My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3593: Block

Yuan Qingyuan led everyone in the Yuan family and quickly walked towards the Diyuan Mingneng Temple.

Ahead of the corner, a corner, they just came over.

Suddenly, a strong energy wave slammed from the left side of the corner, which surprised everyone in the Yuan family.

In addition to Yuan Qingyuan, the other six people all asked themselves to shoot with all their strength, and they could not reach such a strong energy fluctuation, that is, the strength of the people who shot was stronger than all six of them.

They turned around and saw that on the left side of the passage, a glazed glaive condensed by ice crystals covered the entire passage, like an ice wall.

The intense cold air released by an ice crystal phoenix flying above the sword mang made the entire passage freeze a thick layer of frost, as if entering an ice cave.

The cold chill invaded into the body, and the people of the Yuan family were not only fighting physically, but also shaking in their hearts.

Because of this Jianmang's attacking power, it is too arrogant and has the earth-shaking power.

The people of the Yuan family were unprepared, they were all shrouded in swordsmanship.

The looks of Yuan Qingxin, Yuan Qingzi, Yuan Tengfei, etc. are as ugly as a blank piece of paper, full of panic, as if seeing the coming of death.

I was surprised even Yuan Qingyuan, who was in the late stage of immortality.

The other side suddenly shot, and even he could not resist in this unsuspecting situation.

When Qian Qianjun made his first move, he grabbed Yuan Tengfei by his right hand, and his body moved, and he flew backwards to avoid the sword.

This is his best son, and he is naturally concerned.

As for Yuan Qingxin, Yuan Qingzi and others, they can only ask for blessing.

I banged.

Suddenly, five people, Yuan Qingzi and Yuan Qingxin, were hit by the Glacier Jianmang, all bursting with blood and being submerged under the Jianmang.

After all, Yuan Qingzi and Yuan Qingxin were in the early days of immortal cultivation. They were blown away, covered with blood and seriously injured, but fortunately their lives were still there.

As for the other three descendants of the Yuan family, they were not so lucky, all died on the spot.

Yuan Qingyuan retreated from the corner to this side of the aisle. He reassured that although the swordmang was strong, it would not turn and attack.

I banged.

There was a loud noise, and the Glacier Jianmang hit the stone wall. The ice phoenix disappeared, the ice crystals scattered and flew, and the whole corner of the passage was frozen into frost.

Whether they were seriously injured, Yuan Qingzi, or the three descendants of the Yuan family who died, they were frozen in frost at this moment and turned into ice sculptures.

"Bing Phoenix Mystery! Who is it?"

Yuan Qingyuan looked at the corner of his eyes, and there was a cold flash in his eyes, thinking about who the entire Xiaoxiao star was, and realized the meaning of Binghuanghuang.

However, let him think about it, but still could not think of, who is the person who understands the meaning of Binghuang?

"Are there hidden powers in the dungeon, sneak in here?"

Yuan Qingyuan thought so, but thought it was impossible.

The people in the dungeon, because they live underground, cannot understand everything, so there are not many practitioners who understand the uprights.

If someone really understands the meaning of the uprising, it must be the strongest in the later period and peak.

There is no such thing as an immortal repairer in the underground city, even Yuan Qingyuan doesn't know.

"Who are you, show me right away, or I'll kill someone!"

Yuan Qingyuan shouted sharply at the front corner.

The sound of gurgling circulated throughout the passage, and it stopped after a while.

I was silent in the passage. No one responded to Yuan Qingyuan, and no one came out.

Yuan Tengfei showed a solemn face, and Chuan Yin said to Yuan Qingyuan: "Father, it seems that the other party intentionally waited around the corner and wanted to stop us and enter the core hall of this place."

Yuan Qingyuan said, "Block us? It's not very similar. The strength of the other party is definitely not as good as mine. Otherwise, you don't need to hide and attack."

He glanced at the corpses of three Yuan family juniors, his eyes revealed the color of resentment, turned over and took out an eleven-patterned sword, walked forward, and said coldly: "Since you are not out, then I Come here, I will meet you for a while and see how strong you are! "

I was just defenseless. Yuan Qingyuan decided this time to release the attack directly on the other side of the corner. In this way, he would not be afraid of the attack.

However, as he walked there, a sudden energy wave came suddenly, very strong, and he was surprised and confused: "Hey? What is he trying to do, I haven't walked over yet. If he attacks, What's the use? "

I was thinking so, a groan of the Phoenix came from the channel turning left.

Immediately afterwards, Jianmang, like an ice wall, emerged from the front of the passage, but turned a corner and attacked towards Yuan Qingyuan.

It looked as if the ice crystals were extending and blocked from the channel.


Yuan Qingyuan was shocked. He had never seen such a magical turn, which really scared him.

However, this time, he was prepared and immediately waved his sword to make the magical "cloud sea diffuse".

The dagger was released, the speed was not fast, but it spread like a cloud, and filled the front with a terrible coercion.

At the same time, heavy clouds were released from Yuan Qingyuan's body.

What he realized was a huge cloud of uprightness.

The people on the floating island live on the floating island in the sky, and there are clouds on the top, bottom, left, and right, so there are many practitioners who understand the artistic conception related to the cloud.

Yuan Qingyuan is one of them.

Not only that, but his talents are also outstanding among all the Yuan family.

Otherwise, you will not realize the meaning of uprightness in the later period of immortality ~ ~ You know, in the dungeon, Xu Huai and Xiao Yan in the late age of immortality are all in the late age of immortality, but they have not realized the meaning of uprising.

By comparison, Yuan Qingyuan is much stronger.

Under the blessing of Xia Yun's uprightness, his sword Mang suddenly became glorious, as if in a cloud-like sword, hiding this round of blazing sun, the power is unmatched.

I banged.

"The Clouds Diffuse" hit the Glacier Jianmang in front, and the ice crystal burst, like a flying needle concealer, striking towards the walls of the channel.

Ke Xiayun's mystery contains heat. After the ice crystals dispersed, they melted instantly, and when they hit the wall, they became water droplets.

The energy in the ice crystals was bombarded on the stone wall.

Rumble ...

The loud noise was horrifying and echoed throughout the passage, but the passage was sturdy and unscathed, and even shaking did not occur, as firm as a rock.

Although the power of Jin Yunhai was weakened, the power was obviously better, and he rolled towards the front, but eventually hit the corner and burst open.

"Hey, this energy seems to be similar to the energy gathered here."

Looking at the blue energy scattered by the Glacier Jianmang, Yuan Qingyuan showed a look of suspicion, his heart jumped, and secretly said, "Does this person know how to use the power of the stars here to cultivate? He cultivates the star formula?"

(End of this chapter)

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