My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5556: Show minions

Liao Fuquan looked at him side by side. He really couldn't understand why Zhou Weixian was so afraid of Chen Yang.

"Is Chen Yang's real state beyond Zhou Weixian?

Otherwise, with Zhou Weixian's character, he would never be so respectful.

It seems that I still underestimated Chen Yang. "

Liao Fuquan looked at Chen Yang sideways, thinking that perhaps Chen Yang had gone to Shenhai, and might really have broken out of the hall, maybe he could board the Tianhuang Island, which is out of reach.

"Remember, there are only two days."

Chen Yang gestured **** to Zhou Weixian, stood up, and planned to leave.

Although he was extremely calm, he was puzzled in his heart. Why is the Zhou family not yet taking action at this moment? Is it really just discussing with himself?

This is impossible.

"Gong Chen, stay away."

Where did Zhou Weixian let Chen Yang go, he called Chen Yang quickly, and said, "I want Chen Gongzi to have no place to stay in Linyun County. There is just one courtyard in my house, which has three acres for the son's use."

What kind of routine is this to send the house?

Next to Liao Fuquan, he felt more and more strange. Zhou Weixian was so afraid of Chen Yang that it was too late to send him away. Why did he leave Chen Yang?

He was startled and said to Chen Yang: "Chen Danshi is careful, Zhou Weixian is likely to be against you."

"I am also prepared."

Chen Yang's voice signaled Liao Fuquan to be at ease, and looked back at Zhou Weixian, and said, "Oh? When did senior Zhou become so kind, he actually gave me the house."

Zhou Weixian said: "After all, Chen Gongzi came to Linyun County for the first time. If I did n’t show anything, it would be too stingy. With this courtyard, you will have a place to stay in Linyun County in the future. The courtyard is located in Zhoufu And it will be convenient for us to get closer to you. "

"Do you still want to be close to me?" Chen Yang laughed.

Zhou Weixian can only accompany the laughter: "Chen Gongzi is talented. Of course, I hope to be close to you. I may ask Chen Gongzi for your help in the future."

"No matter how close you are, don't give me a stumbling block, I'm thankful."

Chen Yang laughed, jokingly, but scared Zhou Weixian, Zhou Kang, Zhou Haoran and others into a cold sweat.

He went out and said, "That being the case, then let me see, you guys send me my house."

"this way please."

Zhou Weixian stepped out immediately and led Chen Yang.

Fortunately, the Zhou government is large enough, and indeed there are several courtyards empty. Zhou Weixian led Chen Yang to a courtyard, which is luxuriously decorated and spotlessly cleaned daily. The plum blossoms in the courtyard are a good place.

"I wonder if Chen Gongzi is satisfied."

Zhou Weixian asked Chen Yang with a respectful smile on his face.

Chen Yang didn't enter the gate of the compound, rising up into the air, looking at the whole compound, and observing whether there was a powerful formation here.

He thought that Zhou Weixian wanted to deal with himself by using the formation method, but found that there was no formation here.

Is he thinking too much, is Zhou Weixian just trying to please himself?

"This house is good."

Chen Yangfei fell down and said to Zhou Weixian: "Thank you for your efforts."

"In this case, please ask Chen Gongzi to enter the hospital to see if he is satisfied. If there is anything that needs to be replaced, you tell me and I will get it immediately."

Seeing Chen Yang want to stay, Zhou Weixian let out a sigh of relief, secretly addressed Zhou Kang, and asked Zhou Kang to send someone to see when the county king Wan Yanhui came.

Seeing Zhou Kang quietly leave, Chen Yang thoughtfully, but did not pursue it, and Liao Fuquan and Zhou Weixian stepped into the compound and watched around.

Soon after, Zhou Kang returned and followed the crowd without saying a word, but secretly spoke to Zhou Weixian: "Father, the king's frame has already set off, and it will arrive within a tea time."

After getting this news, Zhou Weixian flashed Jingmang's eyes, then stopped, and sneered at Chen Yang walking forward.

Perceived that the atmosphere was wrong, Chen Yang looked back at Zhou Weixian and said, "Senior Zhou, why don't you leave?"

Zhou Weixian sneered and said, "Chen Yang, do you really think that I'm showing you the house?"

Seeing Zhou Weixian finally revealed his true colors, Chen Yang looked around and played with the taste: "Why, finally the reinforcements arrived?"

"Chen Yang, you're dead. You can even laugh!"

Zhou Haoran roared with gritted teeth, his eyes full of murderous intention.

"I will kill you."

Chen Yang glanced at Zhou Haoran, and then said to Zhou Weixian: "Forbearance for so long, finally waiting for the reinforcements, but it is really hard for senior Zhou."

Zhou Weixian whispered coldly: "You shine in front of me, this account, I will be clear with you."

Zhou Kang said aggressively: "Chen Yang, you made a big deal with my Zhou government yesterday, and today we want you to know that it offends my Zhou family."

"Hum, ignorant child, how dare to spread wild in my Zhou government."

"Chen Yang, you are dead."

"Can the Zhou family provoke you?"

Several other senior Zhou families also glared at Chen Yang.

The king of the county will soon arrive. In their opinion, Chen Yang will die and there is absolutely no power to return to heaven.

Looking at the menacing Zhou family, Liao Fuquan frowned, and immediately took a step, standing side by side with Chen Yang, and said to Zhou Weixian: "Brother Zhou, I don't know what Chen Yang has with you. I am willing to act as a middleman to resolve your grievances. "

"Liao Fuquan, you have to intervene in this matter."

Zhou Weixian glanced at Liao Fuquan and sank.

"Zhou Weixian, you are really arrogant." Chen Yang sneered and said, "President Liao is helping you. If you do not want to resolve the grievances, you will be killed by me. By then, the Zhou family will be It fell apart. "

"Chen Yang, you are dead."

Zhou Haoran yelled that he was almost killed by Chen Yang yesterday. At the moment, he was still weak and hated Chen Yang.

Zhou Weixian didn't take it for granted: "Chen Yang, you dare not kill us, or you started yesterday. Because, you fear the background of our Zhou family and worry that we will retaliate against Zhao Mian and Mei family when you are away. So you must never Will not kill us. Of course, now that the situation is changing, you don't have the ability ~ ~ Chen Yang laughed: "It seems that the strength of your reinforcements is not weak. "

"That's for sure." Zhou Weixian was smug and said mockingly, "I don't know the Fivefold Master, can you cure your demon slave?"

"No, that's not a demon slave." Chen Yang shook his head, and said earnestly: "He is my brother, his name is Cannon. Zhou Weixian, you remember this name, because he will kill you later. . "

"Then look at who kills who."

The more arrogant Chen Yang was, the more relieved Zhou Weixian was.

Because of this, Chen Yang would wait arrogantly for the King of Jun to appear, and he would not immediately deal with them at this moment.

In addition, after the county king defeated Chen Yang, Chen Yang's regret and fear will make Zhou Weixian feel better.

"Master Chen Dan, senior Zhou."

Liao Fuquan still did not give up, and said in full color: "Is it really impossible to resolve this matter?"