My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5795: Real combat power

When I saw four Chen Yangs, only one of them was left. Mo Tingshan flashed a happy look and sneered up with a sneer: "Chen Yang, you're careless. In such a dangerous situation, you have lost patience and exposed the body!" "

It turned out that Mo Tingshan's impatience and anger just showed to Chen Yang just now, but he didn't do it. He was waiting for Chen Yang to move first, then look for the opportunity, and then make a man.

But he didn't expect that Chen Yang was so stupid that he directly put away the mirror and revealed the body, wouldn't it, give him a chance to attack.


Moting Shan roared, almost squeezing his energy, and released the most powerful one-strike swordman, and shortened the distance with "eight steps to follow the shadow" and Chen Yang, thereby reducing the time that the swordman was in the air and avoiding Chen Yang releases the mirror to dodge the sword.

的 The situation at the moment is under the control of Mo Tingshan.

Sunda and Chen Yang were only ten meters apart. At such a close distance, Jianmang was cut off. Chen Yang had no time to release the mirror image, only to be crushed into slag.

Rumble ...

Xi Jianmang rang like a thunder, and with the mighty power, went straight to Chen Yang.

At such a short distance, Mo Tingshan is full of consciousness at any time. At this moment, he is certain that Chen Yang is the body, not a mirror image.

This difficult guy, because of arrogance, will finally be killed by himself.

For a moment, Mo Tingshan's heart was a little excited, with a faint smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang didn't capture his hand, and used the palm technique that shuttled the void just now, blocking the shadow of the fire dragon's palm in front of him in order to resist the sword.

掌 The power of this palm shadow is very strong, and it is difficult for ordinary Jiuzhong division to resist.

However, based on this palm image, he wants to resist the strongest blow from Moting Mountain. In his opinion, it is just a joke.

Chen Yang has reached the end of his dead end and has nothing to do.

As soon as the palm shadow broke, it was the moment when Chen Yang's body was broken.

Suddenly, the situation changed, and the palm shadow was shaking at a very fast speed, making a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, the sound stopped, and the palm shadow seemed to stop shaking.

Oddly, the palm shadow seemed to be layered, and there seemed to be many palm shadows overlapping.

Alas, those are all afterimages.

At this moment, Chen Yang used the broken virtual palm and blessed the broken virtual palm.


The sword sword blasted on the palm shadow. The expected picture of Mo Tingshan did not appear. The palm shadow was not penetrated. Instead, the sword sword trembled. After the vibration, the energy turned into particles, losing cohesion and impact.

Soon, a boom, Jianmang burst.

On the contrary, although the energy has been weakened, it has not been impacted, and the energy is instantly compensated and restored to a perfect state.

"what happened?"

Momo Tingshan was so frightened that he couldn't believe that his full blow was blocked by Chen Yang's front.

In other words, Chen Yang's power is above him!

If this is the case, then why didn't Chen Yang take a direct shot before, just dodging, just teasing himself?

I hate it, this guy is really hateful!

Momo Tingshan was angry, but more shocked. When looking at Chen Yang, in addition to jealousy, there was a hint of fear.

It is impossible for a person who has completely suppressed his strength and speed to overcome himself.


At this moment, Mo Tingshan only had this idea.

He turned without hesitation.

But he just moved, the void behind him cracked, and a broken palm containing sound attributes appeared, grabbing at him.

Even when he appeared in "Eight Steps to Follow the Shadow", he avoided the broken palms and played to the extreme speed and went straight to the direction of Zhengxuan.

Only when entering Zhengxuanism is it safe.

"You can't get away."

阳 Chen Yang's eyes flashed through the cold mang, and his virtual palms were mapped one after another. When the eighth step of Mo Ting Shan's "Eight Steps" was exhausted, he caught up with Mo Ting Shan and held it with one palm.

Because the broken virtual palm blessed the sound attribute, even if Chen Yang did not exert force, the power of the palm shadow would shock and oppress Mo Tingshan.


The severe pain caused Mo Tingshan to make a terrible cry.

His self-confidence and arrogance, all crushed at this moment, his face full of begging, shouting: "Brother Chen, forgive me, forgive me ..."

Before he finished speaking, the palm shadow clenched, his body became distorted, and under the shock of the sound properties, the whole person was crushed into particles and finally turned into powder.

Chen Yang put away his broken palm, took a right-handed move, took away Mo Tingshan's appetite, and then looked in the direction of Yan Wen.

To his surprise, Yan Wen had already left.

Following the energy fluctuations left by Yan Wen, he traced all the way to a city.

Although the energy surge of various attributes in Wucheng is complicated, Chen Yang can still distinguish Yan Wen's energy.

But Yan Wen seems to have a secret method to hide energy, and Chen Yang even lost it.

"Forget it, a small role, not to worry about."

Although Chen Yang hated Yan Wen, he didn't want to waste time tracking the little man and turned back to Zhengxuan.

He just stepped into his valley and saw Shan Yuxin rushing forward, nervously, "Brother Chen, fortunately, you haven't been to Fuyuanting, or you will not be fighting against Moting Mountain. You must not be his opponent.

I thought about it for a long time and finally came up with a countermeasure.

As long as you participate in the selection of Xuan Cang disciples, with your talent, you will inevitably become Xuan Cang disciples.

At that time, Mo Tingshan must not dare to treat you ~ ~ Chen Yang asked: "Where are you, will Mo Tingshan let you go?"

Shan Yuxin smiled bitterly and said, "I have no direct conflict with him, and he has no evidence to prove that Feng Jianyang's death is related to us. He should ... will not kill me. Of course, I hope Brother Brother Chen can become a disciple of Xuan Cang. Can bless me. "

"Although you are dissatisfied with me, you are still loyal, and of course I will bless you."

阳 Chen Yang smiled and waved, "You can go back in peace, I have solved the trouble of Mo Tingshan."

Su Shan Yuxin face unexpectedly, and joyfully said: "You and Mo Tingshan have negotiated? You did not participate in the selection of Xuan Cang disciples, did he reconcile with you?"

"No." Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I just returned from Fu Yuanting."

Wu Shanyuxin stunned, did not understand the meaning of Chen Yang's words, and solemnly said: "Mo Tingshan is going to kill you, but you are alive from Fuyuanting. What is going on?"

Chen Yang said: "I gave Mo Tingshan the opportunity to choose. Unfortunately, he chose to die."

什么 "What, you ... you killed Mo Tingshan!"

She Shanyuxin was horrified. Although she admired Chen Yang's combat ability and talent, she never thought that Chen Yang could kill Moujian, a ninth division.

Yi heavy division, kill the nine heavy division.

how can that be?

Wu Shanyuxin was silent, with a look of sudden realization, and asked, "Brother Chen, have you invited a helper?"