My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5781: Don't be overwhelmed

As the tambourine island's east coast is being bombarded by Mansharoll's powerful forces, the entire island is sinking, and the coastline water continues to rise.

不 Can't wait long, the entire tambourine island will sink below the sea surface, this island once rich in mineral resources will completely disappear on the sea line.

Chen Yang sat on a boulder and closed his eyes, waiting for Yin He, Sun Weiyao and others to arrive.

Suddenly, a strong intention to kill came from the west.

Chen Yang turned his head and saw that Mansharoll, who was covered with blood, spread out his wide bat wings and came towards him at a very fast speed.

"Mystery of Speed?"

阳 Chen Yang raised an eyebrow and did not evade, reaching out and grabbing at Mancharoll.

Mancharoll yelled, "Chen Yang, I want to tear you up!"

As soon as the chanting voice fell, a gap opened in the void, a huge palm stretched out, lingering around the fire dragon law, and grabbed Mancharol.

With such a mighty power, Mansalore could not resist at all and was completely trapped in the palm of his hand.

He broke out with the strongest power, and thought he could kill Chen Yang unexpectedly.

I do n’t know, a palm shadow appearing from the void caught him directly.

Is there a master to protect Chen Yang secretly?

Xun just when he thought so, but saw Chen Yang's outstretched palm, holding it lightly.

At the same time, grabbing his palm shadow suddenly closed.

Suddenly, severe pain came, and Mancharol's consciousness gradually blurred.

Suddenly before the consciousness disappeared, he finally understood that Chen Yang's true combat power was simply not something he could compete with.

The other party is very strong and extremely strong.

Even if you don't die, you are not your opponent.

I banged.

Mansalore was pinched, Chen Yang lowered his palm, and his broken palm disappeared immediately.

"Brother Chen!"

"Mansalore stop!"

At this time, Yin He and Sun Weiyao rushed forward.

They thought that before the death of Mansalore, Chen Yang would be in danger.

But at this moment, Mansharoll, who should be in a strong position, was distorted and dead.

Sun Weiyao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was worried just now, for fear that the outbreak of Mansalol was too fast, even if Chen Yang had the rule of seven mirrors, it was too late.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?"

Sun Weiyao asked Chen Yang as he landed beside Chen Yang.

"It's all right," Chen Yang said.

At this time, Zhai Xuren, Yan Wen and others all came over.

At first glance Mansalol was dead, and they all thought that Yin He and Sun Weiyao joined forces to kill.

Although Mancharol may not be able to catch up with Chen Yang, they helped Chen Yang in time.

At this time, Sun Weiyao asked Chen Yang: "Why did Mancharol suddenly die?"

Suddenly died?

I heard that everyone knew that Mansalol had died suddenly.

Chen Yang explained casually: "He should be back secretion of secret method, energy conflict in the body, causing back death and death."

Although speaking casually, this reason is very good.

After all, the speed of Mansharol's outbreak was terrible, and the general secret method definitely cannot support it, and the stronger the secret method, the greater the loss to the body.

Mansalore had fallen in power and was seriously injured. It was logical to be backswept using secret methods.

"He actually wanted to kill Brother Chen, this is what he deserved."

Yinhe glanced at Mansharoll's body, and then walked to Chen Yang, with guilt on her face, and said, "Brother Chen, thank you for your help. I misunderstood before, I hope you don't count on the former."

Seeing this, Chen Yang was surprised.

Such a person as Yun Yinhe would actually thank him and apologize. He would not believe that he was killed.

What's the idea of ​​this sinister guy?

Could you hold me first, wait for me to take it lightly, and then suddenly kill me and rob Starstone?

"It seems that he saw me can even get rid of Mancharol, so he made this strategy and wanted to surprise him and prevent me from escaping."

Chen Yang sneered, and concluded Yin He's strategy.

Seeing that he did not respond, Yin He arched his hand: "Brother Chen, I was indeed wrong before. You do n’t forgive me, I can understand. However, I will remember your kindness to save me. If in the future, you can be useful My place, just say a word, I will do my best. "

出口 These words came out, and even Sun Weiyao, Lu Na, and others felt that they were too much.

But they couldn't see what medicine was sold in Yin He Gourd.

"It doesn't matter, I am a magnanimous person."

Chen Yang smiled at Yin He, and then said, "Brother Yin, don't blame me for saying you. You are arrogant, self-assertive, self-righteous, low-powered, arrogant, vicious-hearted ... In short, you have many shortcomings. "

Xun Wenyan said, Yin He's mouth twitched, and his heart was angry.

The others were bewildered and did not expect that Chen Yang actually accused.

I did n’t wait for everyone to return to my mind, Chen Yang continued, "But as long as you know what you can do wrong, the above shortcomings are nothing."

Yun Yinhe suppressed the killing in her heart, and smiled, and said to Chen Yang: "Brother Chen, right, I will correct it later."

"Bitch can teach."

Chen Yang nodded his head in appreciation, saying, "However, I want to remind you that you must be consistent in words and deeds. If you are behind a conspiracy method ~ ~ next time, I will not let you go."

The words were so loud that everyone was a little uncomfortable.

Although Chen Yang showed amazing evasion ability against Mansalore, it was not so arrogant with Yin He?

Even Sun Weiyao couldn't stand it anymore, saying, "Brother Chen, since Brother Yin has already apologized, the previous things will not be investigated."

"Brother Sun is right, but I'm afraid that some people have a grudge."

Chen Yang smiled and glanced at Zhai Xuren and others.

Yun Yinhe quickly spread a secret message, and Zhai Xuren immediately stood up and arched out, "Brother Chen, we were wrong before. Please forgive me before you pass."

几 Several others also apologized to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled: "I'm not a chicken-belly person. I look at Brother Sun's face, and I don't care about it. However, if anyone wants to deal with me again, I sincerely remind you not to be overwhelmed."

"Okay, let's set off quickly." Sun Weiyao rounded the field and said, "If you wait any longer, the Ye Mo tribe will be afraid to catch up again."

Everyone acted and returned to the outpost of Zhengxuanism on the Haijian Line.

Looking at Chen Yang's back, Zhai Xuren said, "Brother Yin, Chen Yang is so hateful, I want to break him up!"

Deep in the eyes of Tong Yinhe, there was a thick resentment and murderous intention, and he said, "Don't worry, when you reach a safe area, I will secretly send you a voice. Let ’s take a shot together and kill Sun Weiyao and all others!"