My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5523: Imprint

When Zhao Dingnan saw Chen Yang vomiting blood, thinking that Chen Yang was seriously injured, he asked quickly: "Chen Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Yang's brow froze, feeling the source of the pain in his body, only feeling painless and vain, difficult to capture.

But he can be sure that he was indeed injured or ... poisoned.

"It seems to be poisoned."

Chen Yang felt his symptoms like poisoning.

He looked at the wrist of his right hand and was caught by Kuan Xuan just now, maybe he would leave a clue.

However, there were no traces of his wrists.

Just when he was puzzled, in the knowledge of the sea, Lao Li said, "Don't look at it, Ku Xuan quietly left a mark on you just now."


Chen Yang was startled and asked Lao Li, "What the **** is going on?"

Lao Li groaned: "His mark is closed with a secret method. If you want to check, you can't do it now. However, you can rest assured that the mark has no effect on you."

"No effect?" Chen Yanghu doubted: "So, what does Kuan Xuan leave this mark for?"

Lao Li said: "This mark will inevitably erupt in three years. At that time, what kind of situation will be unclear.

Maybe he will find your place through the mark.

Or, the mark will obliterate you directly.

All in all, he promised Zhao Dingnan's three-year contract, and he must have kept his promise.

However, the use of imprints also gives you restrictions. "

"Before the three-year period arrives, you must find a way to lift the mark."

Chen Yang was very annoyed by the fact that an unknown mark remained in his body and he did not know what would happen three years later.

"Chen Yang, how are you?"

Seeing Chen Yang's solemn expression, without saying a word, Zhao Dingnan asked again.

Chen Yang withdrew his thoughts and looked at Ruo Lan next to him, thinking that Ruo Lan might have a way to detect the imprint in his body.

So he was imprinted by Kuan Xuan and told Ruo Lan, Zhao Dingnan and others.

The crowd frowned when they heard it.

Zhao Qingxuan Shen said: "Sure enough, Kuan Xuan's old guy won't let Chen Yang off easily."

"Mother, help Chen Yang."

Before Chen Yang asked Ruo Lan for help, Zhao Dingnan asked.

"Come with me first."

Ruo Lan glanced at Chen Yang and took Chen Yang and her four daughters to fly to the palace below.

Looking at the figure of Chen Yang, the resentment flashed in the distance to Xiang Ran's eyes, gritted his teeth, and flew quietly outside the Acura Mountains.

He thought that if Zhao Lingang took the shot himself, Chen Yang would die.

Unexpectedly, let Chen Yang escape.

None of this matters.

After seeing Ku Xuan's avatar, he has a shocking power, he has decided to go to Youzhou and join the extremely Yin Palace or Yin Temple.

He believes that with his talents, practicing the fast-developed evil ways and methods will definitely make a rapid progress.


"It can sense the imprint, but it can't determine the position, and it can't detect the attributes of the imprint."

After looking at Chen Yang's body, Ruo Lan shook his head gravely.


Zhao Dingnan exclaimed, "Mother, isn't that when the three-year period is over, Chen Yang will be killed by his grandfather?"

"Not necessarily." Ruolan groaned. "That mark is not necessarily to kill Chen Yang."

Zhao Qingxuan took the conversation: "Anyway, it will not be a good thing."

"Thank you Mother for your kindness. Since this mark cannot be resolved, leave it to him."

Chen Yang thanked Ruo Langong with his hand, and then said, "Don't bother me, everyone, this will be teleported to Tiannan Yu, there will be a period later."

"and many more."

If Lan Lan stopped Chen Yang and glanced at Zhao Qingxuan, he said, "Chen Yang, I heard Qing Xuan said, you are a real apprentice to Hao Lan, can this happen?"

"Yes," Chen Yang nodded.

If Lan Lan's eyes brightened, he said, "Is there any way you can prove this?"

It is said that the eyes of the four sisters, Zhao Qingxuan and Zhao Dingnan, are all on Chen Yang. If they can be determined that Chen Yang is a real apprentice to Hao Lan, this is definitely a significant event for their family.

However, even Zhao Dingnan was full of doubts about Chen Yang.

After all, for a figure like Hao Lan, there is no chance for Shenlong to meet his head. If he wants to meet, there is a slim chance, let alone to become his apprentice.

"Of course it can be proven."

Chen Yang's affirmative answer made Ruolan even more looking forward.

Then, Chen Yang released the broken virtual palm, and the palm shadow appeared ten meters away, making various actions with his palm.

Zhao Qingxuan glanced at Chen Yang and said, "Energy moves through the void, how can this be done?"

Zhao Qingya murmured to herself: "Without any connection, why can you control this palm shadow?"

Zhao Qingzi said nothing, but his face was full of surprise.

"This ... what is this magical power?"

Zhao Dingnan stuttered and asked, she had never seen such a magical power.

"Sure enough, sure enough ..."

If Lan was so excited, he turned to look at Chen Yang, and said joyfully, "You really are a real apprentice to Hao Lan. I have seen that Hao Lan has used it. There is no other person in Zhong Hao who except him. "

Chen Yang retracted his broken palm and said, "Yes, this is what he taught me."

"I never expected that in my lifetime, I could meet Hao Lan's real apprentice."

If Lan was delighted, he asked quickly: "Where is the real person in Hao Lan, I must thank him personally. Not only because he gave me the heritage and treasure, but also the people of Guiyuan, Tianyang, and Wuji. Now He gave peace and happiness. "

Chen Yang said: "The master is now asleep and it is not convenient to meet anyone. But my mother is assured that I will convey your thanks to him."


If Lan's face showed regret, he opened his mouth and seemed to want to ask anything, but after all he didn't speak.

The two sides exchanged for a while, and Ruo Lan sent Chen Yang a lot of practice resources, including blue star stone and extremely precious miracle.

This is all blessed with the real people of Hao Lan, otherwise Ruo Lan would never send these things.

Even if Ruolan had rescued him just now ~ ~ Chen Yang also understood that it was because Zhao Qingxuan said that he might be a real apprentice to Hao Lan, so Ruolan shot.

At the end, Ruo Lan instructed Zhao Qingxuan: "Qingxuan, you go to Tiannan Realm with Chen Yang and give him to the person who sees Yun Fendu, and let Jian Fendu send someone to help him find his sister."

Wen Yan said that Chen Yang knew that Jidian had a rudder in Tiannan.

If someone helps, it will be much more convenient.


Zhao Qingxuan took the lead and immediately took Chen Yang to the teleportation array.

"I am going too."

Zhao Dingnan stunned, but was stopped by Ruo Lan, and said in a straight line: "Tiger teeth, don't forget, within ten days, you must go to the extreme Yin palace."

"If you don't go ..."

As soon as Zhao Dingnan opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Ruo Lan: "If you don't go, the mark on Chen Yang's body may destroy Chen Yang."