My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4405: caught

Following the five sisters of the Wei family and returning to their home, Wei Jianying said to Chen Yang: "Today you live here first, and tomorrow I will go to see the village chief with you."

"It's working."

Chen Yang bowed his hand to thank him, and then his second child Wei Meiying led him to a room in the back.

There is no sun in the world, but at night, the sky becomes darker, telling people that it is night.

No, it should be said, it is to tell the ghost clan that it is already night.

Chen Yang listened with a side ear, and found that the sound of gurgling came from the outside, and dared to fall in love at night. Are these ghosts starting to dispatch?

Just then, someone suddenly opened the door and walked in. Before Chen Yang left, the other party said, "Don't make a noise, it's me."

Wei Zhuying.

Chen Yang looked up, and it turned out that Wei Zhuying was standing at the door.

With a solemn look, Wei Zhuying came over and said to Chen Yang: "Don't I remind you, why don't you go? Now it's night, and one hundred ghosts are walking at night, and you can't get away. Only when you wait for the daytime tomorrow can you get away. "

"Thank you for your help." Chen Yang asked Wei Zhuying a hand and asked, "Excuse me, Miss Zhu Ying, what kind of race are you?"

Seeing that Chen Yang knew the ghost clan, Wei Zhuying stunned and explained: "I'm a human, but I disguised as a ghost clan using secret methods, and they didn't know it."

Chen Yang wondered: "Since you are human, why do you and Wei Jianying match them as sisters?"

Wei Zhuying frowned, showing the color of the meeting, bitterly: "In fact, they were my sisters, but they were taken away by the people of Kongxing Island and forced to become ghosts.

In fact, I should also become a ghost clan, so my sisters protected me, and I happened to get the secret law, so I pretended to be a ghost clan, and came here.

In order not to be killed, I can only pretend to stay here for more than a thousand years. "

Chen Yang looked surprised: "So you are actually more than a thousand years old! Also, what's the matter with this empty air island, are these ghosts unable to raise empty air islands?"

Wei Zhuying said, "These ghosts are indeed raised on Kongxing Island. When the island owner Wen Lei of Kongxing Island found this small world, he began to collect remnants and develop a ghost family, and later established this black stone village. Let the ghosts live here.

When these ghost clan were sent to Heishi Village, they did not awaken their sages at first, so after they awakened, they thought they had been living here, and they did not know that Wen Lei had put them in. "

"Wen Lei wants to do?" Chen Yang puzzled.

Wei Zhuying said: "I'm not quite sure, but at that time, people from the empty line island said vaguely that he wanted to use the ghost clan as a guide to cultivate some secret method and impact the realm of honor."

"The Bloody Ghost Guide!"

Chen Yang immediately thought of a secret poisoning method recorded in "The Book of Immortals and Magic".

"Yes, it's The Bloody Ghost Guide."

Wei Zhuying nodded and looked at Chen Yang suspiciously, and said, "How do you know?"

"It just so happened." Chen Yang explained: "You can rest assured that I'm not on the empty island, otherwise I wouldn't come to the world to find Yunhuaxian. By the way, where is Yunhuaxian?"

Wei Zhuying said: "Yunhuaxian was tricked into Heishi Village, which was also shot by four of my other sisters. Later, she went missing overnight. If I expected nothing wrong, Yunhuaxian should have been killed."

"You don't know where she went? Your four sisters, they didn't tell you?"

Chen Yang frowned and groaned, "You are clearly the five sisters. Why didn't they tell you? Maybe your identity has been exposed."

After listening to Chen Yang, Wei Zhuying realized this problem and groaned, "This ... shouldn't be it."

Chen Yang said: "There is a chance that you are exposed. Be careful, when I find Yunhuaxian, I will take you out of Heishi Village and leave the world."

Wei Zhuying shook his head and said, "No, if I leave the inner world, people on the empty island will kill me."

"You stay here, and you will die sooner or later."

Chen Yang persuaded, but then he was puzzled.

If the four sisters of the Wei family discover that Wei Zhuying is not a ghost clan, why should she keep her alive?

"Here is an elixir. I made it with the blood of other ghost clan. After you take it, you can pretend to be the ghost clan. In the early morning, you will take the elixir to escape and go east.

Wei Zhuying took out an elixir and handed it to Chen Yang, and then said, "I'll go back first, otherwise it should be discovered by the four sisters."

"Thank you."

Chen Yang thanked him, played with the elixir, sat cross-legged, and continued to practice.

The dark night outside gradually showed gray brightness.

Chen Yang opened his eyes and took the elixir given by Wei Zhuying.

But he had just taken it, and felt only severe pain coming from his head, as if he had been hit hard, and even lost consciousness.


In the dark room, there were seven people, five sisters of the Wei family and the head and son of the village.

And Chen Yang, **** with a chain and fell on a beam, was unconscious and unable to move.

"Very good, ninety-nine, and finally we can start our plan."

Village head Shi Dong stared at Chen Yang, nodded with satisfaction, a sneer sneer appeared on his face, and the concubine Chen Yang saw yesterday.

Shi Yan said in a deep voice: "This person's realm is not low, reaching the seventh level of the Supreme Realm, but the world has never been to such a high-level practitioner.

Wei Jianying said, "Even the owner of the empty island is only five levels of supreme state. This person's seven level state, I am afraid it is not simple."

Shi Dong shook his head and said, "It's a pity that we don't know much about the outside ~ ~ We only know Wen Lei, the owner of the empty island, otherwise, we might use this person."

Wei Mei's second child, Wei Meiying, said: "Forget it, it is important to complete the plan first, but don't get trapped in the inner world, but be used by Wen Lei."

"My third son, I did a good job this time."

Wei Jianying glanced at Wei Zhuying and smiled.

Wei Zhuying leaned on the icy wall, without a word, his face was already cold.

The youngest Wei Lanying said, "Yes, village head, Yunhuaxian, why didn't you see her?"

"She was kept underneath, she was complete, and her will was not yet surrendered." Shi Dong frowned, seeming to find the matter very difficult.

"Wow ..."


At this time, the sound of hissing came from above.

I saw the upper part of the space here was a piece of ten-meter square transparent glass, and you could see a group of villagers crowded above, screaming greedily towards the bottom.

The oldest five-year-old Wei Juying looked up impatiently; "These stupid guys are really useless."

"They are all ghosts, and they will have to rely on them in the future." Wei Jianying said.

"It turned out that the ground was transparent. The ghosts gathered in the center of the square were looking below. Wei Jianying's so-called cockroaches are people like me."

Just then, suddenly, Chen Yang's voice sounded.

PS: Brothers, summer support activities, yogurt needs your support, click QQ to read the client found in the bottom right corner → welfare in the upper left corner → should be the author of the aid, become a fan of yogurt, help yogurt. After you complete the task, you must remember to receive the support value, otherwise the support value will not be increased. In addition, the light stick will increase the support value by 50%. Yogurt is behind, but I believe everyone can rise! !! !!

(End of this chapter)