My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5162: powerful


Hearing the taunts, everyone looked wary, and all looked in the direction of the sound, but they saw that there was nothing but the void that was brightly reflected by the five-colored beam of light.

This feeling makes a lot of top white strong people feel spinal numbness.

The silent appearance of the other party may still be understandable, but it clearly sounds, but no one can be found, which makes people feel creepy.

"Master, what's going on?"

Wood blood stained beside Ye Yunlun and asked in a low voice.

"Don't speak."

Ye Yunlun warned Mu Xueshen that he was extroverted and tried to sense the void around him, but found nothing.

At the same time, Chen Yang and Lao Li were also inducting and found nothing.

"It looks like Xuan Xuan is here."

Lao Li smiled bitterly and looked helpless.

Throughout the white world, except for the advent of Kuan Xuan, he did not believe anyone and could escape his current sense of consciousness.

Therefore, he immediately concluded that the other party was dry.

"Although you have a mysterious and powerful history, it is disrespectful to call me by your name. After all, I'm a nine-star powerhouse, and you should call me Xuan Xuan Zun."

The sound sounded again, coming from the void, as if there was a person standing there.

And his words have already taken the initiative to recognize his identity.

Suddenly, the complexions of Ye Yunlun, Li Yan, etc. suddenly changed, all showing the expressions of the enemy, and running the star energy, taking out weapons, ready to face the battle.

"Don't panic." Old Li was most calm, raised his hand and pressed back, and whispered, "Even if we join forces, we are not opponents. Don't act lightly."

Ye Yunlun and others have never seen the Jiuxing Strongman. Such characters are legends in their hearts, and they are awed and fearful.


Suddenly, a black whirlwind emerged from the empty space where the sound was emitted. The speed was extremely fast, and it swept across Ye Yunlun, Dai Yan, Li Yan and others.

Then, the black whirlwind returned to the void and disappeared.

When Ye Yunlun and others came back to God, they discovered that the weapons in their hands had turned into powder, and the star energy that was about to be released also dissipated.


Everyone took a breath and felt deep fear.

This whirlwind, if everyone was attacking just now, they are now dead.

Just a blast of wind is so terrible. If he really shot, what level of strength would it be, it is simply hard to imagine.


In the darkness, his voice sounded, his tone was calm, and he could not hear the disdain of Ye Yunlun and others, perhaps because they were not put in the eyes by Kuan Xuan at all.

Or to put it another way, Kuan Xuan's words only really set out his views on Ye Yunlun and others.

In his eyes, they are ants.

Ye Yunlun and others were all stunned, stopped in place and dared not move, their eyes were full of despair.

For the strength of the nine-star powerhouse, Chen Yang had been mentally prepared, but was still shocked by the black whirlwind and frowned slightly. For a moment, he could not think of any way to stop Kuan Xuan.

"I'll stop him later, you open the door to the small world, you hide in."

At this time, Chen Yang's ear rang a voice of Lao Li.

He jumped in his heart and turned to look at Lao Li, but saw Lao Li calmly look at the dark and empty space in front of him, as if he said nothing.

"Don't expose, otherwise I won't have a chance," Lao Li Shengsheng said.

Chen Yang immediately refused: "No, you ..."

Lao Li did not let Chen Yang continue, interrupting: "Besides, there is no way to keep you alive. This is the last and only chance. After you enter, close the door to the small world immediately, Never give Kuan Xuan the opportunity to go in. As for Ye Yunlun, I hope they can keep up. "

"No." Chen Yang still refused, and said, "If you shoot, Ku Xuan will surely kill you. With his power, your divine thoughts will not be left."

"Rest assured, I'm not so easy to die." Lao Li said with a smile in his voice, and said to Chen Yang: "Yes, stink boy, don't forget what you just said, you are going to be Xinghai The first strongest. At that time, when you have fulfilled your wish, remember to tell the whole Xinghai person that your master is Li Yiliang and Xuan Xunzi. "

Chen Yang's heart trembled and his brain fluttered, but he couldn't think of a way to fight against Kuan.

Not to mention fighting against Kuan Xuan, there is no way to save everyone present.

If you have enough power, how can you fall into this situation?

However, Chen Yang couldn't do it by letting Li go to death.

Chen Yang's tone was firm, and he said, "No, even if I die, I will die with you. I will never hide in a small world by myself."

Lao Li sternly said, "Don't be stubborn, don't you go to Zhonghaojie to find Xiaotong?"

"Little sister ..."

Chen Yang was a little hesitant in heart, and the little sister was still in Zhonghao Realm. In all likelihood, she was in a bad situation. If she died, would she never see the little sister again.

But what should Lao Li do?

On one side is a master, and on the other is a younger sister. Chen Yang has a difficult choice.

"Mother-in-law, are you a man in the end?" Old Li turned his eyes to Chen Yang and said angrily.

Chen Yang was trying to refute. Lao Li's eyes flashed unexpectedly, and he was surprised: "Don't talk, he's eavesdropping."


An unexpected voice came from the dark and empty space, saying: "You have some skills, and you actually found that I can hear your voice. It seems that Jiang Yuncan is right, you are not simple.

Two stars and nine heavy beat Jiang Yuncan, I also have to admit that you are very strong, even if put in the Zhonghao world, they are also the top players in the same level, but two stars and Samsung are all ants. "

Lao Li smiled indifferently, and said, "Open your mouth and shut your mouth. Do you think you are a very powerful character in Xinghai?"

"It looks like ~ ~ You seem to know something about Xinghai."

In a dull and indifferent tone, a little more fun, said:

"Although I look at the entire Xinghai Sea, I am just a gravel, but on the sacred star road, I am a dazzling sun. Of course, I am not willing to be here, so I have to smelt the entire white world for cultivation and help me impact A higher level, with the power to explore the Xinghai. "

Lao Li sneered: "Oh, as far as I know, your smelting of the White Realm is not tolerated by the Zhong Hao Realm, destroying the entire White Realm. If you let the strong in the Zhong Hao Realm know, they will definitely kill you . "

"If anyone dares to kill me, I must let them come back."

Ku Xuan didn't take it seriously and said, "It's you, who seems to know the Zhonghao world very well. And, you are just distracted, not the body. This makes me very curious about your origin."

Lao Li smiled and said, "My name is Li Yiliang, and Xuan Xuanzi."

(End of this chapter)