My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5362: Weakest

Yang Tingjian explained: "The seventy-two peaks, each peak has only one peak owner, that is the strongest person in that mountain peak. To become a peak owner, you must first challenge the peak owner, and if you win, you will become the peak owner. Challenge all three of the seventy-two peak owners and win all of them before you can officially become the peak owner. "

Chen Yang said: "So to become the leader, you need to fight in four battles, and you must win."

"Don't underestimate these four battles."

Yang Tingjian showed solemnity and said: "The peak masters of the Seventy-two Peaks are all top powerhouses in the division. Almost half of them have the ability to fight beyond the ranks. Among them, the top ranks are the Wizards of Sky. Fighting across two realms can also be undefeated.

If you want to become a peak owner, you must first defeat a peak owner. This is the easiest first step, because you can choose to enter a weakest mountain peak. When the strength is sufficient and the time is ripe, you can implement it.

But next to defeat the other three peak owners, there are many uncertain factors, because it is not you who chooses the opponent, but the opponent who chooses you.

In case the peak owner of the strongest mountain peaks is not pleasing to you, if you lose by that time, you will not officially become the peak owner.

And Xiang Ran that undead thing ... "

After a pause, Yang Tingjian looked around and saw no one, and then continued: "Xiang Ran, the old and immortal thing, will definitely be a stumbling block, and there must be some top-ranked leaders to deal with you, so you want to Becoming a formal peak owner, although it seems to take the shortest time and is simple and fast, it is actually full of dangers. "

Chen Yang froze with his thoughts and asked, "What if you lose to another peak master after becoming the peak master? Continue to the current peak master?"

"No." Yang Tingjian shook his head and said, "Whoever wins you, you can only worship whoever the mountain is, and become a subordinate of the peak owner. It has been suppressed ever since."

Chen Yang frowned: "It doesn't seem fair, Dai Fengzhu is at least stronger than the original Fengzhu."

Yang Tingjian laughed: "That's why I let the Dai Fengzhu go to compete with the stronger Fengzhu, otherwise staying on the original peak, what can be done?"

After hearing this explanation, I found it really makes sense.

However, these were a little distant to him. After all, what he had to do first was to become a division master.

Soon, all the formalities were completed, and Yang Tingjian took care of it, and directly helped Chen Yang choose a 72-ranked mountain named Tiger Eater Peak.

Yang Tingjian was very face-saving, personally sent Chen Yang to Tiger Eater Peak, and introduced Chen Yang to the organizational structure of Xiaji Hall.

Jidian is a member of Jiyin Palace. Although acting obediently, it also has the right to independence.

His Majesty His Majesty currently has three states: Ghost Yuan, Wuji, and Tianyang.

The other three states, Xia, You, and Gu, belong to Yin Dian.

There are many positions in the hall, including the Lord of the Hall, Deputy Lord of the Hall, Protector of Law, Elder, Lord of the Peak, Lord of the Rudder, and Lord of the Hall.

Above the elders, all live in the altar of the hall.

The remaining sub-rudder masters, as well as subordinate hall owners, live in each sub-rudder and manage different areas.

Guiyuan, Wuji and Tianyang have hundreds of sub-helms, which belong to the 72 Peaks.

In other words, in addition to controlling the peak of the 72nd peak, there are several sub-rudders of the subordinates, which can be described as extremely powerful.

Of course, the Lord Feng must obey the orders of the elders and protect the law, and he cannot do whatever he wants.

And if the subordinate's sub-rudder is in trouble, it is also responsible.

It seems that the owner of the peak seems to be sandwiched in the middle, the most unattractive position.

However, Yang Tingjian emphasized to Chen Yang that Feng Zhu is the greatest potential stock in Jidian. Almost all elders and guardians grew up from Feng Zhu.

Of course, this is not important to Chen Yang, because after he became the peak owner, he would immediately go to Tiannan Realm.

"The tiger's peak has arrived. I'll take you to meet the peak master here."

Yang Tingjian sent Chen Yang to Tiger Eater Peak, and planned to say hello to the host and ask him to take care of Chen Yang a lot.

Although Chen Yang will replace the position of Feng Zhu in the future, but that is a future thing. Now Chen Yang's four-star triple state will not be regarded by Feng Zhu.

"Meet Elder Yang."

Yang Ting, as an elder, is a master of the Seven Star Realm. Just after he landed on the summit of Tiger Eater Peak, a monk saluted him.

He was kind, and nodded in response, and asked, "Where is Master Fan Feng?"

Before coming, Chen Yang had heard Yang Tingjian said that the peak owner of Tiger Eater is called Fan Zi, a six-division master, who is over 700 years old, and is the bottom of all the peak owners.

Because Tiger Eater Peak is too weak and the owner has no future, most people will not come to Tiger Eater Peak.

People who eat tiger peaks will also find ways to go to other peaks.

Because of other mountains, they are powerful and rich in resources.

As for challenging the master of the peak, do ordinary practitioners think about such difficult and distant things, the most important thing is that the current cultivation conditions are good.

Therefore, not only is Tiger Biting the bottom of the Seventy-two Peaks, it is also the least human, only five thousand.

At least tens of thousands of other mountain peaks, equivalent to a gate.

And other peaks, there are several sub-rudders, Tiger sub-peak sub-rudder is only one, and it is the kind of weak sub-rudder, remote, no good, no oil and water, but busy affairs.

All in all, for Chen Yang, in addition to the peak challenge, the tiger bite peak has other disadvantages.

However, with the care of Yang Tingjian, there is no need to worry about resources, he only needs to concentrate on cultivation.

"Elder Qi Qi, Lord Feng is refining the alchemy house." The passerby caught by Yang Tingjian replied respectfully.

Yang Tingjian immediately took Chen Yang to the alchemy room to find Fan Zi, and told Chen Yang that Fan Zi was an alchemist, but not very clever.

When I arrived at the alchemy room, I saw an old man with a dark face coming out of it. When he saw Yang Tingjian, his face was surprised: "Elder Yang, why are you here?"

Yang Tingjian pointed to Chen Yang and said: "Master Fan Feng, this is the junior junior in my clan, and now worships at Jidian. I specially arranged him to Tiger Eater Peak, and I ask you to take care of it."

"Elder Yang is too polite ~ ~ Fan Zi hastily arched his hands and glanced at Chen Yang, and said to Yang Ting:" Elder Yang rest assured that I will not treat your people. "

"Just be equal."

Although Yang Ting said it in brief, he and Fan Zi knew it in secret.

He exchanged a few words with Fan Zi, and revealed some information that Fan Zi did not know, and sold a small favor. Yang Tingjian warned Chen Yang to practice well and then left.

As soon as Yang Tingjian left, Fan Zi's look at Chen Yang immediately changed, with a bit of scorn, and said, "I know that Elder Yang sent you here, not just to find a place to rest and cultivate your peace of mind. Don't worry, I won't arrange anything for you. But don't bother me. "

.. m.

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