it is not a true secretive ninjutsu genre, it is also very powerful. If you investigate carefully, you will definitely know that Chen Yang was the leader of the black flag.

However, they did not pay much attention, so they did not dig deep into Chen Yang's information, and did not know the truth.

Seeing Chen Yang's smirk expression, Xu Liang glanced down and looked at Chen Yang deeply, tentatively, "Do you have any other identity?"


Chen Yang nodded, and said earnestly, "This is a secret. I wouldn't tell anyone, but for the sake of a striptease you gave me just now, I can tell you this news. . "

Hearing this, Xu Liang's eyes brightened, looking at Chen Yang with anticipation.

Chen Yang lowered his voice and mysteriously said, "Actually, I am the American president's younger brother Ouba Niu."

"Ouba cattle !?"

Xu Liang frowned, her eyes doubting.

The name Ouba Niu has never heard of it, and she doesn't know it. She even has a younger brother and is from Huaxia.


Horse, cow!

Xu Liang reacted immediately, and then she knew that she was being played by Chen Yang again. <>

She stared angrily at Chen Yang, holding the Taidao tightly in her hand, and gritted her teeth, "Dare you lie to me!"

Chen Yang shrugged and laughed, "You are so easy to cheat, if I don't lie to you, wouldn't it be wasteful."

"Boy, you're too arrogant to see how I can pack you up."

Xu Liang gave a cold drink and waved the sword in her hand, attacking Chen Yang.

Chen Yang escaped easily and stood on the armrest of the chair next to him.

Doraemon, Xu Liang was cut open by the bed he was sitting on just now, and the springs in the mattress flew out.

Chen Yang joked: "Wow, it's violent. The ninja talks about calmness and assassination. You don't look like a ninja if you do this."

"The way of ninja, you don't need to teach me."

Xu Liang said angrily, wielding a knife across her back to Chen Yang's leg, and the blade swept across the air, making a loud noise, not slow.

However, this knife was unable to take Chen Yang. Chen Yang jumped lightly, just avoiding the too-sweeping knife, and the blade almost scratched against the sole of his foot.

He dropped again, stood firmly on the arm of the chair, looked at Xu Liang, shook his head and said, "Your sword is really not good. Who did you learn from?"

"I don't need you."

Xu Liang's successive attacks were invalid, and her eyes were flushed with redness. She slashed her sword to Chen Yang. The knife was reflecting the cold metal luster. She brushed and brushed everything around. The corner cannot be touched.

Chen Yang was agile, flickering in the room, still holding a cigarette on his mouth, and a red Mars with a cigarette butt, as if a provocation to Xu Liang. <>

To be honest, except for ninjas who specialize in kendo, swordsmanship, physical skills, and jujitsu, other comprehensively trained ninjas are not very high in combat ability. If you cooperate with ninjutsu, but they are fighting directly, they are vulnerable.

Only Chu Ni, who has studied Chinese martial arts, will have such a strong frontal combat power.

At this moment Xu Liang gave up ninjutsu and wanted to fight Chen Yang face to face.

Successively waving his sword and chasing, Xu Liang gradually became a little tired, panting heavily, her plump **** straight up and down.

"A timid pig, don't hide it, fight me face to face."

Xu Liang raised her sword and pointed at Chen Yangdao.

"it is good."

A smile flashed on Chen Yang's face, and he flicked his cigarette **** to Xu Liang. Mars was particularly dazzling in the air, attracting Xu Liang's attention.

Although Xu Liang's focus was only on the cigarette **** on Mars, it was enough.

When Chen Yang moved, he flew towards Xu Liang. Before Xu Liang reacted, he had seized Taidao from Xu Liang and put the blade on Xu Liang's neck.

Feeling the cold on her neck, Xu Liang's face changed suddenly.

Chen Yang's combat effectiveness is definitely the strongest among the people she has met so far.

Even the top powerhouse in the Koga stream, without using ninjutsu and head-on combat, would not be able to **** her sword and subdue her so quickly.

Chen Yang flipped the knife over, and pressed the back of the knife against Xu Liang's neck, and said, "Fight as you wish, fight directly. <> But, unfortunately, your combat power has made me very disappointed."

"Less nonsense, support that pig, you can kill me if you can."

Xu Liang's eyes were firm and she stared at Chen Yang fiercely.

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will give you to Long Ting. By the way, I will tell you another news, the Ninja books are all blown up, but the first page is saved."

"What, Ninshu was blown up!"

Xu Liang's eyes were full of surprise ~ ~ Then a confused expression appeared on her face, and murmured: "How can this be, but what can change the fate of our Jiahe Liu was actually blown up."

She turned sharply and looked at Chen Yang: "You said that Nishu has one page of cover, who was taken away?"

Even if it was only one page, Xu Liang was eager to get it.

Chen Yang also didn't hide it, and laughed: "That page of Nishu was taken away by the Qingcheng faction in our Huaxia Shu. If your Jiahe Liu wants to be overthrown, you will continue to go to Qingcheng faction. I would love to hear it. "

"Took it away by the Qingqing pie"

Xu Liang's expression broke down, a look of despair.

The Qingcheng faction is the top big faction in China. The masters are like clouds and their strength is unfathomable. It is by no means that their Jiaheliu can fight.

The book of forbearance is kept at the Qingcheng pie, even if Jia Heliu's Liu Zhu takes the shot, I'm afraid there will be no return.

If you want to fight against the Qingcheng party, unless it is a secret patience.

"Hello, are you Longting's liaison in Dong'an, Zhu San?"

While Xu Liang was in a daze, Chen Yang had broadcasted a phone call to contact Long Ting's people in Dong'an.

Half an hour later, captain Zhu San, with a group of Longting people, entered room 1408.

"Zhu San reported to his superior."

Zhu San looked at Chen Yang with reverence and regarded Chen Yang as the fifth-level captain of Long Ting.

Chen Yang pointed at Xu Liang: "OK, take her back to investigate."

"Yes, sir."

Zhu San gave a gift to Chen Yang, looking at Xu Liang next to him, suddenly surprised: "Fujiwara Lixiang!"

Alas, the concubine of Koga Liuliu, Reika Fujiwara!

Chen Yang brushed it, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.
