My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5370: survey

Chen Yang really wanted to solve the troubles of Yongting's sub-rudder, but was unexpectedly interrupted by Ge Yinxiang.

He was not upset, knowing that because of Tian Bin, Ge Yinxiang had lost trust in their party.

Now this situation is not suitable to say more. He sneered and closed his mouth, thinking that he would talk to Ge Yinxiang when he had a suitable opportunity.

In the severe atmosphere, Ge Yinxiang carried out the next deployment. Not only everyone in Yongting's sub-helm had a task arrangement, but even Chen Yang and his team got the task.

And in order to beat a few people from Tian Bin, Ge Yinxiang arranged a simple task to explore the situation of the Yunge faction and determine their sentry distribution.

In Tian Bin's view, such a thing can be done by any Yongting sub-fixer, but letting him perform it is simply overkill.

Tian Bin immediately expressed dissatisfaction, thinking that he had come to guide the work, and was unwilling to perform the task.

However, Ge Yinxiang didn't pay attention to Tian Bin, and just threw down a sentence. If he didn't execute it, he would deal with the disobedience and directly sentence him to death.

Although Tian Bin came from Tiger Eater Peak, it was indeed support, not guidance.

When it comes to this, Tian Bin would not dare to argue, otherwise he would really throw his life here, and he would have no reason to reason.

At the end of the meeting, Tian Bin angrily led people out of the chamber, his teeth creaked, and his stomach was full of anger.


Since it is a mission, Ge Yinxiang depends on the results. Tian Bin will not do it, and he will take someone to investigate the Yunge sentry post.

He couldn't fake it yet, because Yongting's rudder already had a certain understanding of the Yunge sentry. If he faked it, he could be seen by others at a glance.

"Brother Tian, ​​wait."

Just then, a disciple of Yongting quickly followed.

Tian Bin stopped and turned back, "What, what else?"

The disciple took out a maggot and said, "At this time, some information about the Yunge faction is beneficial to your sentry post this time. Master Ge Duo asked me to send it over."

"Good intentions."

Tian Bin now hated Ge Yinxiang and hummed coldly, saying, "As for this thing, you give it back to Master Ge Duo, I don't need it."

On hearing that, Chen Yang frowned.

The Yunge pie is domineering, and there is more than one. If this trip is in danger, no one can stop it.

If you can grasp some information, you can naturally avoid unnecessary danger and trouble.

Tian Bin's rejection of this information was simply stupid.

Chen Yang didn't want to be in danger, and advised: "Brother Tian, ​​the Yunge faction is domineering. We are more cautious, it is better to master the information, otherwise ..."


Tian Bin had nowhere to vent his anger, and stared sternly, saying, "I still don't believe it. Those wastes of Yunge pie dare not kill me? Even if they are even more powerful, they are just the other way around. We are disciples of Jidian. , Need to be afraid of them? "

Chen Yang's face was displeased and he said, "It's not about being afraid, but about ..."

"Okay, there's no need for you to tell me what to do."

Tian Bin waved his hand and said coldly: "Just in the Chamber, my wise strategy was rejected, but you watched the show. Later, you also wanted to give Ge Yinxiang a plan to insult me ​​and make me ugly. It's almost heartbreaking. "

Tian Bin was so aggressive, but he angered Chen Yang. Shen said: "As long as Fu Weiming, the leader of the Yunge school, is not a fool, he also knows that there is danger in coming here, and he will definitely not come. Do you think your strategy is useful? "

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

Tian Bin snorted coldly and flew out of the sub-rudder of Yongting.

Li Meier, Wu Lai, and Wu Qu all looked in disgust, and immediately followed Tian Bin.

Qiao Xin smiled bitterly and said to Chen Yang: "Brother Oriental, don't hit Brother Tian anymore, otherwise he will avenge you."

"Let's go."

Chen Yang showed helplessness, thinking that following a stupid boss like Tian Bin, he would be blamed for not losing his life.

He reminded Qiao Xin: "You will have to be careful when you enter Yungepai's sphere."

"Um." Qiao Xin nodded. After Chen Yang's mentoring guidance to her yesterday, she now trusts Chen Yang very much.

Although the Yunge School has developed well, in fact, let alone the comparison with Jidian, even if compared with the Yongding sub-rudder, it is far worse.

However, Yongting's sub-rudder is the identity of an order maintainer, not a ruler. It has fewer people and covers a smaller area.

The Yunge faction, occupying dozens of cities, has a large number of people and a huge force, and it really looks like that.

In fact, the senior members of the Yunge School did not dare to leave the Yunge School easily, fearing that they would be smashed by the Yongding sub-helm.

But because Yongting has fewer rudders, the Yunge faction usually acts separately to avoid the crisis.

What Chen Yang and his party had to do this time was to investigate the distribution of sentries in the Yunge school.

Because every time the Yongting sub-rudder attacks the Yunge faction, the Yunge faction can always turn on the protective array in time, thereby improving the combat effectiveness and avoiding being hit by the Yongting sub-helm.

Therefore, Ge Yinxiang's first plan was to find out all sentiments of the Yunge Pie, and then all of them were sent out to attack the Yunge Pie as quickly as possible.

Although he didn't take the Ling Ling sent by Ge Yinxiang, Tian Bin still had some understanding of the information of the Yunge School.

As he gradually approached his destination, he told the crowd: "The Yunge sentry is widely distributed, and it is said that it stretches for hundreds of miles. After we enter the forest in front, we must exercise caution and not expose our whereabouts."

The sentry stretches for hundreds of miles, and the enemy is secretly in the dark, let alone Chen Yang's six people, even if the entire Yongting sub-come comes, it may not be able to detect all the sentry.

In Chen Yang's view, the task Ge Yinxiang gave them was just sending them off.

"The Yunge faction can stick to it, mainly for two points, one is to protect the large array, and the other is Fu Weiming's weapon. As long as these two problems are solved, the Yongting sub-helm can suppress the Yunge faction and prevent them from attacking the city. , Kill innocent. "

Chen Yang didn't listen to Tian Bin's next instructions, thinking secretly in his heart, what can he do to help Yongting solve the problem.

"Dongfang Xuan ~ ~ Seeing Chen Yang was fascinated, Tian Bin gave a cold drink and waited for Chen Yang to come over and ask;" What I said in the last sentence, you repeat it again. "

"did not hear it."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and felt that Tian Bin's path was too low. He turned his head away and was too lazy to talk with Tian Bin.

Tian Bin looked angry and pointed at the forest on the right, and said to Chen Yang, "I now order you to explore the Yunge sentry from there."

"Happy to be ordered."

Chen Yang did not want to stay with Tian Bin, and flew to the right.

Seeing him being so obedient, Tian Bin showed an unexpected look, and then there was a sly, cold look in his eyes, and he said to the other people: "Let's go, let's go to the other side."

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