My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4268: Reorganization

Yun Huaxian felt that the blood was continuously flowing downwards. When she operated Xing Xuan, she wanted to seal off the wound, but found that Xia Xuan's Xing Xuan around the wound could not be excluded.

In this way, even if she stopped the blood, the wound would not resume healing, and this horrible scar would be left forever, just like a gully on her face.

Disfigurement is a great deal for any woman.

Yun Huaxian touched the scar on his face, and his eyes were full of panic. He looked up at Xia Xuan and did not speak, but his eyes were full of hatred.

"hate me?"

Xia Xuan looked disdainful and said, "You are too weak to have the qualification to hate me."

"You left me just to ruin my looks?"

Yun Huaxian asked with a bit of tenacity in his eyes.

"No." Xia Xuan shook his head and said coldly, "I just lack a maid here. You are beautiful and fit for this position, so I leave you and intend to make you my maid."

Xia Xuan pointed at Yang Xuewei and said, "In fact, I could have killed you, but you brought my distraction back. Although it took me several years to reintegrate, at least I didn't have to go through the red dust. So I thank you for making me my maid. You should be happy about it. "

"You can kill me." Yun Huaxian said coldly.

"No, I prefer to enslave you."

Xia Xuan's eyes flashed a tinge of color, retracting his gaze, Yang Xuewei, who was held in his arms by Yun Huaxian, flew in front of her.

She looked down at Yang Xuewei with her eyes closed and unresponsive, and said coldly, "My distraction is really not a good boy. It actually affected me and made me save Chen Yang once. Otherwise, Wu Yangen. I've got it, and the magic can be done. But it doesn't matter. In the end, you still come back. "


The expanse of grassland, green grass, blue sky and beautiful scenery.

On the grassland, there are a pile of red star stones, which are about 70,000 to 80,000 in number. They release rich star energy and burn.

Beside the red star rock pile, there is a girl with a pigtail and a red bitch, with a pink face, very cute.

She grabbed a handful of red star stones, hopped to the side, and looked at the grass.

There is someone on the grass.

However, this person is not complete, just a faint ghost, the whole body is transparent, lying there motionless, not even seeing the face clearly.

On the belly of this figure, there is a large circular vortex of slaps, and black holes are pulling the surrounding energy slowly into the transparent figure.

I can't see the energy flowing in the figure, but it seems like the figure has become more solid.

The little girl squatted next to the figure, looked at the figure, spread her left hand to look at the red star stone on the palm of her hand, pointed her finger at her right hand, picked up a red star stone, and hung on the black vortex on the belly of the figure.

Instantly, the stars in the red starstone could be released, converging towards the black vortex.


The little girl giggled and released her finger. The red star stone fell directly into the black vortex, and the figure was obviously solidified.


The little girl shouted well and threw the red star stones that she was holding in her left hand into the black vortex.

The red star fell and disappeared instantly, and the figure became solid.

Seeing this, the little girl patted her palm, walked to the red star stone pile, grabbed a handful of red star stone, and put it into the black vortex in the belly of the figure.

This reciprocation, the figure gradually solidified, until the little girl put more than 10,000 red stars, the black vortex suddenly disappeared, and the figure was completely condensed into a complete human body.

That face was Chen Yang.

In the murmur, Chen Yang could sense that he had burst into pieces and was dead.

Strangely enough, the idea is still there, but it has lost its ability to think.

He felt himself floating in the void, unknowingly, his mind gradually recovered, and he was aware of his body.

Is it possible to live by yourself?

I haven't figured out what happened. Suddenly, the rich star can enter the body, continuously transform and absorb, and the body passively runs "Nine Turns to the Stars", and the realm seems to be unknowingly ascending.

I don't know how long this process lasted. Chen Yang felt that the star power in his body had reached a very horrible level, and he soon broke through his body, some of which could not be transformed.

At this moment, the star energy flowing in from the outside world was suddenly interrupted.

Chen Yang fell into silence, his body functioned naturally, everything gradually recovered, and even became stronger.

I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly my nose feels itchy, and there seems to be something fluffy, which is scratching my nostrils.

"A sneeze."

Chen Yang sneezed and opened his eyes suddenly. A round, pink face appeared in front of him, only ten centimeters away. He stared roundly at him and said, "You are awake . "

"You ... Ah! Yaner!"

Chen Yangzheng wondered who the little girl was ~ ~ Suddenly eyes widened and stared at the little girl who took away the dogtail grass in disbelief. The person in front of me remembered that it was the bow spirit of the fury of the sky. Baby girl.

"Giggle, you remember me."

Yaner laughed, moved her head away, and sat on the floor.

Chen Yang looked blank, wondering why Yan'er appeared in front of her, not to mention why she blew herself up, but she was still alive.

It stands to reason that, no matter how you turn yourself into ashes, it is impossible to be alive.

He sat up and looked at his body, everything was intact, and even his skin, muscles, bones, and his entire body became more perfect.

What's more terrible is that the realm actually went from the triple level of Puppet Star Realm to the seventh level of Puppet Realm, spanning four small realms.

All this is incredible to the extreme.


Chen Yang exclaimed, and suddenly found himself wearing nothing, sitting naked on the ground.

He quickly grabbed a piece of turf to cover his body, looked at Yan'er, and saw that Yan'er didn't care at all. Then he was relieved, and could only comfort himself in his heart. Yan'er was a bow spirit and didn't understand these.

Looking around, looking at the vast grassland, there is a pile of red star stone, and weapons, spirit stones, Najie and other things next to the red star stone, Chen Yang found that his own things are here.

He beckoned, Na Jie flew into his hand, took out his clothes and put them away, and asked Yaner, "Yaner, what is going on, why am I still alive, am I already dead?"

"You didn't die, you just died."

Yan'er sat on the ground with her hands on her chin and stared at Chen Yang with a smile.

Chen Yang thought for a while, looked at Yan'er, and asked, "Did you save me?"

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