My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5390: survey

Peng Yan said that it was clear that it was Chen Yang who killed Tian Bin.

Chen Yang smiled indifferently and shook his head; "Brother Peng, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"Don't understand?"

Peng Yan's eyes were cold, and Shen said, "Although you have evidence that you are not present, other information indicates that you are the murderer. You can not confess the crime, but I will surely find evidence that you are the murderer. . "

"Okay, then you look for it slowly." Chen Yang shrugged, got up and walked out, "I will not be with you."

Peng Yan opened his mouth and snorted coldly, and did not stop Chen Yang from leaving, a little insidious in his eyes.

"Master Oriental."

Qiao Xin called Chen Yang, seeing that Chen Yang didn't hear her, she looked anxious, and turned back to Peng Yandao; "Brother Peng, you have no evidence, how can you say that Master Dongfang is the murderer?"

"Is he a murderer? You know it well," Peng Yan said coldly.

"How could he be the opponent of Brother Tian and Sister Li?"

Qiao Xin quickly argued that, in her opinion, although Chen Yang had refined his alchemy and formed tactics, he was far less capable than Tian Bin and others. After all, the realm was several times worse. She had not heard of it before, and someone could cross it. Combat the six realms.

"I will find evidence that he is the murderer."

Peng Yan has already thought about it. Even if there is no evidence, he must arrange the evidence to make Chen Yang a murderer and execute him according to the gate regulations of the palace.

When Qiao Xin left, the other disciples in the Tiger Penal Hall discussed.

"Dongfang Xuan, who doesn't know the heights and heights, dares to despise Brother Peng."

"I heard that he is from the former left protector, Yue Zhiqian. This guy is relying on a backer, which is just too mad."

"Brother Peng, you have to treat him anyway. Even if he is not a murderer, he wants him to look good."

"You know, Brother Peng's grandfather is Xiang Hufa. Even if Dongfang Xuan has a backing, will Brother Peng be afraid of him?"

The disciples of the Tiger Penal Hall are all loyal supporters of Peng Yan. At this moment, it is natural to ridicule Chen anode.

Peng Yan smiled indifferently, saying to everyone: "Relax, he is so arrogant, I definitely want him to learn."

In the next few days, Peng Yan began collecting information about Chen Yang and wanted to sentence Chen Yang to prison.

Although he could fabricate false evidence, after all, it involved Yang Tingjian and Yue Zhiqian behind him. He didn't dare go too far and could only think about it step by step and think about countermeasures.

At this time, Chen Yang went to the sub-rudder of Yongting, found the helm master Ge Yinxiang, and went to check the source of the stars.

Ge Yinxiang was quite surprised by the arrival of Chen Yang.

He thought that after solving the big trouble of the Yunge School, Chen Yang would definitely receive a great reward when he returned to Tiger Peak, and he would never worry about the backward place of Yongting sub-helm.

However, Chen Yang actually came.

In addition, it is to solve the problem of Yongding sub-rudder.

Ge Yinxiang is not only an accident, but also admires and appreciates Chen Yang.

On the same day, Ge Yinxiang led Ji Youjian, Nie Tian and others, and Chen Yang went to the source of Xingyuan to investigate.

The Xingyuan ground vein is located in the north of the Yongding sub-rudder. It enters from the mountain, passes through the underground river under the ground, advances for thirty miles, enters a ground palace, and reaches the Xingyuan ground vein.

Because the source of the star source is special, this place has purposely built a ground house to cover the entire source of the star source.

There were people guarding this place before, but as the energy of the star source veins became weaker, it was neglected at this moment.

The entire underground palace is not brilliant, but it is very magnificent. As soon as it entered the underground palace, it reached a few kilometers wide and very wide, and as it extended forward, the underground palace became wider and wider.

As for how far ahead, Chen Yang couldn't see the end for a while, he could only see the darkness, and the faint fluorescence disappeared at the end.

That fluorescence is from the source of the star source.

When Chen Yang looked down, he saw that the veins of Xingyuan were about a hundred meters wide, and looked like a river, meandering to the front. At a very far distance, there was only a slight fluorescence.

This star source ground vein releases strong star energy, but it is scattered, and after it is released, most of it dissipates between heaven and earth and loses its effectiveness.

And the entire palace covered by the star source earth veins is surrounded by huge fissures with a width of tens of meters, and it seems that the entire star source earth veins will be swallowed in at any time.

"Brother of the East, the fissure in the Earth Palace was caused during the earthquake. Since then, the star energy of the source of the stars has weakened a lot."

Looking at the crisscross fissures in the huge earth palace, Ge Yinxiang showed regret. As the helm master of Yongting Sub-helm, he was very eager to restore the glory of Yongting Sub-helm.

But if you do not restore the source of the stars, Yongting sub-rudder will never want to rise again.

Chen Yang observed for a long time and determined that the ground veins in the ground palace were not the starting point. He turned to look at Ge Yinxiang and asked, "Where is the origin of this star source ground vein?"

"Isn't this the starting point?"

Ge Yinxiang stunned, he looked at the veins of Xingyuan. The blue river was flowing from the ground and then flowing forward. Isn't this the starting point?

Without waiting for Ge Yinxiang to figure it out, Ji Yujian next to him stared at Chen Yang with admiration, saying: "The starting point of the Xingyuan Dimai is really not here. Because the Earth Palace was built for the room, it was the starting point. It's blinding. "

It was said that everyone's eyes were on Xiang Yujian, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Not only Ge Yinxiang, but everyone else also thought that this was the starting point of the Xingyuan Dimai. I didn't expect it to be.

Ji Youjian, the veteran of Yongting's helm, knows the truth and can understand it.

However, Dongfang Xuan just saw the source of Xingyuan, how could he know?

Nie Tian looked at Chen Yang suspiciously and asked, "Dongfang Xuan, how do you know that this is not the origin?"

"The source of the star source is from the center of the earth. The powerful star energy is very surging and intense. Most people can't bear the power of the star energy alone. It ’s cracked. But we do n’t feel anything special here ~ ~ so I ’m sure it ’s not the origin. ”

Chen Yang explained that everyone was a look of sudden realization.

He looked at the source of the star source below, and then said: "Although the source of the star source extends forward, the direction in which the stars can flow is also forward, but in fact, here is the end of the cycle of the source The energy is drawn to the Yongting sub-rudder through the matrix method, covering the entire Yongting sub-rudder. "

After a pause, he frowned: "However, although the energy is flowing, it is not condensed and released at the sub-helm of Yongting, but it is somewhere else. This is by no means an earthquake."

Upon hearing that, Ge Yinxiang's face changed, and he was surprised: "Brother Dongfang, do you mean that someone has intentionally changed the source of this star source and led the star to another place?"

Chen Yangdao: "I'm not sure whether this is the case. I still need to continue my investigation and make a judgment after looking at the entire source of the stars."

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