My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4585: Went to Miaochunzhai

Liang Kan's response was quite rapid, but at the moment he moved, suddenly, two pillars stood up to the left and right, and flew towards him.

These two pillars obviously did not have the slightest energy fluctuation, but they felt very dangerous.

Liang Kanyixing could not bear that terrible oppression.

He determined that even if his teacher Cao Fanyang came, he might not be able to resist the attack of these two strange bamboos.

"So strong."

Liang Kan was amazed. He quickly took out an elixir from the ring and spewed blood in his mouth. The speed doubled several times. Kang Kan escaped the attack of the two left and right bamboos and flew upwards.

Obviously, the elixir was an accelerated elixir, and its grade was not low, which allowed Liang Kan to escape.

However, Liang Kan hadn't gotten a sigh of relief, and the bamboo on Lin Heng's cliffs moved crunchily, as if the arrows were firing up all over the sky, all attacking Liang Kang.

The Zeng family guard who followed him was penetrated by bamboo before he understood what was going on.


Liang Kan was also shocked. With such an intensive attack and such a powerful force, this bamboo forest formation was simply irresistible.

He was also considered to be very knowledgeable, and suddenly thought to himself that, apart from Kui Xing Ge, other forces, if they want to break this battle, I am afraid that they are not sure.

However, his response was also extremely fast. Immediately, he took three accelerated pills, and the speed suddenly increased. He moved quickly and moved away from Lin Hengya.

The entire Lin Hengya, with the exception of the bamboo house, a green bamboo has been flying, densely packed, like a green javelin, after turning, chasing horizontally towards Liang Kan.

"This bamboo is so fast."

Liang Kan looked ugly, knowing that if he was caught by the bamboo, he would die without doubt. He directly took out the dan bottle and swallowed the speeding dan medicine.

Suddenly, his speed increased sharply, passing a residual image, and staggering away.

At the moment he accelerated, a whole body of blood mist burst out, apparently because he took too much medicine and had a strong side effect.

In an instant, he was ten miles away, and the blood-stained shadow flickered. He didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and went away again.

I didn't know how far after the escape, the blood-colored shadow appeared parabolic, fell towards the ground, thumped on the ground, and rolled a long distance before stopping.

"Huh ... huh ..."

Liang Kan fell to the ground, panting heavily, his body covered with blood mist, energy fluctuations were very weak, and his breath seemed to be almost gone.

The side effect of that bottle of elixir was too great.

However, he had no choice.

If you don't take all of the bottle of elixir, you will be caught by flying bamboo, and you will die.

Being alive now is a blessing in misfortune.

Liang Kan quickly took the elixir of healing, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

Thinking of what happened just now, he was numb on his back.

Although the flying bamboo came very quickly and suddenly, he was also in the blink of an eye and saw that the bamboo knot in the hands of the fairy-like beauty was controlling the array.

That is, an indifferent woman controls a formation that is enough to kill the One Star Nine Rehearsals.

In Liang Kan's view, this is unreasonable.

He pondered for a moment, his eyes flashed with surprise, and groaned: "Is that woman related to Kuixingge, maybe even a second-world white-world person?

Otherwise, how could there be such a powerful formation?

In short, it is impossible for her to arrange such a strong formation. Behind her, there must be strong men who cannot be provoked. "

Originally, Liang Kan thought about revenge, and took away the beautiful woman named Lin Zhu.

But thinking of this, he immediately dispelled his thoughts.

He could feel that the power of those bamboos had not been exerted to the extreme. If he dared to come next time, he would definitely leave a body.

However, he did not dare to deal with Lin Zhu and Su Xiaoxing, but transferred the hatred to Chen Yang's head, and said coldly: "The origin of the man and the woman is unknown, but the one-star and one-heavy practitioner is from Hao Jiangge Disciple. Hum, don't let me find a chance, otherwise, I will make you dead. "


Looking at the sky full of bamboos and chasing Liang Kang, Chen Yang's face was full of surprise.

He asked himself that he was an extraordinary array player, but he didn't realize that there was such a powerful array player here.

However, if you think about it, you can understand that Lin Zhu has nothing to do, and looks like a natural beauty. If there is no strong power to protect him, I am afraid that he will already be taken away.

Unfortunately, Liang Kan responded quickly, swallowed the entire bottle of accelerated elixir, and escaped from birth, leaving the scope of the formation.

Feizhu lost his goal, flew back to the ground, and inserted back into the cliff ground, standing quietly, without any change in position, as if nothing had happened.

Chen Yang looked back at Lin Zhu, and saw Lin Zhu holding a bamboo joint in his hand, and asked, "Did you arrange this formation or was it left by Yan Guangsheng?"

Lin Zhu put away the bamboo festival and said, "It was arranged by Yan Guangsheng."

"So it is."

Chen Yang nodded, and regretted, "It's just a pity that he didn't kill the man just now."

Lin Zhu sighed: "I was hesitant, and did not release all the power of the formation, giving the person a chance to escape ~ ~ It does not matter, with this formation, at least one person in the realm of stars cannot harm You guys. "Chen Yang smiled and said," I knew it was the case, so I left. Why wait for the Zeng family to come here. "

Lin Zhu bit his red lips and said, "After all, the formation method was left by Yan Guangsheng. I didn't want to use it until I had to do so."

"I hope it won't be needed in the future."

Chen Yang saw that there was nothing to do on his own, and he said, "I'm going to leave now. I will help you with the matter of Yan Guangsheng."

"Please also ask Chen Gongzi to remember this, thank you Gongzi."

Lin Zhu stunned.

Su Xiaoxing couldn't understand the words of the two, and was curious: "Xiaozhu, Master, where are you, who is Yan Guangsheng?"

"It's nothing."

Lin Zhu smiled slightly at Su Xiaoxing and said: "Xiaoxing, Chen Gongzi is leaving, and he has not yet said goodbye to Chen Gongzi."

Su Xiaoxing showed his firm face and bowed to Chen Yang: "Master, next time you come, I must have become a strong one."

"hope so."

Chen Yang smiled and nodded, leaving the air.


Hao Yuanxing is where Yunzhitang is located.

The entire star here, like the blue star where Miao Chunzhai is located, is planted with a variety of spiritual grasses, and the entire star is full of strong medicinal fragrance.

A pale-faced youth walked into Yunzhitang quickly.

This person is Liang Kan.

He looked around in the hall and found that except for a few little drug boys, the host Cao Fanyang and the nine apprentices were not visible.

He stopped a little drug boy and asked, "Where are my master and several brothers?"

"Qi Liang Liang Dan, the master and all the Dan teachers went to Miao Chunzhai." Yaotong respectfully said.

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