My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5698: Siege

Cheng Xiao said: "The people of the Shadowless Pirates Corps should have just been met with Chen Yang, and they were repelled by the false-headed killer whale, so Chen Yang was safe and sound. Instead, Chen Yang relied on his own strength to block the two Shadowless Pirates. Members of the Pirates. "

"It should be so." Yunbatian agreed.

Everyone talked for a while, and Zhou Yong was a little impatient. He said, "There are less than three days left before the selection of Tianhuang Island. Chen Yang has not appeared yet. Did he give up?"

Cheng Xiao faced his thoughts, and Shen said, "Maybe someone leaked the news. Chen Yang knew the action of hunting Yang, so he didn't dare to show up."

Zhou Zhouyong frowned. "This operation, I know too many people."

His voice just came down. Suddenly, Ding Yue stood up and surprised, "Come here!"

I don't know how Ding Wei got the signal. When he was in shape, he flew towards the stone palace.

None of the people present were hesitant, especially the twelve priests. The speed was incredible, and in a blink, they followed.

Immediately afterwards, Heaven Master and Earth Master acted together.

In the last stone palace, only Ren Ren and Jiang Huai stood at the door, and everyone else was gone.

"What shall we ... do?" Jiang Huai looked at 卞 tolerance and asked.

Wu Ren said: "Chasing."

The two immediately walked out of the palace. At this moment, the central command camp of Operation Lianyungang had already completely acted.

The monks brought by the four powerful forces, Luan Quanzong, the monstrous palace, the Rift Gate, and the Promise Terrace, all rushed away in one direction.

In order to hunt down Chen Yang, these forces have dispatched a large number of practitioners.

It is self-evident that the Master and Heavenly Masters have reached a thousand by the total number of Earth Masters. The lineup is powerful and the entire Shenhai is invincible.

Seeing that Ren Ren and Jiang Huai were dispatched, the staff of Yun Yun Tribe and Yufu Tribe also acted.

Such a big movement immediately attracted the attention of those around him.

When the currents surged and the practitioners hurried away, everyone knows that they must have discovered Chen Yang's whereabouts and started hunting.


Zhu Xu, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately ordered to lead the people of the Eternal Island to catch up with those of the Liyang Action Alliance.

In the Erhai Lake area, there are many other forces who have come to participate in the selection of Tianhuang Island, and they are also following closely.

Everyone thinks that there is such a huge secret in the battle of Li Xunyang, so you should check it out.

All of a sudden, the waters around Kuanglan Island boiled thoroughly.

旭 Zhu Xu was chasing after all, and suddenly found that there was a portal at the bottom of the front sea area. Everyone in Operation Yanghun passed the portal and went directly to the area where Chen Yang was.

剩下 But the rest cannot use portals.


Zhu Xu frowned, thinking for a moment, and immediately ordered the soldiers to divide into two paths, searching for the ring area where the formation method was set, and looking for Chen Yang's whereabouts.

Uh ...

After coming out of Haixin Realm, Chen Yang went straight to Kuanglan Island.

He is full of confidence in boarding Tianhuang Island.

However, when approaching Kuanglan Island, he found that there were many practitioners hidden in the distant sea.

This is weird. Come to participate in the selection of Tianhuang Island. You should be stationed at Kuanglan Island. What are these people hiding under the sea?

After careful observation, Chen Yang immediately discovered that a ring-shaped area surrounded the entire Kuanglan Island.

If you want to enter Kuanglan Island, you must pass through the circular area.

继续 He continued to observe, and finally determined that the ring area has a matrix method, which can be detected, manifested, and targeted.

"They are looking for someone?"

Chen Yang was puzzled, and secretly said, "Who are they looking for in such a big battle?"

He didn't think that he was looking for him after making such a big noise.

So he didn't think much, and flew straight ahead.

The ring-shaped area, about five miles wide, can pass through in an instant.

However, when Chen Yang passed through the ring-shaped area, he could sense that the force of matrix formation acted on himself and felt his energy.

"This is catching me!"

Chen Yang was startled, but he never expected that the other party was dealing with such a big deal.

Although he made some troubles, putting him in the entire Shenhai is a trivial role after all. After he saw it, the other party made some big problems.

"The Rift Valley Gate? Wujitai?"

Chen Yang speculated in his heart, and immediately accelerated to fly forward, thinking that as long as he boarded Kuanglan Island, the other party would not dare to treat him.

狂 After all, Kuanglan Island belongs to the Tianhuang Island.

Alas, as soon as he acted, there were dozens of practitioners in the sea, rising up into the air and approaching him.

Not all the masters of the Li Xunyang operation gathered in the command camp.

Many people are distributed in the ring area, ready to arrest Chen Yang at any time.

中 Among the dozens of people who appeared at this moment, there were several Jiu Ji divisions, who were aggressive and encircled, and did not give Chen Yang any space to escape.

From the dress of these monks, Chen Yang saw that they came from at least three different forces.

Chen Yang was puzzled. In addition to Wujitai and Rift Gate, there are still people dealing with himself?

Alas, this is only the first wave of chasing.

Later, there must be stronger practitioners.

Squinting at the other side's posture, he couldn't hide himself. Chen Yang took the initiative and opened the door to the small world with his palm, so he wanted to enter it.

As long as he hid in a small world, no matter how strong a master, he can't help him.

Unless, like the false-headed killer whale, is born with the ability to disturb the void.

At the moment Chen Yang opened the door to the small world, suddenly, a starburst struck from the bottom of the sea. The power was not too strong and very gentle, but the speed was extremely fast.

Chen Yang had no time to respond, let alone enter the small world of the wrath of the sky, people have been hit by the star.

Peng Xingmang didn't burst ~ ~ Instead, it turned into a cloud-like current, rushing Chen Yang directly into the sky.

门 The gate of the small world, the size of Chen Yang's palm, stayed in place and was not affected by Xingmang.

Conversely, some of the star power entered the small world of the wrath of the sky through the gate of the small world.

"What's that? It's devouring energy."

"There is a faint space fluctuation, isn't the portal impossible?"

Everyone present was puzzled.

Hey, hey ...

The sound of the gurgling water rang and saw hundreds of people rising from the bottom of the sea, forming a spherical encircling circle instantly, enclosing the Chen Yang group without leaving a gap.

Chen Yang suffered only minor injuries and the opponent was strong, but apparently he was trying to catch a living.

The water under his body gradually dissipated. When his body was stable, he had been blocked in the center by the crowd and had nowhere to go.

He glanced at his practitioners, twelve priests, dozens of heavenly masters, and hundreds of top masters.

This battle frightened him suddenly.

What's the situation, have all the strong men of Shenhai come?

He was puzzled for a while, didn't understand what he did, and caused so many strong people.

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