My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5142: Huge gap

? Chen Yang's strength is too strong, even Shui Chihiro also defeated, with the help of the treasure given by the king, this can escape birth.

The remaining two practitioners in the royal palace were not as good as Chihiro Mizuho. They naturally did not dare to stay long, so they flew away immediately.

Shui Chihiro broke out too fast, and entered the vast battlefield, it was difficult to find, and Chen Yang could only give up.

But these two monks in the world palace cannot be ignored.


Chen Yang gave a violent sigh and immediately caught up with Dai Yan, using the strongest means to join forces to attack.

Their strength is already stronger than the other.

Together at this moment, the two monks in the palace are not rivals.

Not to mention, Chen Yang's broken palm is not so easy to dodge.

After a few moments, the two monks in the palace were killed.

Dai Dai looked towards the direction where Shui Chihiro was leaving. The hand holding the spear was shaking, his eyes were full of anger, and his teeth were gritted. "Shui Chihiro betrayed us, I must kill him."

"He is seriously injured now, and he must not be able to cause harm to other people. Don't worry about that."

Chen Yang flew to Dai Yan and said, "Fortunately, there are some arrays. When I arranged them, I didn't make them public. Otherwise, our hole cards were passed through Shui Chihiro's mouth, and Jiang Yuncan would all know."

"You have other arrangements !?"

Dai Xuan showed an unexpected appearance, and immediately remembered that all the energy was confined within the Five Elements, and there was no leakage, presumably it was the effect of Chen Yang's arrangement of the array.

He didn't ask, Shen said, "I didn't expect that the traitor among us turned out to be Chihiro Mizuho. Although he is very annoying, I have never doubted him before."

"When you went to Jiang Yunchan to negotiate before, presumably he had already collusion with Jiang Yunchan secretly."

Chen Yang withdrew his thoughts and said: "The Five Elements Sky Formation should be activated soon. We still return to the altar and take precautions. At this time, Jiang Yuncan should launch an attack."


Dai Yan nodded heavily, his eyes were full of solemnity.

This war may seem vigorous, but it's actually warming up.

The real battle is against Jiang Yunchan. This is the most difficult.

"The whole army retreated!"

When Chen Yang and Li Shuheng planned to step back to the Five Elements Altar, a low voice suddenly sounded in the sky, which actually suppressed the movement of the war and echoed in the air.

"It's Kang Yunchan."

Dai Yan frowned slightly, Shen said, "Jiang Yunchan's withdrawal at this time is by no means a good thing, I'm afraid he is about to launch a general offensive."

"Go back to the Five Elements Altar first."

Chen Yang was not as heavy as Dai Yan, because he knew that he had another hole card, "Yan Guangsheng".

While rushing to the Five Elements Altar, Dai Xuan ordered the five elements to retreat.

Although after the outsiders joined the battle, the Five Elements were able to compete with the army of the king palace, but since the other party retreated, there is no need to chase it down.

After all, the significance of this battle is to give Ye Yuncheng enough time to activate the Five Elements Skyrocket, not to defeat the royal palace of the realm.

The order quickly spread, and the people in the Five Elements Sect did not fall in love with each other, and gathered behind the altar of the Five Elements Altar.

There were deputy gatekeepers, elders, etc., and immediately formed a formation to prepare for the next wave of attacks from the king's palace.

But at this time, everyone found that the number of Lianfang was insufficient.

Because there were originally more than 20,000 five practitioners. After the battle just now, there are now less than eight thousand.

In addition to the wall of people who have been steadily guarding the Five Elements Altar, other practitioners entering the core area of ​​the battlefield are all wearing a lot of color.

In addition, the fierce battle just now consumed a lot of energy, and many people felt that they were overdrawn and it was difficult to continue to maintain combat effectiveness.

The senior practitioners in the five gates also suffered heavy losses, and the deputy gatekeepers and elders died a lot.

Fortunately, Chen Yang saw Mu Xueshou, Dai Dai, Li Yan, and Bu Yi. Although they all had scars, they were all in good condition.

And around the four-door masters, there are some Samsung realm practitioners that Chen Yang has not seen. They are wearing different costumes, and they are from other regions.

It seems that the situation of the Five Elements is pretty good.

The energy dispersed in the air gradually dissipated. Chen Yang looked up. When he saw the position of the army of the King Palace, he realized that the situation of the Five Elements was worse than the other party.

There are 10,000 people in the Jiewangfu army, and after a war, there are 7,000 left.

Although there were not as many five-element cases as they conceded, they only lost 3,000 people, but the five-element cases lost more than 12,000 people.

The difference in the number of deaths is sufficient proof of the difference in strength between the two sides.

Perhaps with the increase in reinforcements, the high-level combat power of the Five Elements Sect and the King Palace could barely compete.

But the middle power is not an opponent.

On the one hand, it is natural that the power of the royal palace is overbearing;

On the other hand, Jie Wangfu was prepared to form a battlefield, and not the divided five gates could be opposed.

All in all, the five practitioners did not use their power to the extreme. Their fighting style was suitable for one-on-one or small-scale battles. As for war, they did not have much experience.

Over the sky, after the troop was conquered, the army of the Imperial Palace was in a neat and orderly combat force, imposing, and expressionless, giving a great deterrent.

On the other hand, because of the star energy consumption, many people are exhausted.

Judging from the status of the two sides, if the fighting continues, the Five Elements will undoubtedly lose.

However, the confrontation situation, the Five Elements are happy to see.

They were anxious to continue this way until the Five Elements Soaring Array was activated, and then destroying the array of starry sky arrays.

However, Jiang Yunchan apparently would not give them a chance, glanced at the situation of both sides, and hesitantly said, "Is only 3,000 people dead? The Five Elements are really useless."

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was embarrassed.

What did it mean to die 3,000 people?

Isn't it true that the people in your palace are not ~ ~ It doesn't matter if 3,000 people die?

Jiang Yunchan's next words gave everyone the answer: "You know, I can't take so many people away. So, if the number of people killed in this war is not enough, then you must fight each other. I hope that can be resolved today This question. Otherwise, it would be too cruel for you to fight. I can't bear it. "

After hearing these words, the expressionless emotions appeared on the faces of those imperial monks.

The Five Elements sect finally understood that their opponents were fighting for survival, and they just took a different path.

"Master, why is he there !?"

Just then, a sudden exclaim, sounded in the crowd of Five Elements.

Then, everyone in the army of the king, found the trace of Shui Chihiro, all very surprised.

(End of this chapter)