My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5780: not dead

The 27 teams all respect Sun Weiyao.

见 At this moment, when he saw his face stubborn, everyone stopped arguing and followed him to support Yin He.

When the veins came out, Chen Yang stopped and said to Sun Weiyao, "Brother Sun, I am waiting for you on the east bank."

Sun Weiyao's authority was challenged, but he was helpless.

After all, it is Chen Yang's credit that everyone can live now.

What's more, Yin He's attitude towards Chen Yang is indeed not worthy of Chen Yang's support. It is unreasonable to force Chen Yang to act.


Sun Weiyao nodded and led everyone away.

Other people don't want to go, but they dare not speak.

I waited for the 27th team to rush over, Yin He had led the Zhengxuan disciples, and had a fight with Mancharol and others.

Yun Yinhe was very clever. After learning that the formation method changed, he didn't take the shot immediately, but waited for a while to see someone in the Night Demon clan react.

After all, shooting ahead of time will only cause the other party ’s alertness, and it will not weaken the other party ’s strength to the extreme.

When the shot was delayed and the Night Devil knew the effect of the life decline array, Yin He and others could not achieve the unexpected effect.

So, he shot the moment when the other party found out, it was the perfect time.

Although there are more than 30 Night Demon clan, Yin He secretly transmitted the sound and made a perfect arrangement. Their first wave of attacks killed nine Night Demon clan.

Soon, the two sides fought.

Some of the Night Demon clan have not discovered any changes in their bodies. They have taken the initiative to attack, but have been killed because they cannot exert their full power.

Therefore, after the war, the number of the Night Devil clan has dropped by fifteen, and only about one person can fight.

At this time, they also found abnormalities on their bodies, knowing that the life-depleting array had acted on themselves.

"what happened?"

Mansalore was always looking for Chen Yang, and suddenly found that he was fighting, and that the Night Devil had suffered heavy losses. He was taken aback.

Soon after, he discovered that there was a problem with the life decline, and his combat strength plummeted.

Suddenly he realized that Chen Yang must be secretly breaking the battle, but he was still looking for Chen Yang outside.

He immediately turned in the direction and flew towards the cave where the eyes were.

But as soon as he acted, Yin He was stopped.

Yinhe's combat power recovered, but the opponent's combat power weakened. At this moment, he was angry and yelled: "Mansharoll, I Yinhe today, I will take the following grams and take your life!"

"It's up to you, how can you fight it? Huh! You can have the current situation, it's the guy named Chen Yang!"

Mancharoll sighed coldly, without fear, rushing forward.

Although the combat power has been weakened a lot, but Mansharol has deep foundations. Instead of being smashed like other Night Demon clan, he is inextricably linked with Yin He.

Hearing that Manchalol put credit on Chen Yang's head, Yin He was even more angry and more aggressive.

Mansalol originally wanted to rescue his subordinates, but at a glance the situation was gone, there was no sense of continuing the fight, he no longer responded, but retreated.

At this moment, the people of the twenty-seven team happened to catch up, and Sun Weiyao immediately joined the battle and stopped Mancharol.

For others, they blocked the escape routes of other Nocturne.

For a while, the team in the garrison formed a siege circle against the Nocturne, leaving no gap.

He Mansalore did not give up, and in the case of weakened combat power, he fought against Yin He and Sun Weiyao.

The effect of Xuan Kemei's decline is horrible. Even if he is bloody, he can't compete with each other.

He was inexhaustible in his heart. If he changed to the past, he could confidently flick his fingers and kill Yin He and Sun Weiyao.

He can't help today.

It made him feel aggrieved and angry.

I banged.

Finally, Yin He's sword dealt a fatal blow to Mancharol.

Mansalore was raging in blood, fell down, and fell into the jungle. He didn't know if it was dead or alive.

Other battles are also over.

The crowd gathered, except for a few who were slightly injured, and no one was injured.

"It's so thrilling. If it weren't for life, we would have been taken away by the Night Devil."

"It should be Brother Chen changed the formation, right?"

"Where is Brother Chen, I want to thank him in person, why isn't he here?"

What made Sun Weiyao and others unexpected was that everyone who had targeted Chen Yang at the moment was grateful to Chen Yang at this moment, and the changes were a little bit unacceptable.

"Brother Sun, do you know the whereabouts of Brother Chen?"

Yun Yinhe stepped forward and asked Sun Weiyao actively.

Sun Weiyao looked at Yin He in surprise, and then said, "He is waiting for us on the East Bank."

Upon hearing this, Yin He secretly said: "Sure enough, the formation is a mutation, not his ability. Otherwise, how could he arrive at the East Bank so quickly and wait."

Even though Yun thought so, Yin He said on the surface: "I had blame Brother Chen before. If he didn't help, we would be afraid of falling into the hands of the enemy."

I looked at Yin He sincerely, and Sun Weiyao and others were surprised.

The characteristics of Yin Yin Ao Jiao's pride and rigidity have been revealed before.

怎么 How can such a person admit the credit of others?

However, since Yin He said so, no one else can refute it.

As for what he meant, Sun Weiyao speculated that maybe he thinks that Chen Yang has great potential and wants to get back with Chen Yang.

Sun Weiyao took the initiative to speak for Chen Yang and said: "Brother Chen is taking great risks ~ ~ to go to break the battle, and it is also based on the fellowship of everyone. Before you have any holiday with Brother Chen, please also Brother Yin is forgiving. "

"I blame him wrongly." Yin He blamed himself.

Sun Weiyao said: "We dealt with the Night Demon corpse as soon as possible, then went to the East Bank to meet with Chen Shidi and returned to the outpost."

Everyone acted, Yin He and Sun Weiyao flew over to the area where Mancharoll fell.

He gradually approached, and they sensed the energy fluctuations of Mansalol. Then they knew that Mansalol had not died.

Yin He flew straight ahead, intending to capture Mansalore alive, which is another great credit.

But when he approached, suddenly, Mancharoler rose into the air, flew towards the East Bank at a very fast speed, and roared: "Chen Yang, you killed me, I want to kill you!"

The person who hated him most was not Yin He or Sun Weiyao, but Chen Yang.

他 In his opinion, the culprit that caused the Night Devils' defeat was the guy named Chen Yang.

At this moment, he uses the secret method of death, with only one purpose, to reach the east bank as fast as possible, and kill Chen Yang.

"not good."

Squinting as Mansharoll rushed to the east bank, Sun Weiyao showed anxiety and immediately caught up.

Wu Yinhe also approached with full force.

But to their astonishment, the severely injured and weakened Mansalore broke out at the speed of the heyday, but they couldn't keep up.