My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5448: Respective actions

Looking at the admittance that flew back, the crowd showed unexpectedness, and they did not expect that the people in the private room on the ninety-nine actually refused.

This is equivalent to the benefits of picking up, why not refuse.

And everyone carefully tasted that sentence, and found that the people in the private room not only refused, but also provoked the mysterious old man.

The things that belong to him naturally belong to him.

Obviously, the person in the private room did not give up the token. After the auction, he is likely to follow the mysterious old man to **** the token.

"There's a good show here."

"The mysterious old man doesn't seem easy. This man even dares to speak provocatively, and he must have some background."

"I don't know which side the black market will favor."

"Old man, others can't see your stuff, and you have to grab the token, you have to be careful."


Anyway, because of the excitement, everyone is anxious that the matter is big, and some people even ridicule the mysterious old man and want to stir up a dispute.

The mysterious old man took the Na ring that flew back, and didn't say much, and sat back in position.

The auction continues. Although the treasures are very precious and even inferior to the existence of the token, they cannot be set off. The highest auction price is only three thousand blue stars, and everyone is interested.

At the end of the auction, the highest price is undoubtedly the token, but unfortunately it was not sold in the end, but was given away. It did not refresh the transaction price record of the auction.

"Let's go."

Chen Yang's eyes did not leave the mysterious old man. As soon as the auction was over, he immediately left the private room and walked towards the mysterious old man.

He intends to talk to the other party first, if the other party is willing to give up the token, it is naturally a good thing.

But if he doesn't want to, he can only grab it.

"Tang Bangzhu, you are the private room on the 99th."

"Haha, it's not enough for you to offend Qiao Yulan. Now you have to provoke the mysterious old man?"

"Who is my Tao? It turns out that Tang Bangzhu and his arrogant subordinates."


Tang Kai went with Chen Yang. The others saw them in the 99th private room, and they were ridiculous.

Although Tang Kai was displeased, he did not refute and walked straight towards the mysterious old man.

But suddenly, Chen Yang stopped.


Tang Kai was asking about it. Chen Yang lowered his voice and glanced around the venue. He said to Tang Kai, "The old man has also been spotted by others, and he is a bully. we."

Tang Kai showed an unexpected look, and said, "What shall we do now?"

Chen Yang said: "Follow it first to see what is going on before making a decision."

Tang Kai also thought of seeking revenge from Joe, hesitated, and asked, "That Joe ..."

Chen Yang said: "Rest assured, he is the owner of the Metropolitan City and will not leave the Metropolitan City to disappear by himself. When I get the token, I will definitely come back and solve him.

Tang opened his heart and glanced in the direction of the No. 1 private room, and happened to see Joe come out.

At this moment, the people at the conference were retreating, and people were coming and going, but Joe couldn't notice Tang Kai, and he watched Joe unscrupulously.

"Well, who is that man, and why is Joe so respectful to him?"

Tang Kai saw the uncle, and found that Joe was always half a step behind him, nodding his head slightly, obviously respecting him.

But soon, the two left and disappeared from the special teleportation array.

"It appears that the principal of the token is this person."

Tang Kai secretly thought, but didn't think too much, retracted his eyes and followed Chen Yang's footsteps.


Private room number two.

Feng Fangming's eyes flashed coldly, and he looked at Yang Lianping behind him, and said in a deep voice, "The person in the ninety-nineth room will leave it to you."

"Yes, Master."

Yang Lianping narrowed his eyes and walked outside the private room.

Feng Zi immediately followed, smiling, and said, "Anyway, the big brother will help me to kill someone, and I will be with him."


Feng Fangming was about to scold, shook his head, and said, "In short, don't break the Lianping thing, otherwise, I will definitely punish you for a hundred years of confinement."

"I see, Dad."

Feng Zi spit out his tongue, did not take Feng Fangming's warning seriously, and left with Yang Lianping.

Seeing this, Xin Quan's eyes flashed anxiety. Although Simon's true power was strong and he was proficient in toxicology, he could still be killed if Yang Lianping was unexpected.

I do not know why, after the crowd was subdued by Ximen Zhen last night, Xin Quan had a special feeling for him.

She didn't know if it was a relationship between men and women.

But in short, watching Ximen really be in danger, she just ignored and she could never do it.

However, she couldn't openly oppose the master and brother.

"Anyway, remind him."

Xin Quan was anxious, and finally waited until everyone was out of the private room. She found a separation from the crowd and quickly went to Ximen Zhen.


"Well, it was them."

Feng Zi looked at the back of Chen Yang and Tang Kai from afar.

Yang Lianping's eyes fell on Chen Yang's body, and Shen said, "Little sister, that person is the moustache you said?"

"it's him."

Feng Zi's eyes flashed killing, and he sneered, "Hum, I didn't expect it. The man my dad was going to kill was him. Now, I'm not bothering you, you've run twice."

"It's strange."

Yang Lianping revealed his thoughts, and said, "These two people have the highest realm but four stars and seven weights. Why did the master send me to shoot? Moreover, the master was very cautious. He wanted me to shoot in secret, killing in one shot. Is there a master to protect they?"

"Brother, you are more worried." Feng Zi said disapprovingly: "Tang Kai is just a gang leader in Shacheng, and the other is his subordinates. How capable are they? If they can deal with you, you would not have Will stay in Shacheng, but will be stationed in Metropolitan City. "

Yang Lianping groaned: "That being the case, why would the master send me a shot? If I could just send a four-star and nine-star master, wouldn't it solve the problem?"

Feng Zi was too lazy to think, and said with a lip: "Brother, I will kill them after a while, so I don't care too much."

Yang Lianping smiled ~ ~ No more words, but I was more vigilant in my heart, always felt that this matter is not as simple as it seems.


At this time, Qiao Yulan didn't know where it came from, looked at Yang Lianping, and smiled: "Brother Yang, are you going to kill Tang Kai and Simon?"

Feng Zi coldly said, "Yes, why, you want to go too?"

Qiao Yulan said positively: "Then Simon really dared to shoot at Zimei, I have long wanted to smash him into a corpse. However, now that Brother Yang has shot, it must not be my turn."

Yang Lianping glanced at Qiao Yulan, and there was a look of contempt in his eyes, and he didn't bother. He locked his eyes on Chen Yang among the crowd and quietly followed.

"If you want to see the death of the two people, follow them."

Feng Zi slanted his eyes at Qiao Yulan, showing his proud look, beckoning.

With a conspiratorial expression, Qiao Yulan immediately caught up with Feng Zi.