My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 3779: Selling Spirit Grass by mistake

"I don't know what to do, I'll kill you now!"

Sun Lei sighed coldly, the star could run, and punched Chen Yang in the punch.

His immortal realm was not low in the bitter city. At the moment, his shot immediately attracted people in the Baibao Pavilion.

"It's Sun Lei of the Sun family!"

"Dare to take a shot in Baibaoge. This is disrespectful to the Tianyue faction. Is he trying to die?"

"Last time I saw him with Xiang Ziming, and Xiang Ziming supported him, Baibaoge didn't really treat him well."

Everyone whispered and looked at Chen Yang, all showing sympathy, thinking that Chen Yang was about to suffer.

Sure enough, Sun Lei fisted in the past, and Chen Yang was smashed.

But the crowd hadn't responded yet, but beside Sun Lei, another Chen Yang appeared, taking away the spirit grass in his hand.


Sun Lei was terrified and didn't understand what was going on.

The kid was killed by himself, why did he appear beside him?


Chen Yang kicked Sun Lei's back, and the stars condensed by Sun Lei could dissipate instantly, a spit of blood spewed out of his mouth, his body lost control, and flew directly out of the door and fell on the street outside Baibaoge.

Everyone froze, but did not expect that this was the result.

Sun Lei was lying on the ground, and many people around were watching. At first glance, he was showing a happy smile. Obviously, he was notorious in the bitter city.

With Chen Yang's foot, his injuries were not minor, and his internal organs were shifted.

Thanks to him, he is in the middle of immortality, otherwise, this would have killed him.

Chen Yang only injured Sun Lei with a kick. He couldn't even dodge, let him understand that Chen Yang's strength was very strong, reaching his irresistible level.

"Asshole, I must take revenge!"

Sun Lei scolded his heart, got up from the ground, glanced back at Chen Yang, stared fiercely, slammed those who were blocking the way around, and flew towards the distance, shouting: "You Wait for me! "

Chen Yang didn't chase him. In his opinion, Sun Lei was just a clown jumping clown, so he didn't care.

He glanced at the oxtail spine in his hand and smiled on his face. This thing was very important to him. He thought it was hard to find, but he didn't expect to find it here, and it was cheap.

"Spirit stone for you."

Chen Yang gave the ten second-grade spirit stones to the saleswoman who stayed there, and the saleswoman returned to God and quickly said to Chenyang: "Hurry up or wait for Sun Lei to seek revenge and you will be in trouble. "

"Thank you."

Chen Yang thanked him, and then took out the medicine list that had been prepared and gave it to the saleswoman. He said, "I need these spirits. Please help me to get them. I will give you the total price."

Seeing that Chen Yang was still calm, the female salesman stunned, and quickly went to get the spiritual grass for Chen Yang, thinking that Chen Yang immediately left after buying.

After the saleswoman was busy, Chen Yang stood there, waiting quietly.

Suddenly, someone came over, looked at the grass on the ground, looked surprised, pointed at the ground, and said to the woman, "Hui Ying, where is the grass on the grass?"

Hui Ying stunned and said quickly: "Yao Treasurer, Lingcao ... Sold."


Yao, the shopkeeper was terrified, and said with a weeping face: "Oops, why did the grass sell? That's the oxtail spine, which is a treasured grass. I don't know who made the mistake and put it here."

Although Hui Ying didn't understand what is oxtail spine, but she heard that the spirit grass was not simple.

Yao Treasurer busy asked: "Hui Ying, who sold the spirit grass?"

Hui Ying glanced at Chen Yang and honestly replied, "It's this boy."

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper Yao sighed a long sigh of relief and gave Chen Yang a polite way of saying, "My son, I'm really sorry, but we have mistaken the oxtail spine, can you return it to us?"

"What can be sold back?" Chen Yang laughed.

"No, no, let's buy it." Yao Treasurer quickly changed his voice, and said positively: "One million spirit stones, no, ten million spirit stones, how about it? Boy, please."

Seeing the anxious look of Yao Treasurer, Chen Yang wondered: "What's the use of this oxtail spine to you?"

"I ... I don't know what's the use, it's the people above, let me take the oxtail spine back."

The person above the mouth of Yao Treasurer refers to the high-level of the Tianyue School behind Baibao Pavilion.

Chen Yang shook his head: "Sorry, this oxtail spine is useful to me, I won't sell it."

"Master, please, 100 million spirit stones, please be sure to sell them to me. Otherwise, I can't make a difference to it." Yao Treasurer wailed and said, "More than 100 million spirit stones, and you will be here in the future. How about a 30% discount on all the treasure shops? "

"Not much."

Chen Yang still shook his head, the oxtail spines were too rare, and could help him to improve physical fitness.

If he gave the oxtail spine to someone, he wouldn't know when it would be next time he wanted to find it.

Seeing him unmoved ~ ~ Yao Treasurer was so anxious, but did not use a strong intention, which made Chen Yang quite appreciated.

After all, in this world where the strong are the most respected, Yao Treasurer is working for the top of the Tianyue faction, and it is still difficult to maintain justice.

If you change to someone like Sun Lei, I'm afraid to grab it directly.

Just when Yao Treasurer was at a loss, a five big and three thick man came out from the backstage of Baibao Pavilion and said to Yao Treasurer: "Well, did you find the Oxtail?

"Deacon Yang, oxtail thorns look for ... it was found, but it was bought by others." Yao Treasurer said bitterly.

"Bought by someone ..."

Yang Tianbao frowned and asked, "Who bought it?"

"This boy." Yao Treasurer pointed to Chen Yang.

Yang Tianbao looked at Chen Yang, looked up and down, arched his hands, and said in a straight line: "My son, I'm really sorry, Oxtail spines are useful to my grandfather, and please ask us to let us ask you any conditions."

The attitude of the other party surprised Chen Yang.

Because he sensed that Yang Tianbao was in a half-step physical state, but he was not arrogant at all, and the politeness was unexpected.

Chen Yang smiled helplessly and said to Yang Tianbao: "Sorry, the oxtail spine is also useful to me."


Yang Tianbao was embarrassed. Since Chen Yang, a oxtail spine, is also useful, it is not kind to buy it back.

After pondering, he said to Chen Yang: "My son, I wonder if you can move to the backyard and see my master, and then decide whether to sell Oxtail spines."

Chen Yang was curious about Yang Tianbao's master.

What kind of person can cultivate such a humble powerhouse?

If it is worth making friends, temporarily losing a oxtail spine is not a big deal.

Chen Yang nodded to Yang Tianbao: "Since this is the case, let me gradually go with your master."