My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4011: Skeleton Jellyfish

After several transmissions, Chen Yang finally reached Yu Jinxing in Tianjin Star Field.

Roundabout Qianzang Peak is here.

He followed the route given by a whole long command, and continued to move forward without encountering any obstacles. Finally, he reached the roundabout Qianzang Peak.

He flew into the air and looked forward, and saw a vast mountain peak, straight into the sky, each peak was very steep, majestic and steep.

These peaks, no less than a thousand, each look different.

It's not just the shape, the color, vegetation, rock formation, etc. are all different.

This has led to thousands of peaks, thousands of colors, and thousands of attitudes, which are beautiful and beautiful.

However, maneuvering the Qianzang Peak is not as simple as beauty.

A few hundred meters away from the area where the Qianzang Peak entered the convolution, Chen Yang had already sensed that from the area of ​​Qianzang Peak, there was a drastic energy fluctuation and the strength was constantly changing.

When strong, at least reached the peak of the spirit, not Chen Yang can compete.

Even when weak, at least in the early days of courage.

And these energies, like a swirling storm, form a cycle, but they seem to be chaotic, wandering back and forth between thousands of peaks.

As long as you enter the convoluted Qianzang Peak, you will inevitably encounter an energy storm.

If you encounter a strong energy storm, you will undoubtedly die.

"No wonder Mitutoyo's predecessors said it was dangerous here. This kind of energy storm is not something ordinary people can bear."

Chen Yang murmured, trying to pick an area with a weak energy storm and entering the convoluted Qianzang Peak. Suddenly someone came quickly behind him, and he sensed energy fluctuations.

He looked back, his face was unexpected, and the one who followed was actually Xu Jiancheng.

"Chen Yang, the danger of turning Qianzang Peak is extremely dangerous. If you enter it, you will die!"

Xu Jiancheng shouted that he was very reluctant to see that Chen Yang entered the roundabout Qianzang Peak, not only because of the danger inside, but also because after Chen Yang went in, it was difficult for him to find Chen Yang.

Chen Yang ignored Xu Jiancheng, speeded up immediately, passed through the energy storm, entered the convoluted Qianzang Peak, and the figure disappeared on the crested mountain peaks.


Xu Jiancheng did not chase into the roundabout Qianzang Peak, cursed, stayed there, and groaned, "The sights inside and outside of the roundabout Qianzangfeng are different. I do n’t know where he went even now. Can wait for him to come out. "

Although it was decided to wait for Chen Yang here, Xu Jiancheng was still worried that Chen Yang would leave from other places.

As he pondered the countermeasures, Xu Liangyu finally rushed over.

He intentionally left a clue, so although Xu Liangzheng's speed was slower, he found the roundabout Qianzang Peak.

"Father, how about Chen Yang?"

Xu Liangzhen stopped and asked.

Xu Jiancheng pointed at the turning Qianzang Peak: "Chen Yang went in."

Xu Liangzhang was shocked: "Is he crazy? The danger of maneuvering Qianzang Peak is extremely dangerous. The energy storm is enough to strangle the practitioners at the peak of the spirit phase. Isn't he afraid of going back?"

"I decided to wait here for a month and wait for him to come out." Xu Jian Cheng said: "However, he may leave from elsewhere. I am here, you go to the other side of the Qianzang Peak. If you find him, immediately Give me a signal. "


Xu Liangzhang answered, and immediately set off.


Chen Yang entered the convoluted Qianzang Peak, passed through the energy storm swirling between the steep peaks, and then went down.

He found that the energy storm at the bottom was weaker than the top.

He didn't understand the situation here yet, first went to the bottom to observe, and then rushed to the Lingzang Peak where all the teachers said.

Each of the peaks of the convoluted Qianzang Peak has a name.

Lingzang Peak is one of them.

According to Quan Yidao, Lingzang Peak is one of the most difficult peaks in the convoluted Qianzang Peak.

At its top, no one has even reached it.

It is very dangerous for Chen Yang to go to Lingzang Peak, but if he can reach the height of Lingzang Peak, he will certainly find treasure.

Danger coexists with opportunity.

"Well, the scene has changed."

Chen Yang flew down and suddenly found that the surrounding peaks had changed in shape, color, and location.

It's completely different from what he just saw outside.

As if he was entering another area at this moment.

And the peaks are no longer different, but each peak has become colorful, like a huge piece of gem, standing around.

If the mountain peaks are not covered by vegetation, then the dazzling treasure light will not shine.

Gradually reaching the bottom, Chen Yang found that below the convoluted Qianzang Peak, not the ground, but a huge lake, the water was turquoise and clear, winding the entire area of ​​Qianzang Peak.

Strange plants grow in the water, with a shape like a mushroom, about 100 meters high, transparent as a whole, flickering light, slightly swaying on the water surface, beautiful.

When Chen Yang reached under the "mushrooms", he found that there was no energy storm here.

It's as if the energy storm was blocked by a "mushroom".

"Boy, fly quickly, do you want to die?"

While Chen Yang was watching the beautiful scenery, Lao Li's voice suddenly sounded in his sea of ​​knowledge, his tone was slightly anxious.

Chen Yang couldn't wait to think about it, and immediately rose into the air and reached the top of the "mushroom".

As soon as he left, I saw the "mushroom" that he had just covered, and the top suddenly opened, exposing sharp and fine teeth, flowing out green saliva, and biting it down exactly where Chen Yang was just now.


When the "mushroom" teeth were closed, a loud noise was made, and the powerful energy was pressed downwards, and the lake burst into the sky.

The speed, strength, and energy fluctuations of the "mushroom" are all incredible.

Chen Yang is definitely difficult to compete with.

If not reminded by Li in time, I am afraid that he has now become the belly of the "mushroom".

Without a hit, the "mushroom" changed back to its previous form, and quietly swayed, still so beautiful, in sharp contrast to the fierce gangster just now.

"What is this?" Chen Yang stared at "Mushroom" and asked Lao Li.

"Skull jellyfish, a plant ~ ~ a killer plant."

Old Li replied and smiled: "Your boy is lucky, otherwise, it will be painful to be eaten into the stomach by the skeleton jellyfish."

"How do you look at the lively look as a master."

Chen Yang glared at Old Li and asked, "You don't know about this place. I'm going to Lingzang Peak. Is there a short way?"

Lao Li smiled: "You go down first and stand in the middle of the two skeleton jellyfish, I will tell you the answer."

"I won't die, right?" Chen Yang said with a lip.

Lao Li was not angry, "I will let you die?"


Chen Yang nodded, looked at the jellyfish below, and flew down.

"Don't go down, Skeleton Jellyfish is dangerous."

Just then, suddenly, a sound came from the upper left.