My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3778: Youthful

"Sun Lei, I'm not familiar with you."

Facing the problems of the youth, Wu Niannu snorted and pulled Chen Yang into the Baibao Pavilion.

Chen Yang glanced at Sun Lei, only to see the man staring fiercely at his back, with a bit of playfulness in his eyes, he seemed to want to straighten himself.

He didn't care, and casually asked Wu Niannu: "Who was that person just now?"

"A shit, don't bother."

Wu Niannu didn't want to say more, took Chen Yang to the counter, pointed to the Dan bottle placed inside, and said, "Almost all levels of elixir are available, you see what you need."

Chen Yang glanced at the labels in front of each dan bottle. It was indeed complete, but it did not have what he wanted.

"I don't buy finished products to see if there is a mirage."

He walked towards the area where spirit grass was sold. There were many spirit grasses there, but few people. After all, few people knew alchemy, and naturally there were fewer people buying raw materials.

"By the way, you are an alchemist."

Wu Niannu murmured, following Chen Yang, he couldn't understand the dazzling variety of spirit grass, all seemed to look the same, but different.

"Bulltail spines!"

Chen Yang looked at the spirit grass that he visited over and over, and in a narrow gap, he found a very rare spirit grass.

Moreover, this oxtail spine is exactly what he needs.

"It seems that these people do not know the value of oxtail spines, but they only sell one 10,000 spirit stones."

Chen Yang laughed secretly, and said to the woman standing next to the salesperson, "Please give me that plant, I want it."

"Please wait."

The salesman smiled slightly at Chen Yang. In the past, he picked up the oxtail spine and said, "My son, this plant is a 10,000 spirit stone."

"Okay, I want it."

A sound suddenly sounded beside.

I saw one hand stretched out and shoved ten second-grade spirit stones into the hand of the woman salesman, then snatched the oxtail spines.

Chen Yang turned his head and saw that the person who had snatched the oxtail spine was the same Sun Lei he had just met at the door.

Holding the oxtail spine in his hand, Sun Lei looked defiantly at Chen Yang, as if nothing had happened. He smiled, and said to Wu Niannu: "What a coincidence, you also buy spirit grass?"

Wu Niannu's face sank: "Sun Lei, this spirit grass is what we want, and you suddenly **** it, it is too much."

Sun Lei chuckled with a smile: "Oh, what do you want? Have you given Lingshi? Or is your name engraved on it?"

"Sun Gongzi, this spirit grass is indeed what they want, and it's against the rules for you to do so."

The saleswoman showed embarrassment and advised Sun Lei.

It seems that Sun Lei is an acquaintance here.

"Why aren't the rules? The rules are whoever trades first, and who owns the things, even if the Tian Yue school masters and elders come, this is the rule."

Sun Lei stared coldly at the female salesman and laughed: "Oh, don't forget, Xianggong and I are good friends. If you make me dissatisfied, the consequences are not what you can afford."

After hearing the words "to the son", the saleswoman shivered, lowered her head, and did not dare to look directly at Sun Lei's eyes.

She is just an ordinary salesman, who dares to offend Sun Lei.

What's more, Xianggong Xiangziming is a grandson of Tianyue's elder Xiang Wenhua, and is very much loved by Xiang Wenhua. If Sun Lei has caused Xiang Ziming's dissatisfaction, that would be a huge trouble.

Because within the sphere of influence of the Tianyue faction, except for the few who are in charge of the Tianyue faction, no one can bear the anger towards Wenhua.

Seeing the female salesperson bowing her head, Sun Lei showed her pride, looked at Wu Niannu, and laughed: "I'm sorry, Xiang Ziming and I are good brothers, and the Tianyue faction is just like my own home, so in The Baibao Pavilion under the Tianyue School, you ca n’t take away what I like. ”

Wu Niannu knew that Xiang Ziming was coming, her face was somber, and she said, "Sun Lei, I have no injustice with you, what do you mean?"

Sun Lei glanced at Chen Yang and sneered, "Wu Nian slave, you and I have no injustice, but you are the woman of my brother Malone. Now, you are so close to other men, you let my brother Where do you put your face? Now, I just **** a spirit grass and give you a little lesson. If you dare to attract bees and butterflies, don't blame me for destroying and disabling your good friends! "

Chen Yang has no hidden realm, but the problem is that Sun Lei cannot see through Chen Yang's realm.

Therefore, Sun Lei took it for granted that Chen Yang was not his opponent.

Wu Niannu was sullen, arguing: "Sun Lei, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with Malone."

Sun Lei taunted, "It doesn't matter if you have a marriage contract. You are such a shameless woman."

Chen Yang glanced at the oxtail spine, his eyes narrowed, and asked Wu Niannu: "Nian slave, what is going on?"

Wu Niannu was so angry that he explained things to Chen Yang: "My witch family and Ma family were close friends. When I was young ~ ~ I settled with Ma Long. Marriage contract. But because I could n’t cultivate in my childhood, the Ma family looked down on me, and the marriage contract was cancelled. Who knows that now they want to execute the marriage contract again. "

Chen Yang understood it and nodded: "As you say, the Ma family is really shameless."

Sun Lei showed a fierce face and pointed at Chen Yang and said, "Boy, where are you shit, you dare to say that the Ma family is not, believe it or not, the Ma family can kill you with a word!"


Chen Yang was a little bit miserable. I didn't expect that the other person's good luck was in the middle of immortality, but it was like a mental retardation.

However, when I think about it, Jiu Muxing has a good cultivation environment. Usually, young people have a higher realm than Chong Wuxing, and they are naturally young and vigorous.

And like Sun Lei, at first glance it is that a lot of resources in the family have accumulated to the middle of immortality. They have not undergone any sharpening, and they are even brazen and arrogant.

"Who is Sun Lei?"

Chen Yang ignored Sun Lei's threat and asked Wu Niannu.

Wu Niannu not shy: "He is a member of the Sun family, and the Sun family is also a relatively strong family. It is slightly inferior to our Witch family and Ma family. He has a good relationship with Malone, and the two together did not harm the girls Things. "

"So he is a scum."

Chen Yang flashed cold eyes in his eyes and said to Sun Lei: "For the sake of your child's lack of understanding, you hand over the spirit grass on your hand, apologize to me, and then draw two slaps on your own, and leave. Otherwise, I will do it myself. "

"what did you say?!"

Sun Lei was so angry that he couldn't believe his ears.

In this bitter city, no one dares to talk to him like that except the older generation.

Moreover, just now he also intentionally revealed that he and Xiang Ziming were friends, but Chen Yang still did not give face.

This made Sun Lei, who had just climbed to Xiang Ziming, suddenly furious!