My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4320: Black and white double evil

"It's Tian Qiwen!"

"Tian Qiwen, the owner of the Tian family, can't even beat Yin Xu even if he is in a state of sevenfold. What is he doing?"

"Don't you see those three men dare not do anything? At this moment Tian Qiwen is coming, but it is relying on the master of the island of Wang to come and prestige."


The surrounding discussions allowed Chen Yang to see the situation clearly.

However, it was not what the people around him said that Tian Qiwen came to deceive others.

In fact, behind Tian Qiwen, there are two strong men who are staring at the starry sky, wearing black and white gowns, with cold looks and indifferent eyes, as if they were not humans, but two ghosts.

Obviously, Tian Qiwen dared to come here to give his son a shot, relying on these two people.

When Chen Yang was observing the two, someone in the distance finally recognized the identity of the black and white person and exclaimed, "It's black and white!"

"Ah! They are two brothers in black and white. Both of them are puppets of Xingxing Realm. It is said that together they are enough to fight against the Supreme Realm. On the island, there are only three Supreme Realms, including the island master, who can defeat them."

"Isn't Black and White Shuangsha always attached to the Yang family on the west coast, how did they follow the Tian family?"

"Did the previous rumors be true, the Tian family even conquered the West Coast, so now the black and white Shuangsha are following Tian Qiwen in order to obtain training resources."

"It must be so. It seems that Wang Daozhu is not thin at the Tian family."

"Those three have suffered this time. The strength of black and white and double evil is by no means what they can compete with."

"Unfortunately, it was Tian Yongxing who obviously wanted to rob the people, but now he is in this position."


"Black and white, what is it?"

After hearing the discussion around him, Yu Xie muttered disdainfully.

However, he did not take the shot immediately.

After Chen Yang had prevented him from killing twice before, he had understood that even if he was doing something for the king, he could not do whatever he wanted, he must obey the king's order.

You can say a few words, but to kill someone, the king nodded.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Tian Yongling looked at Tian Qiwen with a look of doubt on her face. Although Yin Xu would ventilate the report, he could not report it to Tian Qiwen.

"I happen to be in the city. There is so much noise here. I don't have any news at all."

Tian Qiwen answered the sentence, then lowered his voice and solemnly said to Tian Yongling and Tian Yongxing: "Yin Xu should have informed Wang Daozhu to kill these people with the strength of Wang Daozhu, but it is easy. However, we need to get here as soon as possible. The matter must be resolved and handled properly, and Wang Daozhu must not be allowed to take the shot himself. "


Tian Yongling frowned, with a proud look: "The island owner hurts me the most. If he knew that I had been wronged here, he would certainly not lighten the two."

Tian Qiwen said positively: "Nevertheless, Wang Dao's main business is busy. If it is such a trivial matter, you will bother him. In the future, he will be in doubt. If you handle it yourself, then he will praise you for your goodness. In the future, Love you more. "

Tian Yongling's eyes brightened, and he said, "Still, my father is smart."

"Rest assured, Bu Hei and Bu Bai have both surrendered to me. With them, the opponent is definitely not the opponent."

Tian Qiwen looked calm, looked at Tian Yongxing, and asked, "How about, Yongxing, are you OK with your legs?"

"Dad, leave Zhang Mo's life."

Tian Yongxing did not answer his case, but quickly reminded.

By this time, he had not forgotten the woman.

"rest assured."

Tian Qiwen indulged his son very much, nodded his head, and looked at Chen Yang and Yu Xi, who were just like the onlookers, Shen said, "Is it you who hurt my son?"

"What about it?"

Yu Xie stood out, looking cold.

Seeing Yu Xi in his early days, Tian Jiawen, headed by Tian Qiwen, naturally took Yu Xi as the opponent's head.

"Very well, since you admit it, then you will die."

Tian Qiwen nodded indifferently, a situation in which he was in control, and said to the two black and white double evils behind him that he was higher than himself: "Step black, step white!"

Black and white and double evil, immediately took a step forward, and the two of them spoke in unison, both of them responding softly: "Huh."

Although the two have now surrendered to Tian Qiwen, after all, their realm and strength are still there, naturally they have their own pride and will not behave too respectfully.

Moreover, the reason why they will return to Shun Tian Qiwen is entirely because Tian Yongling married the island owner, and the two of them also hope that they can use this relationship to climb up with the island owner.

After all, the island owner of Wangdao controls the resources of the entire Wangdao. If he can become a guard, regardless of his status and cultivation resources, it is incomparable with the present.

At this moment, when I saw the opportunity to take the place for Tian Yongling, the black and white Shuangsha actually had some ideas in their hearts, but soon recovered their thoughts and looked at Chen Yang and Yu Xie.

Chen Yang habitually hides the realm, they cannot see through.

Yu Xie is a monster Kuaihai snake. After becoming a human, her blood veins converge. Except for a slight wave of demonic spirit, she ca n’t see the realm ~ ~ So after looking at the black and white double evil, she did n’t think Put the other side in your eyes.

Since you can't see through, it's definitely not too strong.

Because they do not believe, on Wang Island, in addition to Wang Island Lord, there are opponents they cannot see through.

Tian Qiwen saw the black and white Shuangsha come out and ordered: "Bu Hei, Bu Bai, these two men were killed, and the women were captured."

"This role is enough for me."

Bu Heiran calmly, stood out, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes, walked towards Yu Xi, and said, "Old man, I am dead and still calm. I admire you for this."

Yu Xie didn't look at the black step, and turned to Chen Yang and asked, "King, can you kill?"

Chen Yang said: "These two people have nothing to do with Wang Zhongmou and can be killed."

"Okay." Yu He nodded.

"Kill me? Who do you think you are? This king island can kill me, excluding you."

Bu Hei Leng sang and took out a triangular spur from the ring. The stars around him could move, pointing at Yu He, and said coldly, "Which other Wang Zhongmou, do I have anything to do with him, does it matter? You all have to die today. "

"Wang Zhongmou?"

Tian Qiwen revealed his thoughts and asked Tian Yongling next to him: "Yong Ling, will this Wang Zhongmou have the name Wang, have a relationship with Wang Daozhu?"

Tian Yongling calmly said: "Rest assured, I have already known the relatives of the island owner. None of them is named Wang Zhongmou."

"I'm relieved."

Tian Qiwen nodded, and urged Heihei, "Hurry up, kill them."

"Old guy, die!"

He stepped into the black storm and suddenly shot. The speed of the triangulation in his hand and the violent power of the star energy scared everyone around him pale.

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