My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4642: Respect for strength

"Give me quiet."

Gai Yuanruo shouted, and all of the disciples of the Confucianist Confucianism calmed down all around the martial arts arena, showing his prestige.

He glanced coldly at Ling Xia, and said, "Ling Xia, I lost to Chen Yang in a game just now, and I recognize it. Now the battle between Confucianism and Hao Jiang Jian Pavilion has won two games each. After that, I wo n’t play again. In the last game, you decide separately. If Jiange can win, it is your ability. I have nothing to say about Gao Yuan. However, this battle with Chen Yang at the moment is an additional addition. Yes, don't count. "

Xia Xia was worried about Chen Yang's safety, and naturally he would not agree. He shouted, "You are persecuting Chen Yang in the First World War. What are your plans? You know it."

Before waiting for Ling Xia to speak, Chen Yang said, "Ling Brother, and a guy with zero character, why talk so much. Since he wants to fight, I will accompany him. Let him see, I am Jiange China ’s unknown disciple can defeat him. Not to mention our chief disciple, he does n’t even deserve to mention shoes. ”

一 As soon as this remark was made, everyone stunned.

Regardless of Haoqi Jiange or Confucianism, people on both sides don't know where Chen Yang's confidence came from.

If Gai Yuan suppressed the realm to fight with him just now, he dared to fight, and everyone could understand

But now, if Gai Yuan shots with all his strength, on what basis can you defeat the other party?

Xia Xia frowned, and turned to Chen Yang, saying, "Brother Chen, Gao Yuanruo is very strong, and he is among the top ten among the top ten. You must not be impulsive."

Chen Yang heard the voice of worry and concern in Xia Xia, and was quite moved. He immediately replied: "Ling Brother, Confucianism is so arrogant. If you do n’t give them a color look, he really thinks our sword is Vegetarian. As far as Gai Yuanruo, you can rest assured, I'm sure I can beat. "

Where did Xia believe Chen Yang's words, only if it was Chen Yang's genius pride.

He also wanted to persuade Chen Yang that he had said to Gai Yuanruo: "Gai has no product. Since it is going to fight, then I will fight with you. However, the battle was just agreed, but this game is additional. I It makes no sense to play with you for no reason, after all, my appearance fee is very high. "

Gai Yuanruo snorted and said, "Now that you are trapped in the formation, do you think that you still have the right to choose?"

Chen Yang asked with a smile: "So there are no rules. Who is strong, who is the boss?"

"The whole practice world is full of strength." Gai Yuanruo is proud, as if he is the one who respects him.

Chen Yang nodded: "I agree with you. So, after I defeat you, I can do everything I want, right?"

击败 "Beat me? You're delusional."

If Gai Yuan dismissed a smile, the stars around him could surge, and the power was stronger than just a moment, and said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, come on, let me see, where is your limit?"

"My limit is no limit."

Chen Yang smiled indifferently, his smile converged sternly, and there was a chill in his eyes, and he said, "It's your fault to cover yourself. I have always reported to Chen Yang, and I will make you regret it. Go ahead."

很好 "Very well, the more arrogant you are, the more painful you will be when I defeat you."

Ji Gai Yuanruo's eyes were frozen, and suddenly a palm hit toward Chen Yang.

With this palm, he did not use magical powers.

However, at this moment, he is in a state of one star and sevenfolds, and even if he has achieved 10% of his star power, that is no small matter.

The palm shadow is about five meters wide and extremely fast, like a wall, oppressing Chen Yang.

Its strength is comparable to the full blow of a star quadruple, but the condensedness and thickness of star energy is higher than that of ordinary quadruple.

Seeing that Gai Yuan had already shot, Xia's heart fluttered, and he couldn't control so much. He shot directly at Xiao Fei and yelled, "Xiao Fei, hand over the banner, I want to open the array."

Xi Ling Xia is the chief elder brother of Haoqi Jiange. He brought nineteen other younger brothers and sisters to the Confucianism. Naturally, he must ensure everyone's safety and take everyone back.

This is his duty and his honor.

Even if he died, he would not allow the younger brother or younger sister to be injured or even die.

When Xia Xia took a shot, her mighty force swept the edge of the martial arts arena, and everyone was shocked and shocked.

Judging from his astral fluctuations, his strength and Gai Yuanruo are not much different.

The two heads-to-head battle, even if Gai Yuan can win, is not so simple.

Xun Xiaofei was so close to Xia that Xia's sudden attack surprised him.

However, his response was extremely quick. He immediately drew his sword, shook his sword, released his swordman, resisting Ling Xia's attack, and shouted, "Retreat, everyone will retreat."


Because Xiao Fei and Ling Xia are both one-star and seven-strength power, they attacked faster than Gai Yuanruo's palm shadow in the martial arts arena. They first hit each other and made a loud noise.

The energy swept by the cricket rushed away, and the practitioners around them hurried to avoid it, but it was inevitable that someone would be affected and directly flew out.

Fortunately, the disciples in this area are relatively high, otherwise, I don't know how many people will die.

However, this blow from Xiao Fei and Ling Xia was very coincident, and they tied with a tie ~ ~, the strength of them seems to be equal.

However, Ling Xia was empty-handed, Xiao Fei was using weapons, and he was weak and stubborn.

Xiao Fei originally thought that Hao Qi Jian Ge's two one-star and seven-fold practitioners, neither Xia nor Cui An, could be their opponents.

However, he did not expect that Xia's strength could reach such a level, which made him stunned.

He was thinking about how to resist Lingxia, when a sudden boom in the battlefield attracted everyone's attention.

I saw Gao Yuanruo's palm shadow concentrating Chen Yang. The bursting energy, like a huge wave, spread from behind Chen Yang around him, sweeping him all in, not even the shadow.

"Brother Chen!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Xia still had the mood to grab the banner, his eyes were covered with bloodshot, full of fierce killing intention, staring at the martial arts field.

Other Jiange disciples were also stunned, with anger, humiliation, and hatred in their eyes.

"I thought how strong it was, reached the limit so quickly, it seems that there is no need to play."

Gai Yuanyuan looked at the violent energy spreading around Chen Yang, with a disdainful sneer on his face, and shook his head.

His appearance is extremely arrogant.

But he didn't want to. The realm of the two was a full six-fold gap. He won, so what's so proud?

"Brother Chen ..."

Xu Ling murmured in his mouth, clenched his fists, and almost ran away.

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