My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5020: House arrest

Hearing Li Yan's words, Yang Dinghan's complexion changed slightly.

Because Li Yan was right, Yang Dinghan just made up his mind to leave the fire gate, and after ambushing and killing Chen Yang, he went to Tumen.

Although he can stay at Huomen, he knows that Huomen's murder of his disciples twice in a row is intolerable for Huomen.

Even if the host, elders and others would not take him, he would be bound to be restricted in the future.

Therefore, he decided to simply leave and find another way.

He has been at Huomen for many years and knows many secrets of Huomen, not to mention Tumen has his relative Zhao Rulong. Even if he did not, Tumen would welcome him.

He didn't worry, he couldn't find a way out.

But he didn't expect that he was stopped by Li Yan.

"Master, what are you talking about? I was born at Huomen, and I was dead at Huomen. How could I not be Huomen?"

Yang Dinghan pretends to be dazed, so naturally he will not tell the truth.

Li Yan seems to be a person who doesn't like to argue very much, but just said coldly: "Elder Yang, this is a special period. You'd better not go out easily. Please return to Dinghan Hall and wait for the Five Elements Ceremony to finish before going out to do you Your own business. "

Yang Dinghan frowned: "Master, are you trying to house me?"

"No." Li Yan shook his head and said positively: "I'm helping you."

"Help me?" Yang Dinghan sneered, and said, "I'm fine. There doesn't seem to be anything for you to help you."

Li Yan flashed cold eyes in his eyes: "Betray the fire door, you should know what happened."

Yang Dinghan's eyes flickered and he finally understood Li Yan's meaning.

If he dared to step out of the fire door and betray the fire door, then Li Yan would immediately shoot and kill him.

That's why Li Yan said that asking him to go back was helping him.

But if you don't step out of the fire today, you don't know if you will have a chance to leave in the future. Li Yan will definitely send someone to stare at him.

Death is on one side and house arrest on the other.

Yang Dinghan didn't hesitate, life is the most important, as long as he keeps his life, there will be opportunities in the future.

"Master, since you say you're helping me, I certainly believe."

Yang Dinghan smiled at Li Yan and said, "I'll return to Dinghan Hall. If it weren't for the doorkeeper you sent, I would never leave the fire door."

"Um." Li Yan nodded and said, "After a while, I'll talk to you again."

Yang Dinghan chuckled and left.

When his figure disappeared, Li Yan's calm face showed a dignified color, and he groaned, "Now it is an eventful season, Yang Dinghan is the top five strongest player in my Huomen ranking, and I don't know if I can recover it. If not, Huomen's loss It's big. "

Li Yan flew to Yanshan, no longer thinking about Li Yan's problem, and secretly said: "It's Chen Yang, who is talented. If he grows up, he will definitely become the pillar of the fire door in the future, and he can cultivate it well. However, this time The Five Elements Ceremony is too late, and in his realm, there is nothing to help. "



On the second day, the external selection of fire protection disciples held at Huomen continued.

The four outsiders who had not challenged yesterday, after seeing Chen Yang's terrible fighting power, chose to give up and left the fire door.

Today, there were originally nine people. After understanding yesterday's situation, six of them gave up and only four remained on the scene.

The disciples of Huomen gathered under Yanshan Mountain and were still talking about yesterday.

The focus went from Chen Yang's three consecutive wins to Yang Dinghan's attempt to murder Chen Yang. Disciples of Huomen seemed to have endless topics.

In the stands under the flame battlefield, ten fire protection disciples and four alien challengers took their seats on two sides.

After Chen Yang displayed his mighty power yesterday, no one dares to despise him today.

Even Shang Lianxiu, who did not speak badly to him, closed his mouth completely, only occasionally looking at him with a bit of disgust.

It was still Xu Ting who presided over the challenge. After he announced the start, a challenger stepped out. With yesterday's lessons learned, he did not choose Chen Yang, who was the lowest, but Zhu Xi as his opponent.

After a difficult battle, Zhu Xi won.

In the next two battles, the fire protection disciples still won, and the external challengers did not seem to have too strong combat effectiveness.

The last challenger, after hesitation, chose to challenge Chen Yang.

He showed too much power yesterday, and Chen Yang no longer kept too much. After two moves, he defeated his opponent.

The second day challenge ends here.

On the third day, proceed.

On this day, there were still no strong men, and they could get seats for the disciples.

By the fourth day, the Huomen disciples had lost interest, and fewer and fewer disciples came to watch the war.

But on this day, an alien challenger named Situ Fanyue defeated Zhu Xi and got a seat as a disciple of fire protection.

This battle caused a lot of discussion in the fire gate, and many people regret that they did not see Situ Fanyue's strength.

At the end of the external selection, only Situ Fanyue became a disciple of fire protection, and other outsiders left the fire door.

This result is obviously not what Huomen wanted.

A Stuart sailed and could not help Huo Men to win the Five Elements Ceremony.

However, after the selection, the fire protection disciples can finally relax for a few days.

"It's three days, and it's time to get Burning God."

The challenge ended ~ ~ Chen Yang immediately went to find Lu Lu.

However, he saw that Lu Xun was sitting at the door in despair, his eyes were reddish, and he seemed to have just cried.

What is going on that can make a starcrafter cry?

"Brother Lu, what's wrong with you?" Chen Yang stepped forward and asked.

Lu explained that Chen Yang was here, and he stood up quickly, with a smile on his face: "Brother Chen, you are here."

Then, he took out the cheats of "Burning God" and handed it to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang collected the cheats, saw Lu Xuan's eyes lonely, and asked, "What's wrong? Maybe I'm in trouble, maybe I can help you."

Lu Zhang hesitated and sighed: "Brother Chen, I don't want to hide it. My sister is very ill. Only this" Burning God "can save her. However, I gave this cheat to her, but she ... It ’s because of illness, it ’s impossible to cultivate. "

"You were originally trying to save someone." Chen Yang wanted to do something good to the end, and said, "That being the case, then you take me to see your sister, maybe I can help him."

Lu Cheng thought for a while, and seemed to be thinking whether Chen Yang was worthy of trust.

At last he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Chen, then please take care of you."

Immediately he took Chen Yang to the backyard and said, "My sister is not a disciple of Huomen. She lives in our hospital, and asked Brother Chen not to leak it to others."

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded, only to understand why Lu Xie was so careful. He turned out to be worried about being discovered, and he was hiding here outside the fire door.

Entering the backyard, I saw a pretty woman in a long emerald dress, with a basin of steaming water in her hand, passing through the corridor.

The woman looks and looks good, looks a bit similar to Lu Hsiao. .

"Isn't your sister good?"

Chen Yang suddenly hesitated, looking at Lu Shi with vigilance, thinking that there was a conspiracy.