My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 4774: Black shadow

Seeing Liang Pingfan chasing after his voice, Yang Heting's eyes flashed his thoughts, and he took everyone with him to follow the voice.

Soon, the four of Chen Yang arrived in the area where the loud noise just came.

In this turbulent layer, all kinds of energy are constantly colliding, as if it is about to break through the gravitation of the celestial star and rush into space.

Among the turbulent energy turbulence, there is an area of ​​weak energy, about five meters wide, like a passage extending from the outside towards the sky-burial star.

This channel seems to form a strong repulsion to the energy turbulence, and the energy turbulence cannot approach the channel and swings around.

Seeing this, Liang Pingfan was surprised: "Someone entered the burial star!"

Obviously, that passage was left artificially.

Yang Heting flew over, stared at the passage, shook his head, and groaned, "No, no one entered the burial star. The power of this passage gradually weakened from the celestial burial star at the moment, which shows that the person was from The burial star left, not entered. "

Xia Shuanghan flashed a different color in his eyes, and looked back into the vast dark space and groaned, "Brother, as soon as we heard the voice, we rushed over without seeing anyone. If anyone really leaves, we must also see it . "

"Yes." Liang Pingfan nodded, agreeing with Xia Shuanghan's point of view.

Yang Heting looked back at the dark space, and remained silent for a moment, with a dignified face, saying, "We didn't find that person, maybe because he was too fast."

"It's too fast?" Liang Pingfan frowned, and said, "Even if it's fast, it won't disappear in an instant? Unless his realm is already much higher than Master's. But in the realm of realm, I can't find this. People come. "

Yang Heting pondered: "Maybe it's from the upper world."

Xia Shuanghan raised an eyebrow and glanced at Chen Yang: "It is also possible that Chen Yang was looking for the person and left from the burial star."

Hearing this speculation, the three brothers Yang Yangting looked at Chen Yang.

This possibility, Chen Yang thought of it the first time.

But he thought for a moment, thinking that this possibility was not great.

Xia Shuanghan doesn't seem to want Chen Yang to take a risk to the Sky Burial Star, and thinking about Chen Yang said: "If Zuo Yinhan is dead, it doesn't make sense for you to go to the Cave of Lifeless; if he is alive, you can meet him sooner or later. Chen Yang, I You are advised not to go to the cave of lifelessness. "

Yang Heting nodded and said, "The fifth master is right."

Chen Yang said: "Zuo Yinhan's energy fluctuations are very familiar to me, even if I leave a little bit, I can feel them. And, if he finds me, he will never leave like this. So, if someone left Sky Burial Star just now, Then it's definitely not Zuo Yinhan. "

Xia Shuanghan said: "Even so, you don't need to ..."

"I'm determined." Chen Yang interrupted Xia Shuanghan's words, arching his hand, "Xia Xiong, thank you for your kindness."

Xia Shuanghan shook his head reluctantly, no longer talking.

Liang Pingfan smiled and said, "Chen Yang's indomitable spirit is very worthwhile for us to learn. In fact, I would also like to visit the inanimate cave."

Upon hearing this, Yang Heting's face changed, Shen said, "Fifth Master, don't mess around."

Yang Heting scratched his head and chuckled, "Just talk, master, don't take it seriously."

"Three, just send me here. I will enter the burial star myself, and I will not bother the three brothers."

Chen Yang arched a hand to Yang Heting, intending to enter the burial star.

Upon hearing this, Liang Pingfan quickly shook his head and said, "That's not going to work. We have been instructed by the master to send you to Wusheng Cave. We haven't arrived yet. How can we be apart from you?"

When Liang Pingfan insisted on sending Chen Yang, Yang Heting and Xia Shuanghan looked at each other, both of them understood the meaning in the other's eyes.

They all suspect that Liang Pingfan may have other ideas.

This person never followed the rules and was very detached, and Yang Heting had to guard.

"Let's go."

Yang Heting's figure moved into the turbulent layer of the burial star and opened a path.

When Chen Yang saw that they were determined to send it, he stopped persuading and flew under the disorder.

When they all passed through the disorder layer, two dark shadows gradually appeared in the dark void.

One of the shadows had a faint humanoid shape, but it was more majestic and low, blending into the surrounding darkness, and it was not real.

Another shadow, gradually showing its form, is actually Chen Yang.

"Unexpectedly, he actually came here."

"Chen Yang" looked at the turbulent layer with a smile on his face.

"Buzz buzz ..."

There was a deep voice from the black shadow, as if the machinery was running, I didn't know what it meant.

However, "Chen Yang" understood it and bowed slightly: "Yes, Your Highness, it is this person who rescued you from Dingge Sword."

Black Shadow was silent for a moment, and a voice came out: "Buzzing ..."

"Chen Yang" frowned, and then smiled and said, "His Royal Highness ~ ~ Although it was a coincidence that he rescued you, it is a fact after all. Also, I can meet you now, and it is his help .Speaking of which, he is still our benefactor. "

"Buzz ..."

The shadow's voice was a little dissatisfied.

"Chen Yang" chuckled, and said, "Yes, Your Highness, I will obey your orders."

Hei Ying said: "Buzz buzz ..."

"Chen Yang" nodded and waited for the dark shadow to finish before he said, "Break of dawn must be destroyed. I was looking for various ways to save His Highness. Who knew that the **** that was stained with white was caught. I have no choice but to sacrifice my life. Now that you were born and your highness sees you again, how can you let that guy go? "

After a pause, "Chen Yang" frowned. "However, since Chen Yang was disrupted by dawn, the black and white city was closed by ink dyed white, and no one could go in and out. We want to enter the subspace, but it is not that easy."

"Buzz ..." Hei Ying's voice with a confident smile.

"Chen Yang" glanced up and said: "Yes, His Royal Highness got that thing from the burial star, and it is not impossible to break the barriers of space. Although Daybreak is not as good as Kui Xing Pavilion, if we can enter it, we may not be able to use them. "

Black Shadow said: "Buzz ..."

"Chen Yang" got excited and clapped her hands and said, "Haha, Your Royal Highness is a wonderful trick. If so, we can build up our strength. However, Chen Yang is very helpful to us. It's not good to give him trouble."

"Buzz ..."

"Yes, Your Highness is right. The whole world is the Mo world. Only you and I can trust each other. Other races are our enemies."

Although the tone of "Chen Yang" was firm, he looked at the burial star deeply, his eyes hesitated a little.

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