My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4545: Yaowang

Chen Yang frowned: "Brother Yu, what do you mean by shaking your head?"

Yu Ding showed sadness and said, "Yuan Kedi's last blow was defeated by the Xuanwu Dingjiazhu you gave, but Mi Shimei was hit. Now her back is broken and her internal organs are cracked. Damage, although taking elixir to save his life, but in this case, I am afraid that I can not live for a month. "

Chen Yang's face collapsed, and he quickly turned over Mi Li's body, only to see that Mi Li's back was dripping with blood, her spine was broken, a hole was broken in the entire back, and the internal organs were also blurred.

If Mi Li is not an astral monk repairer, and she is an ordinary person, such a terrible injury is definitely dead.

But even so, Mi Li didn't have long to live.

Chen Yang's brain quickly thought, and the first way of thinking was to reorganize Mi Li's body with the help of the small world of the wrath of the sky.

However, the broken part of Mi Li did not earn a small world, and Chen Yang's control of the small world did not reach this level, but this method was not feasible.

In addition to this, Mi Li can only be treated.

"Lao Li, is there any way?"

Chen Yang entered the sea of ​​knowledge and asked Lao Li.

Li also knew that the situation was urgent, and immediately answered: "It seems that using unlimited vitality is the only way you can do it."

Then, Lao Li gave Chen Yang the materials needed for unlimited vitality.

Chen Yang didn't dare to waste any time, and handed Mi Li to Yu Ding to watch, he immediately flew towards the palace in the center of Liangdu.

At the gate of the palace, the guards recognized him and told him inside.

After a while, Chen Yang met Yan Lin.

"Chen Gongzi, why go back and return?" Yan Lin greeted him, seeing Chen Yang's solemn expression, frowning, "Did you encounter something?"

"Wu Xiong, Yuan Kedi and others intercepted me in an attempt to kill and gain treasure."

Chen Yang briefly explained the process, and then said, "My sister Mi Miqi is seriously injured. Now I need some rare spirits, and I also ask seniors to help."

"Follow me."

Yan Lin was shocked and immediately took Chen Yang to the treasure house.

On the way, he learned some details, and learned that someone from the Yan family had leaked the information about leaving Lidan and other objects. He was so angry that he immediately ordered to investigate the matter.

Then he asked Chen Yang: "What about Yuan Kedi, Wu Xiong, Ding Kun, etc.?"

"All were killed," Chen Yang replied.

Yan Lin showed horror. I wonder how Chen Yang and his four could deal with Yuan Kedi and others.

He was about to ask, but he was in the treasure house.

He had no reservations about Chen Yang, and after opening the treasure house, let Chen Yang choose in the area of ​​Ling Cao.

Chen Yang quickly searched for the necessary grass and materials, and collected most of them in a short while, but still had two less.

One is rain dew grass, and the other is flying swallow flower.

Chen Yang recalled, remembering that there were no two kinds of spirit grass in the treasure house of nine mysteries that Yan Liang had put away.

He suddenly became tense in his heart and stepped out, thinking about where to get these two cherished spirits.

Seeing Chen Yang frowning, Yan Lin pondered for a moment, then suddenly his eyes brightened, and said, "Yes, Chen Gongzi, if you want to save Mi Li, you may go to the medicine king Sun Fuze."

"Wang Fuze?" Chen Yang looked at Xiang Yanlin in doubt.

Yan Lin thought that Chen Yang was a master of alchemy, but she didn't know Wang Fuze, she was very puzzled.

However, he did not ask why, but explained to Chen Yang: "There are two top alchemists in the motorcycle industry, one is Cao Fanyang and the other is Wang Fuze.

Cao Fanyang is good at refining the elixir used in cultivation, which is called Dan King;

Wang Fuze is good at refining life-saving elixir, and is called the king of medicine.

He was cured of his illness, and many practitioners who had lost their lives were rescued by Wang Fuze.

The spiritual grass reserve there is also very rich. If you go to him, maybe you can find what you call the rain dew grass and the flying swallow fall garden flower. "

Chen Yang Information Cao Fanyang and Wang Fuze are the first in the motorcycle industry, and they must have a lot of spiritual grass and materials.

Even if the two do not have what he needs, there are other channels to look for. It is much faster than him to find spirit grass in the immortal world alone.

He eagerly asked Yan Lin: "Senior, where is Wang Fuze?"

"Our Yan family and Wang Fuze have a little friendship. I will give you a token. You can see him when you go to Blue Star to find Wang Fuze. However, Wang Fuze always does not trade at a loss and heals people. He is a fair trader, so you better be mentally prepared. "

Yan Lin said, engraved a linger, and then took off his jade and handed it to Chen Yang.


Can't wait, Chen Yang left immediately.

Back at Zuixianlou, Chen Yang glanced at Mi Li lying on the bed, and his pale face made him feel distressed.

How hopeful he was at the moment, Mi Li could laugh in her arms.

"Brother Yu, you're healing here now. After the injury is healed, you'll go back to Haoqi Jiange first. I'll take Sister Mi to heal."

Chen Yang held Mi Li in his arms, for Ding Dao.

Yu Ding didn't ask much, but just bowed his head silently, watching Chen Yang walk out of the drunk fairy house.

"Ha ha."

Chen Yang was about to leave, but he heard a chuckle sound behind him.

He looked back and saw a woman in a long black gauze dress walking out in the side lane.

Princess Mo Yan.

Chen Yang's face changed slightly, eagerly: "Miss Mo Yan, I am anxious to save people now, if you have any orders, please also ...

Mo Yan interrupted Chen Yang's words with a smile, and said, "I've already thought about it, how can you pay me back?"

Chen Yang frowned, but saw Mo Yan pointing at the unconscious Mi Li, and said eloquently, "I don't allow you to rescue this girl in your arms, let alone see her later, miss her, help her, you hear Yet?"

Upon hearing this ~ ~ Chen Yang was furious and said in a deep voice: "Miss Mo Yan, I have no injustice with you, why are you so difficult for me?"

"I'll do whatever I want." Mo Yan turned around and walked towards the alley, with a faint smile in his tone, disapproving: "If you don't listen, it's a big deal. You all killed. "

Chen Yang looked somber, two steps up, and said coldly: "It is said that Princess Mo Yan was cruel and wicked, and did nothing evil. I thought it was a rumor. Now it seems that you are really ..."

"What is it?"

Mo Yan turned her head back and could not see her expression under her veil, but her tone of play was even more irritating.

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and Shen said: "Although you saved me, your current behavior is a wicked man who does nothing wrong, and it really disappoints me.

As for the conditions you said, I will not agree.

I am not a pedantic person. I only keep my promises to good people. If you don't let me save Mi Li, you will kill me. "