My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4630: Ask for directions

Hearing the shout, everyone in the cabin was stunned. bookmark our website

几乎 Few people are in the sky of this starry sky, and now there are people shouting outside, which is really a coincidence.

Everyone was vigilant, so Xia immediately got up and went out, saying to Cui An: "Brother Cui, please trouble you to control the ship. I'll go out first to see the situation. If there is danger, you speed up immediately, we try to avoid conflict with others."


Cui An nodded, and then nodded.

He was ordered by Ling Xia, and he felt a little unpleasant.

All the people in the cabin of the puppet were curious and immediately followed Ling Xia to the deck, and they saw a ten-meter-long ship on the side. The ship seemed ordinary, but it was juxtaposed with the Jiange ship.

Seeing the other party ’s speed control so delicate, the flying boat was obviously unusual, which made Xia Xinsheng vigilant, and then calmed down again.

If the other party's plot is wrong, he just started the attack quietly instead of shouting.

So he concluded that the other party was not malicious.

Ling Xia, Chen Yang and others looked at the deck of each other's ships, and saw that there were two fat and thin young men, all wearing grey and white robes, and smilingly watching the Chen Yang and his party coming out of the cabin. .

And the realm of these two people can not even see through, giving people an unpredictable feeling.

These two boys are not others, but Huizhen and Huibao.

When they saw someone coming out of the cabin to greet them, they immediately called out, "Friends, please excuse me, how do you know how to get to Ranxing?"

When I heard it, I asked for directions, so Xia was even more suspicious of him. He immediately pointed to a star in the distance and said, "Two, the star is over there."

"Thank you for reporting."

Wu Huizhen stepped forward and thanked him with a smile: "This vast galaxy, the stars are dense, and we don't know much about this area, we almost lost our way."

Tong Huibao groaned with a smile: "Did you, we will not bother and say goodbye."

After speaking, the two turned and returned to the cabin. The flying boat flew in the direction of the star, and disappeared in an instant.

"This ship is fast."

Someone on the Jianjian Pavilion said in surprise.

Xi Ling Xia Shen groaned: "The two men have unfathomable strength, and they do not know which forces they came from."

Chen Yang remembered something and said: "Taran Star is the star next to Haoqi Sword Pavilion. If they go to Tairan Star, will it not be related to Haoqi Sword Pavilion?"

"If it is related to the sword court, they will go directly. Presumably, it is something else." Ling Xia turned and walked into the cabin, greeting everyone: "Everyone come in."

Everyone entered the cabin, and only Cui An stayed inside to control the ship. He asked, "Lord, what's the situation?"

Xu Ling Xia told what happened outside, and the topic returned to the exchange of Confucianism and Confucianism.

Many people talked enthusiastically, but one of them sat quietly beside Chen Yang, squinting his eyes at Chen Yang and whispering, "You are Brother Chen?"

Chen Yang turned to look at the youth, and found that he had never seen each other before, and he did not know their origins, and greeted, "I have seen my brother."

"My name is Zhang Xurui, just call me Brother Zhang."

Zhang Xurui nodded in satisfaction with Chen Yang's attitude, with a little sigh in his tone, and laughed: "I heard that you defeated Nangong Yuntian, the state of suppression, with the sixfold state of respect, which surprised me. However, this time when you went to the Confucianism, they named you for you. You're afraid that there will be less evil. "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "The Confucianism and Dharma Confucianism are the nine major gates. I am a small shrimp, presumably the other party doesn't pay attention to it. Maybe this time, I want to let me down and let me not be so public.

"Do you know that you are public?"

Zhang Xurui raised an eyebrow and said to Chen Yang with a lesson tone: "Don't say that when you are a brother, you are indeed a gifted one, but you are too self-righteous.

Take the people in this cabin, at least one star and five levels, which one can you beat?

So, if you go to Confucianism during this trip, you are the weakest one.

Brother Yun reminded you that when you came to the Confucianism, you would be a human with your tail in between, but don't provoke right and wrong, but you can't beat it, and finally shame our mighty sword pavilion.

Of course, if you run into trouble, I will help you out.

I am one star and sixfold, except for a few people such as Gai Yuanruo, the chief disciple of the Confucianism, I don't pay attention to others. "

When I heard these words, Chen Yang laughed dumbly and asked, "Brother Zhang, you came to me just to say that?"

Zhang Xurui frowned, Shen said, "Why, don't you listen to my brother's advice?"

听 "Listen, of course."

Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and then said earnestly: "After arriving in the Confucianism, I must proceed with caution and never lose face with Haoqi Jiange."

"That's what it sounds like." Zhang Xurui's eyes showed slyness, and Chuan Yin said to Chen Yang: "Brother should take care of you like this, shouldn't you show it to your brother?"

Chen Yang raised an eyebrow, and said, "Of course, of course, I need to show something. I just have the strength to be a star and a heavy state. If there is no shelter from my brother, I am afraid to die alive and return to the sword Pavilion. Brother, you said, you I want to give you everything ~ ~ Zhang Xurui saw Chen Yang being so obedient and hesitated, and then he sternly said, "In fact, there is nothing, for my brother, I found that the star tactics you cultivated are flawed. I want you to come up with it, I will analyze it for you, make up for the flaws, and make you stronger. "

Chen Yang showed regret, and said, "Brother Zhang, this is no coincidence. I stayed in Jiane Xingjue. Otherwise, I will give you back when the exchange is over."

绪 Zhang Xurui heard the words, she was overjoyed, and nodded, "This is of course no problem."

Seeing his joyful face, Xia Xia came over and wondered, "Brother Zhang, what are you talking about with Brother Chen?"

Chen Yang took the conversation: "Brother Zhang told me something about Confucianism, so I was prepared for it."

"Yes, it is."

Zhang Xurui glanced at Chen Yang, thinking that other geniuses were arrogant. Chen Yang, this kid, was so low-eyed that it was unexpected.

After a short while, the ship slowly descended from the starry sky and reached the Confucianism where the Confucianism was located. The landing position was in front of the Confucianism.

The Confucian Confucianism and Buddhism occupies a vast area, rich star power, and conditions in all aspects are better than Haoqi Jiange.

I looked at the towering mountain gate in front of me, and the disciples in Jiange felt a little bit unpleasant.

After all, in their view, the Haoqi Jiange is the authentic, and the Confucianism is the gate established by the betrayers.

Xun Xing had a calm look. He took a flying sword token from Najie and released it, and Xun flew into the Confucianism.

Alas, after a while, nothing happened.

Is it true that the dismissal of the Confucianism was to leave everyone here?