My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3730: Call my daddy

"court death!"

Seeing Di Ying attacking, "Xuehuang" face showed disdain. !

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared between Jian Mang and Di Ying.

The audience was shocked, but it was too clear to see in the future. Jianmang hit the figure, bursting suddenly, engulfing the energy and ice crystals, completely covering the figure.


Di Ying was not hit by Jian Mang, and his face was in suspicion. Looking back at the figure just now, it was about five meters high, seven or eight meters long, had limbs, and was obviously a monster.

However, he has never seen this monster, why does the other party help himself?

"Xuehuang" 's eyes were condensed, and there was no fear of being blocked because of Jianmang. He looked to Di Ying and said, "Are you a demon? Di Ying, your helper?"

"It hurts me!"

A voice of complaint circulated from the air energy.

Suddenly, I saw a demon clan coming out, not others, but the cannon.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"I don't know, but it looks terrific. The Jian Mang just now caused him a skin trauma."

"No, even if that swordman is Diying in physical condition, he must be seriously injured. Is he okay?"

"See with your own eyes, is there still a fake?"

"This monster, isn't it extinct?"

Everyone from the Empire, the Longwu Academy, and the Six Cities, with the exception of Su Zining, had never seen the artillery posture of a cannon, so for a time, no one recognized him.

"Snow Emperor" looked at the cannon, and flashed a different color, and groaned, "I never expected that there were two monsters in the same state!"

After hearing the words, everyone determined that this demon tribe was really a physical state.

The Snow Queen stared at the cannon: "Who are you?"

"You can call me Daddy!"

The cannon raised his head and said to the "Snow Emperor" with a smirk.

Everyone is confused, I wonder what my father meant?

However, Xuehuang's face immediately showed anger, and Shen said, "I have been to Di Wuxing, I know what Daddy means, you are teasing me!"

The cannon said with a serious face: "Don't you want to have a good father?"

"court death!"

The Snow Emperor gave a cold drink, and the stars around him could surge and shouted, "Don't think that you can withstand that sword and defeat me. My strength is only 70%. Even if this is just my distraction, the whole punch Wu Xing, absolutely no one, can defeat me. "

The cannon's face showed surprise, and it stood up, applauding with both hands: "Wow, good son, you are so good!"

This scene made Su Zining and others laugh out loud.

Lin Rou groaned: "Who is this monster, who looks cheap and has a familiar feeling."

"He is a cannon," Su Zining replied.

"What, he is a cannon?"

The girls exclaimed, they couldn't believe it. This mighty monster that could confront the "Snow Emperor" was actually a cannon.

Because in their impression, the cannon did not look like this.

After Su Zining explained to everyone, everyone knew that the cannons had changed so much that they had reached the level where all the girls should look up.

Facing the cannon's ridicule, "Snow Emperor" nodded and said coldly, "Fine, you tease me, I will make you die terribly."

"I have heard many people say this, but those people died in the end."

There was another voice.

Not from the cannon, but from the sky.

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw a figure, who flew down from the sky, it was Chen Yang.

"It's Chen Yang!"

"He finally showed up!"

"The Holy Emperor's distractions are forbidden, and Chen Yang dares to show up. Is he here to kill him?"

Everyone was surprised, but there was not much expectation for Chen Yang's appearance.

Because the strength of Di Ying and the "Snow Emperor" is already incredibly powerful. Although Chen Yang has different talents, no one thinks that his strength can reach that level.

"Chen Yang, you finally show up!"

Seeing Chen Yang, the "Snow Emperor" flashed cold eyes, and the intense killing intention was as substantive as it made people shudder.

However, Chen Yang didn't even look at the "Snow Emperor", and flew directly to the cannon, looked at Di Ying, showed solemnity, and arched: "Senior Di Ying, thank you for your help today!"

Although he has just left the border, Chen Yang already has a certain understanding of the situation.

He knew that thanks to Di Ying blocking the "Snow Emperor", Longwu College was safe and sound.

"You're welcome!" Di responded to Chen Yang and waved without saying a word.

Chen Yang looked down at Longwu College again, with a look of surprise on his face, and said, "Dean Qiao, Jidao senior, Lin senior, Shi senior, Song brother ... you are all here."

The appearance of these originally impossible people moved Chen Yang's heart for a while.

After all, the Heavenly Holy Empire is invincible in Wuxing, these people stand out and undoubtedly decide to face death together with Chen Yang.

"Thank you for your help!"

Chen Yang solemnly gave a gift ~ ~ and then looked at Su Zining, Lin Rou, and others with a tender expression on his face, and said, "Don't take another risk next time, you know?"

The girls did not answer, they did not know how to answer.

Because they knew that if Chen Yang was in danger next time, they would also desperately live and die with Chen Yang.

Seeing that the girls were silent, Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, withdrew his gaze, sat down on the back of the cannon, looked at the "Snow Emperor", and said, "Now, it's time to take business."

"The Snow Emperor" looked at Chen Yang, and said, "Chen Yang, this should be the first time we have met. I didn't expect that you and I imagined stronger, and we have reached the state of immortality later."

What, immortal late!

Hearing the words, everyone was shocked.

More than a year ago, Chen Yang had just advanced into the cave virtual world, which has successively impacted the cave virtual period. Nowadays, he is actually in the advanced stage of immortality. This speed is too incredible.

"No, we are not meeting for the first time."

When everyone was amazed, Chen Yang shook his head and said to the "Snow Emperor": "We have met before, and the other one is called Zuo Lexing!"

"Snow Emperor" flashed cold eyes: "So, you killed Zuo Lexing?"

Chen Yang teased: "Zuo Lexing doesn't want to be someone else, he wants to be an independent individual. So, although I killed you, it was not you."

"Since he betrayed me, then it doesn't matter if he dies!"

"The Snow Emperor" snorted and said to Chen Yang: "As for you, dare to challenge the royal authority. Today, I will definitely take your life."

"Oh, I'm going to kill me, it's probably not because I challenge the royal authority."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "You are going to kill me because you are scared of my talents, afraid you will grow up and become your enemy! After all, you are guilty."

/ bk