My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5034: Among the elders

"Wang Xiong is the chief disciple of Watergate. Samsung is one of the most important realms, and its strength is among the top five. If Chen Yang is even more powerful, he cannot be his opponent."

"The realm is too far apart. Only Li Shuheng's shot will be possible against Wang Xiong."

"Although Chen Yang has different talents and arrogance, he is so crazy that he should have fought this battle."

"Although I hope Chen Yang can win, this is simply impossible."


Seeing Chen Yang promised a war, the crowd talked a lot, all sweating for Chen Yang.

Li Shuheng's brow froze, and he quickly stepped forward: "Chen Yang, why should you ..."

Chen Yang interrupted with a smile: "Li Shao don't worry. Although this terrible realm is high, but I can't escape the end of my screaming. Oh, isn't he the surname Wang?"

"The teeth are sharp and sharp, but I want to see if your strength is as good as your mouth."

Wang Xiong sighed violently, and saw a water dragon released from his palm, turning it into a sharp lance, the star could condense, and it was terrifying.

As soon as the rifle came out, he didn't hesitate, and raised his gun towards Chen Yang.

His offensive speed was extremely fast. A dragon-shaped spear that could be transformed into a blue star came to Chen Yang in an instant, and the offensive covered both Chen Yang and Li Shuheng.

Apparently, although he said he was going to fight with Chen Yang, in fact, he wanted to suppress Chen Yang by himself and prove the strength of Xuanshui's disciples.

Both Chen Yang and Li Shuheng responded very quickly, and they immediately counterattacked.

But at this moment, a starburst suddenly descended from the sky, bombarded the dragon-shaped lance, and made a loud noise, directly pressing all the forces and heading towards the ground.

The sound of booming booming came from the ground.

The entire Copper and Iron City was shaking, and the star maggot was wrapped in a turbulent stream of energy, and I did not know how many meters deep.


Wang Xiong's face changed abruptly, and the other side was so powerful that he must be above him. He had to be cautious.

I saw a figure, who suddenly appeared in front of Chen Yang and Li Shuheng, blocking them behind.

"Elder Qu."

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that it was Yanashan's main song.

The movement just now was so great that it was difficult for Tranaeu to miss it.

However, he didn't bother.

It wasn't until the news that it was learned that the disciples protecting the fire and disciples Xuanshui had clashed, and he immediately rushed to prevent the situation from expanding.

He was secretly glad that he had arrived in time, otherwise, a war between the two sides would be inevitable.

However, he knew what happened.

Disciple Xuanshui was so bullying that he was very dissatisfied.

Not to mention, as soon as he arrived, he saw that Wang Xiong shot suddenly and the offensive was fierce, which was a life-threatening situation, which made him even more angry.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, it looks like the elders of Huomen."

"It turned out to be an elder. No wonder it was so powerful."

"Chen Yang is safe now."

Those who were worried about Chen Yang were finally relieved at this moment.

Wang Xiong looked at Tranaut, his face was solemn, because he had never seen Tranaut, but he did not know who was in front of him.

Turner didn't make nonsense, and coldly said to Wang Xiong: "I know what happened. You are too bullying, apologize to some of our disciples at Huomen, and the matter is over."

Wang Xiong looked ugly and didn't know how to respond.

He understood that he must not beat.

But admit it, where to put your face.

Just as he hesitated, a stream of water suddenly fell beside him, the water mist changed, and he turned into an old man in a water-blue robe.

Upon seeing the old man, Wang Xiong, Shen Ji, and others looked at each other immediately, bowing and saluting: "Meet Elder Su."

The visitor is the elder Su Qianzhi who led the Watergate this time.

Su Qianzhi's gaze fell on Tunae's body, and he sneered, saying, "You're so out of breath, you actually want our disciples Xuanshui to apologize and admit their mistakes. Your fire door is only the bottom of the five doors. Such a big pomp? "

Watergate disciples and elders are exactly the same.

Su Qianzhi's words were even more vicious than Wang Xiong.

He saw anger in his eyes, and he highly valued Huomen's sense of honor. He suppressed the urge to shoot and said, "Su Qianzhi, this is the fault of disciples Xuanshui. Is it right or wrong? "

Su Qianzhi pointed to Wang Lan and Wang Fei and said, "Two of our disciples have been injured. It's time to apologize and admit that they are not the fire disciples of Huomen?"

"They shot first, and begged for it," Tunagher said coldly.

Su Ganzhi said: "I don't care so much. Anyway, our Watergate disciples are injured, I will get justice for them. If you can't get used to it, you can fight me. But I'm afraid you are not my opponent. After all The fire gate is just the bottom of the five gates and makes up. "

Turner's face changed suddenly, his body moved, and he suddenly attacked Su Ganzhi, yelling, "In that case, fight."

Su Qianzhi's eyes showed unexpectedness. He didn't know much about Tranaeus. He didn't expect this person to be so hot-tempered that he would really shoot directly.

At this juncture, he had no choice but to fight immediately.

The situation is changing rapidly, and now it has become a battle between two elders, and the onlookers, even the water gate and the fire gate, have looked a little embarrassed.

Rumble ...

The strength of Turner and Su Ganzhi was much stronger than those of his disciples, but it was only the first wave of confrontation. The terrifying power seemed to tear the world apart.

However, ~ ~ their control of power has also reached the extreme, and the turbulence of energy is almost confined in the core area of ​​the battle to avoid fearless casualties.

For a time, the energy in the air flew and was dazzling.

However, few people were able to see the fighting situation clearly.

It's too fast because of speed.

"Elder Qu, Elder Su, stop."

A helpless voice sounded, and I saw Zhang Ruilin, the elder of Jinmen stationed in the city of Copper and Iron, flying from a distance, shouting in dismay.

"Why are these two guys fighting?"

When Zhang Ruilin saw that he didn't intend to stop, he crossed his heart and flew directly into the circle of war, shouting: "Two elders, if you want to fight, kill me first."

He is using his life to stop the fight.

The final result is very good.

The energy fluctuations in the air immediately dissipated, and Su Ganzhi and Tranaeu simultaneously opened their distances.

Neither was injured and his body was spotless. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

But their complexions are not very good-looking.


Su Qianzhi snorted coldly, flicked his sleeve gown, turned and flew out of the crowd, and said to his disciple Xuanshui: "Go, see the true chapter in the Five Elements Ceremony."

Although he didn't figure out the situation, several people from Wang Xiong still had to listen to Su Qianzhi's words.

Wang Xiong and Wang Lan stared at Chen Yang fiercely, and then flew to Su Qianzhi. .

"Wang Xiong, don't forget our agreement. The battle is not over. On the Five Elements Ceremony, if I defeat you, you must admit that the water gate is not as good as the fire gate."

A voice sounded in the rear. Wang Xiong looked back and saw that the speaker was Chen Yang.