My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4002: wild ambition

When the door of the cave where Chen Yang was located was slowly closed, a forest located ten miles away was also an area belonging to ASRock Sword Gate, but it did not belong to the core area, so not many people paid attention to it.

At this moment, in this forest, there is a strong humanoid magic.

The magic spirit looked at the cave where Chen Yang was located, with a bit of joy in his tone, and murmured: "It is indeed a young master, and the combat power is much stronger than the young lady and the night **** wing. But I do n’t know. Whether he can beat He Yan.

However, Mr. Quan Yidao seems to value the young master's appearance. If the young master is in danger, he should help the young master.

But the duel was proposed by the little master himself. If someone would help him at that time, he was afraid that his ideas would not be communicated. "

Shaking his head, the magic gradually dissipated, and a faint voice came out: "Let's take a look first. Maybe three days later, the young master can beat He Yan."


The three-day period was short for the practitioner and it was fleeting.

On this day, on top of Lei Guangding, a large number of disciples of ASRock Jianmen gathered to watch the battle between Chen Yang and He Yan.

Because of the amazing performance of Chen Yang, although the realms are very different today, everyone is more interested.

This interest is the hope that Chen Yang can work wonders.

As for the people who support He Zuo, very few.

Seeing more and more people coming to Lei Guangding, but He Yan has not yet appeared.


He Shu's residence, the core members of the He family, came together.

"It is not difficult to defeat Chen Yang. The difficulty lies in how you survive after defeating Chen Yang."

He Shu looked at He Yan, his face was dignified, and he groaned.

A family needs a top powerhouse.

For He family, it is He Shu.

However, in addition to the top powerhouses, other backbone forces are needed to enhance the family heritage.

He Ye, no doubt is the backbone.

If He Zhi died, the loss to He's family would be huge.

In addition, it also represents Zong Men's suppression of He's family. He's future development will definitely be difficult.

Therefore, He Shu made every effort to keep He Yan.

"At that time, all I can do is to ask for the full length and let go of Qiye."

Said a child of the Ho family.

The grandfather in his mouth is He Yan.

This sentence made the faces of He Shu and He Yan very ugly.

He Shu clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Which is the life and death of our family, why should we be in Zhang Sanfeng's hands? I'm not willing.

The crowd did not answer, but everyone understood.

The fate of He Family is in the hands of Quan Yi Dao, because the strength of Quan Yi Dao is strong, and the people of He Family are all disciples of ASRock Jianmen.

Therefore, we must obey the door regulations and listen to all long orders.

He Shu groaned: "If I could replace Zhang Sanfeng, I would be the head of ASRock Jianmen, how would I encounter the current situation."

He Yan frowned: "Unfortunately, we can't beat Zhang Sanfeng."

"We can't beat, it doesn't mean that others can't." He Shu ruthlessly said.

Hearing the words, everyone's complexion changed, revealing a solemn, tangled color.

He Yan groaned: "Father, do you want to attract strong men from other forces, to deal with Zhang Sanfeng?"

"I have this idea." He Shu nodded.

He Yan frowned: "It can be done by defeating Zhang Sanfeng, at least the strongest in the top. At that time, others help us, maybe ASRock Jianmen will fall into the hands of the other party. Like us, we have to have any benefit No. "

"I'm worried about that too."

He Shu faced his thoughts and groaned, "I don't know if there is any one in the entire Great Brahma world who specializes in taking money and helping others, but not building a strong man of his own power."

"It should be, but we can't find it at one and a half minutes," He Yan sighed.

There was silence in the hall for a moment.

It seems that everyone in He Family is thinking about what is going on in order to control ASRock Jianmen.

"Go to the duel first."

He Shu got up and went out. He also planned to take a look at this battle.

No matter what the outcome, he must keep Ho.

Of course, he still has confidence in He Yan. It would be incredible if even the practitioners who were lower in the three realms could not deal with it.

After a while, everyone in the He family reached Lei Guangding.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately caught everyone's attention.

He Yanfei fell down and stood at Lei Guangding. Under the attention of a crowd of ASRock Jianmen disciples, his elder elder middle-aged was quite awkward.

Because of He Shu's presence, the people's argument gradually became smaller, for fear of saying the wrong words and offending the people of He's family.

"It's Chen Yang."

But after a while, the sound suddenly became louder.

The eyes of everyone looked at Ling Yafeng.

I saw a crowd of people coming from Ling Yafeng, Chen Yang.

After three days of retreat, Chen Yang successfully advanced the peak of the prime minister with the help of Bingxuan Yinyuhua and Red Star Stone, greatly increasing her strength.

At the moment, he is not hiding.

Everyone was surprised when he saw the peak of his advanced essence.

"In three days, he actually advanced.

"How did he do it, even with the help of Ling Cao, it shouldn't be so fast."

"This is the genius, the difference from ordinary people."


He Jia frowned when he heard the sounds around him, his expression on his face became colder.

He Yan frowned, and said to He Shu: "Old ancestor, Chen Yang has elevated to a higher level. Grandpa won't ..."


He Shu Leng hummed and interrupted He Yan's words, saying: "You might be too underestimated of your grandpa, what he said, also in the middle of the courage. What's more, these three days, I taught him a secret method. As a last resort When he used this secret method, he could definitely defeat Chen Yang. "


He Yan's eyes brightened, let him relax.

Under the attention of everyone, Chen Yangfei landed on Lei Guangding and glanced at the dense crowd in the sky. I did not expect that there were a lot more people than when he played He Yuxu last time ~ ~.

He was fully prepared and didn't want to waste time. Looking at Cao Mo who was watching the air, he arched and said: "Elder Cao, I don't know who will judge today.

Cao Mo shook his head: "I'm only responsible for Lei Guangding's duel. You don't start the battle right now. I don't judge this duel. It's better, you two, discuss how to start."

"That being the case, why waste time." He Yan gave a cold drink, suddenly shot, attacked Chen Yang, and shouted, "Now, the duel begins."

Seeing Chen Yang's ascension, He Yan raised his vigilance.

He will use all methods to defeat Chen Yang.

Everyone did not expect that he actually came to this move, which is equivalent to a sneak attack, which is simply the style of a strong man without the slightest courage.

PS: I owed a chapter the day before yesterday, I couldn't write it today, I will make it up tomorrow! Everyone knows that yogurt is not lazy, it is really no time, sorry! !!

(End of this chapter)